In acknowledging our responsibility for and experiencing our implication in the suffering of Indigenous peoples, the Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy is committed to reparation and reconciliation. As per the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action (2015), we take up the challenge of creating conditions for learning that are ethical, socially just and inclusive. This involves challenging the entropy and inertia characterizing our current industrial and colonized educational system by attending to systemic and personal erasures, eliminating those structures that limit, and advancing multiple ways of being and knowing in the world.
Program Information
For information visit NITEP, the Indigenous Teacher Education Program in The Faculty of Education.
Decolonizing Teaching Indigenizing Learning
Visit the “Decolonizing Teaching Indigenizing Learning” website – the website that has been developed to support teacher candidates, in-service teachers, and our faculty colleagues as they move towards implementing Indigenous education and pedagogies into their curricula.
Examples of Course Offerings
EDUC 440 | Indigenous Education in Canada
EDCP 532 | Theories and Dimensions of Place-Based Education: Ecohumanist, Critical, and Indigenous Lenses
EDCP 585/546 | Indigenous Visual Expression as Pedagogy
Contact Us
Mailing Address
Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy
Faculty of Education
University of British Columbia
Scarfe Building 2125 Main Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4 Canada
Important Numbers
Apply for graduate programs:
Gina Hiu Lam Wong
Email: edcp.grad@ubc.ca
Apply for undergraduate programs:
Contact the Teacher Education Office
Shannon Leddy
Associate Professor
Joaquin Muñoz
Assistant Professor
Cynthia Nicol