Dr. Sam Rocha | Assistant Professor, EDST
December 11, 2015 | 12:30 – 2:00 pm (PST) | Scarfe 310
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This talk will proceed in three parts. It will begin with some passages from Rocha’s recent book, Folk Phenomenology: Education, Study, and the Human Person (Pickwick, 2015). This reading should begin to describe Rocha’s particular sense of phenomenology, especially in relation to what he calls “the offering.” It will then move into descriptions of this notion of “the offering” through a philosophical understanding of “the offering” and personal stories. These descriptions should provide a sense of justification for a concept of “the offering” that is distinct from “the gift,” but they will do little to explicitly address teaching. Therefore, in the third and final portion of the talk, Rocha will work in a more speculative fashion to extend his version of phenomenology—folk phenomenology—into a description of teaching, by showing how teaching can itself be understood as an offering. To repeat: first, selections from his book; then “the offering” in two ways; and, finally, teaching as offering, the offering of teaching.
Short Bio
Sam Rocha is assistant professor of philosophy of education in the department of educational studies at UBC. He has published two books, A Primer for Philosophy and Education (Cascade, 2014) and Folk Phenomenology: Education, Study, and the Human Person (Pickwick, 2015), and released two collections of music, Freedom for Love (Indie, 2011) and Late to Love (Wiseblood, 2014). His forthcoming work includes two books on Ivan Illich and a new album, titled Fear and Loving.