Dr. Karen Meyer | EDCP, UBC
November 14, 2014 | 12:30-2:00 p.m. (PST) | Scarfe 310
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Meyer’s bricolage of poetry, narratives and postscripts sketches a story of place and education. In Dadaab Refugee Camp in Northeastern Kenya, the heart of education relies on promises of school and a living persistence realized within harsh conditions. Within the past two decades, a generation of students has been born in the camp.
Short Bio:
Karen Meyer is associated professor in the Dept. of Curriculum and Pedagogy here at the University of British Columbia. Recent publications include co-authored articles in Canadian Journal of Education and Curriculum and Pedagogy, and two multi-authored books: Speaking of Teaching and Speaking of Learning. She is a co-investigator on the SSHRC research project, Living, learning and Teaching in a Refugee Camp. Meyer participates and teaches in a Teacher Education Diploma Program in Dadaab Refugee Camp in collaboration with Colleagues at UBC and Moi University in Kenya.