Find jobs, build your career
The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP) offers various opportunities for employment, most commonly for part-time teaching or supervision in the teacher education program. We encourage interested Sessional (part-time faculty) and Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) applicants to apply for specific positions advertised below. For policies used for hiring within the Department, please refer to the Sessional policy and GTA policy.
Applicants interested in tenure track, full-time faculty positions are encouraged to periodically browse this page, the Faculty of Education’s Job Postings , and UBC’s Department of Human Resources . The Department also advertises periodically for Adjunct Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellows. Seconded (from School Board) Faculty positions are advertised by the Teacher Education Office . Potential staff should refer to Human Resources .
The University of British Columbia is committed to the principles of Employment Equity and we welcome applications from all qualified candidates. In January 2007, EDCP approved an Affirmative Action Plan and committed to accommodating diversity in hiring practices with systemic changes in culture and curriculum of certificate, diploma, teacher education, and graduate programs. People of aboriginal descent, members of visible minorities, and people with disabilities are invited to identify themselves as members of these designated groups. Please feel free to use the Voluntary Declaration form and attach to this to your cover letter or resumé.
Note: Due to the number of applications we receive, we are unable to confirm receipt of submissions over the phone or through the mail, nor can we provide the status of applicants except to those who are selected for an interview.
Also, due to scheduling and workload changes and plans within the Department, deadlines for applications may change and new job postings may be uploaded. We will try to indicate these changes but it is the responsibility of potential applicants to check the website periodically for changes.
Advertisements: Deadline for applications are noted within each posting.
Full-Time Faculty (Tenure Track)
- OPEN | Submit complete applications by: October 15, 2024 (extended)
Assistant Professor of Teaching (tenure-track) in Business Education
- CLOSED | Faculty of Education Tenure-stream Positions for Black Scholars
- CLOSED | Associate Professor or Professor in Art Education
- CLOSED| Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Art Education
- CLOSED | Lecturer in Business Education
- CLOSED | Open Rank Professor in Home Economics Education
- CLOSED | Assistant Professor of Teaching in Social Studies Education
- CLOSED | Associate Professor or Professor with tenure in Critical Perspectives in Arts-Based Educational Research (ABER)
- CLOSED | Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Refugee Education
- CLOSED | Assistant Professor in Indigenous Curriculum and Pedagogies
Full-Time Lecturer
- CLOSED | Lecturer in Business Education
- CLOSED | Business Education
Instructor Positions
No current positions
Sessional Positions
- OPEN | Summer/Winter | EDCP 590
- CLOSED | Winter Term | EDCP 562
- CLOSED | Winter Term 1 EDUC 450B 305
- CLOSED | Winter Term 2 EDUC 451B 305
- OPEN | Winter Term 2024 EDCP various courses
- CLOSED | Summer Term 2 EDUC 500 951
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 590
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 481 951
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDUC 452B/308
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 532 96A
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDUC 452B
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 456
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 455
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 328
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 453
- CLOSED | Summer 2024 EDCP Various Courses
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 512A
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 566
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 408-301
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 508A
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 355A- 301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 349 various sessions
- CLOSED| Winter Term EDCP various courses
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDUC 500-005
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 542
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDUC 452B-312
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDUC 452B-306
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDUC 452B-305
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 328
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 453
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 455
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 456
- CLOSED| Summer Term EDCP various courses
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDUC 452B-308
- CLOSED| Summer Term EDCP 552-97A
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 559-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 378-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 375A-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 472-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 565-61A
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 508
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 492-63A
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDUC 500-007
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDUC 450B-21
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 349
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 362B-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 371-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 391A-30
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDUC 450B-306
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDUC 450B-308
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 491A-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 544-61A
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 550-032
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 562-61B
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP various courses
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 471A-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 342A-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 452-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term 302A/301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 404
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDUC 450B-307
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 403
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 590-96B
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 553-031
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP various courses
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 303
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 304
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 340-107
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 352A-301/302/303
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 467J-301/302
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 356-351
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 355-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 340 101
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 340 102
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 340 103
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 340 104
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 340 105
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 340 108
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 340 109
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 340 110
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDUC 451B-309
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 313A-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 311A-301
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDUC 500-93A
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 328-951
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 455-951
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 301-101
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP various courses
- CLOSED | Winter Term CCFI 501-62A
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 331-105
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 331-107
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 331-101
- CLOSED | Winter Term 2021 EDCP 349-101/110
- CLOSED | Winter Term 2021 EDCP 340/105
- CLOSED | Winter Term 2021 EDCP 340/110
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 375A/378/472
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDUC 452B-308
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 327A-031
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDUC 452B S19
- CLOSED | Summer Term EDCP 323-951
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 323-301
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 320-102
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 320-103
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 320-104
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 320-107
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 320-108
- CLOSED | Winter Term EDCP 320-110
Career Resources
For career resources and various advertisements for teaching at the post-secondary level, all students seeking employment are encouraged to consult UBC Career and experience, Student Services , CAUT Bulletin , Chronicle of Higher Education , and University Affairs . EDCP graduate students seeking K–12 teaching positions are encouraged to consult Education Canada and Teaching Jobs.com .
For more information on hiring policies and employment opportunities for faculty and GTAs at UBC, please see
- UBC Equity Office
- UBC Policies (including Employment Equity Policy #2, Adjunct Faculty Appointments Policy #44, Appointment of Graduate Students to Teach w/ BoG Approval Policy #75)
- UBC Department of Human Resources
- UBC Faculty Relations
- Postdoctoral Fellows at UBC
- Faculty Association of UBC
- CUPE 2278 (GTA Union)