Dr. Alan Ovens and Dr. Dawn Garbett, University of Auckland
Friday, November 16, 2018 | Scarfe 310 | 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Host | Dr. Joy Butler
View the Seminar Poster
We warmly invite you to a seminar presentation by the Visiting International Research Fellows, Associate Professors Alan Ovens and Dawn Garbett from the University of Auckland. The presentation will explore the provocative questions:
- How can self-study research focus on the intricate nature of the lives of those who are deeply entangled in educational settings?
- What methodologies give voice to situated ways of knowing, and the complex relation of the self to larger processes of professional community and the transformation of practice?
There will be a networking drinks reception in … from 1:30pm, following to the lecture.
Attendees may also volunteer to participate in a learning community focused on improving teacher education and professional learning through intimate scholarship methodologies
Short Bio
Dawn and Alan bring considerable expertise to the fields of teacher education and intimate scholarship methodologies. Both were secondary school teachers in a former life teaching physical education and science. They now teach student teachers about teaching using these subjects as vehicles. Their latest research projects to untangle and enhance their teacher education practices include the impact of learning te reo Maori, the language of New Zealand’s indigenous people, and the importance of hunting for assumptions in their practice. In addition to this research, they have edited several books based on self-study methodology and teachers and teaching and contributed chapters to the International Handbook of S-STEP research. In addition, they have led the biennial International Conference of the Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices in England (see castleconference.com) (2014, 2016 & 2018) and the International Study Association of Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) in 2015.