Dr. Karen Meyer, EDCP, UBC
Date: November 14, 2014
Meyer’s bricolage of poetry, narratives and postscripts sketches a story of place and education. In Dadaab Refugee Camp in Northeastern Kenya, the heart of education relies on promises of school and a living persistence realized within harsh conditions. Within the past two decades, a generation of students has been born in the camp.
Karen Meyer is associated professor in the Dept. of Curriculum and Pedagogy here at the University of British Columbia. Recent publications include co-authored articles in Canadian Journal of Education and Curriculum and Pedagogy, and two multi-authored books: Speaking of Teaching and Speaking of Learning. She is a co-investigator on the SSHRC research project, Living, learning and Teaching in a Refugee Camp. Meyer participates and teaches in a Teacher Education Diploma Program in Dadaab Refugee Camp in collaboration with Colleagues at UBC and Moi University in Kenya.
See poster.
This seminar is part of the 2014-2015 EDCP seminar series “International Perspectives in Curriculum and Pedagogy” hosted by William E. Doll Jr., Donna Trueit and William Pinar.