Dr. Hongyu Wang | Oklahoma State University, USA
Friday, September 29, 2023 | 12:30 – 2:00 pm (PST) | via Zoom
Faculty Host: Dr. William Pinar
View the Seminar Poster
In this presentation, Wang starts with a brief autobiographical inquiry of how nonviolence has become a calling in curriculum studies. She further introduces several major intertwined and tensioned theoretical lenses to formulate nonviolence as a complicated notion of holding tensions and engaging differences in curriculum and education for enabling sustainable pathways. She also interweaves her teaching experiences to explicate how a curriculum and pedagogy of nonviolence can lead to students’ own awakenings. In a time of darkness and existential crises, can nonviolence be the starlight for brightening our paths towards a future that still can exists?
Short Bio
Hongyu Wang is Professor in Curriculum Studies at Oklahoma State University. Her work focuses on curriculum theory, nonviolence education, and East/West inquiry. Cross-cultural Studies in Curriculum (co-edited with Claudia Eppert; 2008), Nonviolence and Education (2014), Contemporary Daoism, Organic relationality, Curriculum of Integrative creativity (2021) are among her books. A new book on nonviolence and curriculum studies is in press. See https://experts.okstate.edu/hongyu.wang.