Nonviolent Engagements with Difference: Transforming Relational Dynamics in Education

Dr. Hongyu Wang, Oklahoma State University

October 4th | 12:00-2:00 p.m. (PST) | Scarfe 1214

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Based upon a life history, qualitative study of Chinese professors’ and American professors’ mutual engagement with the counterpart thought, culture, and education, this presentation discusses the central thread of nonviolence and portrays important elements of nonviolent engagements with difference, including organic relationality, non-instrumental engagement, serendipitous play, spiritual openness, and de/education.

Short Bio:

Dr. Hongyu Wang is a professor in Curriculum Studies at Oklahoma State University-Tulsa. She teaches graduate courses in curriculum studies and multicultural education. Her research areas are nonviolence education, curriculum theory, East/West dialogues in education, and international studies. She published books and articles both in Chinese and English.