The Seminar archive is currently being redesigned
Below you will find the list of Seminars since 2010. Video recordings before 2014 are currently not available. If there is a specific Seminar recording that you would like to view please contact Kirsty Robbins
mm/dd/yyyy | Seminar | Recording permissions |
02/09/2025 | A Collaborative Dialogue on Educational Justice with Dr. Özlem Sensoy Speaker(s): Dr. Özlem Sensoy | Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University. Inaugural Director, Cassidy Centre for Educational Justice Associate Faculty, Department of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, SFU. Associate Faculty, Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies, History Department, SFU. Seminar Poster | |
11/29/2024 | Myth, Manhood, and Curriculum: Towards Truth, Self-Cultivation, and Reparation Speaker(s): Dr. James P. Burns | College of Education and Human Sciences, University of New Mexico, USA Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
09/27/2024 | Journeying through corn: Articulating a Haudenosaunee consciousness of renewal and curriculum Speaker(s): Dr. Kiera Brant-Birioukov | Faculty of Education, York University Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
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04/29/2022 | Enacting critical and place-based pedagogies in Bay Area youth sports projects: A capital and field analysis Speaker(s): Dr. Matthew Atencio | California State University, East Bay, USA; and Dr. E. Missy Wright | California State University, East Bay, USA Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
03/25/2022 | Portrait of an Antiracist, Hypermasculine Black Male Pedagogue: Race, Gender (Performance), and Antiracist Pedagogy in U.S. Teacher Education Speaker(s): Dr. Esther Ohito | Rutgers University, USA Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
11/26/2021 | Reflective, Transformative, and Relational Practices in Integrating Arts Curriculum Speaker(s): Dr. Yichien Cooper | Washington State University, USA Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
10/29/2021 | Curricular Reverberations: Articulating an Educational Sound Studies in Theory and Practice Speaker(s): Dr. Walter S. Gershon | Rowan University, New Jersey, USA Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
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02/25/2020 | Curriculum and Structural Violence: Teaching Social Studies in Latin America’s Secondary Schools Speaker(s): Dr. Sebastián Plá | National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
09/20/2019 | STEM Outcomes of Second-Generation Israeli Immigrant Students with High-Skilled Parental Backgrounds Speaker(s): Dr. Svetlana Chachashvili-Bolotin | Ruppin Academic Center, Israel Seminar Poster | No recording permission |
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03/29/2019 | Soil, Soul, Society: Regeneration From The Vital-Core Speaker(s): Dr. Heesoon Bai | Professor, Simon Fraser University, Canada Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
02/22/2019 | The Impact of a Shared Vision on the Culture of a School District Speaker(s): Dianne Turner | formerly Superintendent of the Delta School district, Chief Educator for the province of British Columbia, Official Trustee and Special Advisor of the VSB educational leadership consultant Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
02/22/2019 | Gwen E. Leslie Memorial Health Protection Lecture Speaker(s): Dr. Nancy Turner | Emeritus Professor, University of Victoria, Canada Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
01/25/2019 | Stages of Life and Stages of Career for Education Faculty: A Discussion with Educators Speaker(s): Paul Shaker | Professor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
12/14/2018 | Doll’s Challenge to Educators: Ferrying the Ghost of Curricular Control to the Other Side, Awakening Inspiriting Curricular Practices Speaker(s): Margaret Macintyre Latta | Okanagan School of Education, Canada Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
11/30/2018 | Education for the Creative Economy: A Pan-Canadian Conversation on the Role of the Arts in Re-Imagining Teacher Identity Speaker(s): Mr. Mitchell McLarnon, Ms. Layal Shuman, Dr. Pauline Sameshima, Dr. Kathryn Ricketts, and Dr. Sean Wiebe Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
11/20/2018 | Art Education curriculum in Thailand including Thai traditional art: A reflection on teaching and learning Speaker(s): Dr. Khanobbhorn Sangvanich Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
11/16/2018 | Transforming Your Practice Through Self-study: Tales of Experience Speaker(s): Drs. Alan Ovens and Dawn Garbett | University of Auckland, Australia Seminar Poster | No recording permission |
mm/dd/yyyy | Seminar | Recording permissions |
07/31/2013 | Historizing Pedagogy Speaker(s): Dr. Gert Biesta, University of Luxembourg Seminar Poster | |
04/11/2013 | The Pedagogical Folds of NIAL-A-PEND-DE-QUACY-IN Speaker(s): Dr. Taylor Webb, Dr. Lisa Loutzenheiser Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
03/14/2013 | Thoughts on Indigenous Pedagogies Speaker(s): Dr. Bryan Brayboy, Arizona State University Seminar Recording | Seminar Poster | |
02/14/2013 | Disciplining Pedagogies: A Conversation Speaker(s): Dr. Samia Khan, Dr. Donal O Donoghue, Dr. Scott Goble Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
12/13/2012 | Decolonizing Pedagogies of Complacency Speaker(s): Drs. H. Gill, M. Marker and O. Sensoy Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
12/10/2012 | Promoting Active and Healthy Lifestyle through the Constructivist Approach: A Hong Kong Experience Speaker(s): Dr. Amy Ha (Chinese University of Hong Kong) co-hosted by KIN and EDCP Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
11/08/2012 | Launching the 2012-2013 Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy Seminar Series: Theorizing Pedagogy Speaker(s): Drs. L. Farr Darling, K. Meyer and J. Butler Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
10/27/2012 | Reform of Physical Education in China Speaker(s): Dr. Xiaozan Wang Co-sponsored by EDCP and School of Kinesiology Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
10/29/2012 | Tracing Lines of Flights: Flows and Intensities of Children Drawing Speaker(s): Dr. Christine Thompson (Pennsylvania State University) Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
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05/17/2012 | Student teachers’ practical knowledge: how to approach the study of mentoring conversations Speaker(s): Dr. Juan-José Mena Marcos (University of Salamanca) Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
05/10/2012 | Showcasing Research by EDCP Recent Ph.D. Graduates Speaker(s): Drs. Douglas Adler and Marian Archibald Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
04/4/2012 | Science Student Teachers’ Struggles with and Learning about Classroom Action Research during Their Field Experiences Speaker(s): Dr. C. Faikhamta (Kasetsart University, Thailand) Seminar Poster | No recording permission | |
03/23/2012 | * Pinar 2011-2012 Seminar Series Currriculum as Wayfinding Speaker(s): Dr. C. Chambers Note: seminar cancelled Seminar Poster | No Recording permission | |
03/15/2012 | Social and Epistemological Dimensions of a Social Justice Approach to Teacher Education Speaker(s): Dr. K. Zeichner (University of Washington – Seattle) Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
03/09/2012 | * Pinar 2011-2012 Seminar Series Pragmatism, Post-Modernism, Complexity Theory: The Collected Works of William E. Doll, Jr. Speaker(s): Drs. W. Doll, Jr., D. Trueit, W. Pinar Seminar Poster | No Recording permission | |
03/01/2012 | Is There An Historical Mission For Teacher Education? Or Is It Too Late? Speaker(s): Dr. Hans Smits (University of Calgary) Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
02/10/2012 | * Pinar 2011-2012 Seminar Series Multiculturalism, Nationality, Cosmopolitanism Speaker(s): Dr. William Pinar Seminar Poster | No Recording permission | |
02/08/2012 | Standpoints, Ways of Knowing and Other Dangerous Things: A Panel Discussion of Levisohn & Phillip’s “Charting the Reefs: A Map of Multicultural Epistemology. Speaker(s): Drs. P. Cole, P. Seixas, C. Ruitenberg, J. Stewart No recording permission | |
01/73/2012 | * Pinar 2011-2012 Seminar Series Phantom Traces: The Implications of W.G. Sebald’s ‘Coincidences’ for Memory, Autobiography and Currere in Canadian Curriculum Studies Speaker(s): Dr. Teresa Strong-Wilson (McGill University) Seminar Poster | No Recording permission | |
01/12/2012 | Professional Autonomy: Discrertion and Responsibility in K–12 Public Education Speaker(s): Drs. S. Ferguson, C. Naylor, P. Essex, B. Patenaude No recording permission | |
11/25/2011 | * Pinar 2011-2012 Seminar Series Does It Still Illuminate? Progressive Education, and the History of Educational Studies in Canada Speaker(s): Dr. Theodore Christou (University of New Brunwick) Seminar Poster | No Recording permission | |
11/18/2011 | * Pinar 2011-2012 Seminar Series Allegories of the Present Curriculum Development in a Culture of Narcissism and Presentism Speaker(s): Dr. William Pinar Seminar Poster | No Recording permission | |
10/28/2011 | * Pinar 2011-2012 Seminar Series Questioning Canadian Curriculum Theory: Currere, Denkbild, and Aesthetics Speaker(s): Dr. Nicholas Ng-A-Fook (University of Ottawa) Seminar Poster | Seminar Recording | |
10/14/2011 | * Pinar 2011-2012 Seminar Series Nationalism, Anti-Americanism, Canadian Identity: Two Moments in Canadian Curriculum Studies Speaker(s): Dr. William Pinar Seminar Poster | | |
09/29/2011 | Reflections and Questions on the faculty summer visit to Dadaab Refugee Camp in North-Eastern Kenya Speaker(s): Drs. Nashon, Belliveau, Jordan, Loutzenheiser, Melville, Meyer, Milner-Bolotin, Nicol No recording permission | |
09/23/2011 | * Pinar 2011-2012 Seminar Series Disciplinarity and the Internationalization of Curriculum Studies Speaker(s): Dr. William Pinar Seminar Poster | No Recording permission |
mm/dd/yyyy | Seminar | Recording permissions |
05/19/2011 | Arithmetic, Population and Energy; Sustainability 101 Speaker(s): Dr. Albert Bartlett (University of Colorado at Boulder) No recording permission | |
05/12/2011 | Five years’ Struggle to Teach Science to Students with Disabilities Speaker(s): Dr. Daniel Cha (Daegu University, South Korea) No recording permission | |
04/28/2011 | Think & Eat Green @ School Speaker(s): Dr. Alejandro Rojas (Land & Food Systems, UBC) No recording permission | |
03/10/2011 | Amelie: “Call me Peter!” participant representation in research projects Speaker(s): Beatrice Partel (PhD student, Faculty of Education in Innsbruck, Austria) No recording permission | |
02/10/2011 | Methodologies: Truth, Lies and Indeterminacies (and Everything Else) Speaker(s): Drs. Bryson, Cole, Ercikan, Webb, Zumbo No recording permission | |
12/07/2010 | Exploring the Educational Determinants of Human Ingenuity Speaker(s): Dr. Ronald Hansen (University of Western Ontario) No recording permission | |
11/03/2010 | Teacher Education Research Seminarco-hosted by CSTE and EDCP Whatever happened to curriculum theory in teacher education Introduction: Dr. Anne Phelan (UBC) | |
11/03/2010 | Teacher Education Research Seminarco-hosted by CSTE and EDCP Whatever happened to curriculum theory in teacher education Keynote Address: Dr. Janet Miller (Columbia University, New York) | |
11/03/2010 | Teacher Education Research Seminarco-hosted by CSTE and EDCP Whatever happened to curriculum theory in teacher education Panel Presentation: Dr. Peter Grimmett (SFU) Seminar Recording | |
11/03/2010 | Teacher Education Research Seminarco-hosted by CSTE and EDCP Whatever happened to curriculum theory in teacher education Panel Presentation: Dr. Alice Pitt (York University) Seminar Recording | |
11/03/2010 | Teacher Education Research Seminarco-hosted by CSTE and EDCP Whatever happened to curriculum theory in teacher education Panel Presentation: Dr. William F. Pinar (UBC) Seminar Recording | |
11/03/2010 | Teacher Education Research Seminarco-hosted by CSTE and EDCP Whatever happened to curriculum theory in teacher education Group Discussion Seminar Recording | |
09/23/2010 | Motivation for Learning Speaker(s): Dr. David Palmer (University of Newcastle, Australia) No recording permission |
mm/dd/yyy | Seminar | Recording permissions |
01/13/2010 | The Worldliness of Jane Addams’ Cosmopolitan Education Speaker(s): Dr. William Pinar Co-sponsored by CCFI, CFIS, EDCP, EDST Seminar Poster |