Book Launch Event | Geographies of the Heart: Stories from Newcomers to Canada
You are cordially invited to attend the book launch of Geographies of the Heart: Stories from Newcomers to Canada (UBC Press, Purich Books, 2024) Thu, Nov 28, 2024 | 12:00 – 11:30 p.m. | West Mall Swing Space (SWNG) – 206, 2175 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 You are invited to a book launch to […]
Walking with Public Art: Immersive Learning as Public Scholars
This course is led by Dr. Anita Sinner This Go Global Seminar offers an innovative approach to knowledge diplomacy, informed by the UN’s Global Citizenship framework, to bring trans-perspectives that advance transdisciplinary, transnational, translanguaging and transmedia approaches to 21st C learning in an experiential art as research learning opportunity. In May 2025, the Bogota Museum […]
Journeying through corn: Articulating a Haudenosaunee consciousness of renewal and curriculum
Dr. Kiera Brant-Birioukov | Faculty of Education, York University Friday, September 27, 2024 | 12:30-2:00 p.m. (PST) | Via Zoom Faculty Host: Dr. William Pinar View the Seminar Poster For Zoom details, please email Abstract: For generations prior to European contact, the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations) people of Turtle Island refined an ancient Indigenous knowledge […]
2024 Indigenous Math Education K-12 Symposium
Clayton Gauthier | Sacred Salmon Journey Indigenous Community, Storytelling, and Mathematical Flourishing May 14 and May 21, 2024 | Virtual This powerful mural by artist Clayton Gauthier Cree/Dakelh tells the story of the salmon’s journey from mountain rivers to ocean and back again. It’s a story of risk and strength, of protection and ceremony. It’s a story of inter-relationships, […]
Symposium & Celebration | Honouring Dr. Rita Irwin
Colleagues, students, and friends of Dr. Rita L. Irwin gathered for an all day symposium and retirement celebration on May 4, 2024 in honour of the many and ongoing contributions Rita has made to Art Education and Curriculum Studies at the University of British Columbia and beyond. In an effort to celebrate and acknowledge the impact Rita […]
46th Physics Olympics
The Physics Olympics is a high school physics competition held annually at UBC in Vancouver. This annual outreach event attracts over 600 high school students, competing in teams, and over 70 teachers/coaches from across the province. This competition, organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at UBC. […]
In EDCP | Volume 2: Undisciplined Conversations
To enthusiasts across all disciplines: Join us for “Undisciplined Conversations,” a dynamic space for transdisciplinary dialogues between the arts, education, and beyond. ‘Undisciplined Conversations,’ a dynamic space for transdisciplinary dialogues between the arts, educaon and beyond, will take place monthly in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy. Join us for conversaon and light refreshments as […]
In EDCP | Patterns and Imaginations Workshops, March
To enthusiasts across all disciplines: You are invited to join our textile workshops, “Patterns and Imaginations” You are invited to join our textile workshop facilitated by Dr. Patricia Osler who will guide us in a series of priming activities to explore concepts of creativity, storytelling and imagination. Respectful of environmental, climate, and sustainability concerns in […]
In EDCP | MMIWG Remembrance Project
Drs. Kerry Renwick and Shannon Leddy are pleased to announce the launch of a second arts-based public pedagogy project in the Faculty of Education. Inspired by Jaime Black’s Red Dress Project, they would like to contribute to her purpose in raising awareness of the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls on this […]
In EDCP | Patterns and Imaginations Workshops, February
To enthusiasts across all disciplines: You are invited to join our textile workshops, “Patterns and Imaginations” These engaging sessions will be facilitated by accomplished international practitioners, including Susana Vargas, Raha Atashpa, Lei Chen and Mengkai Zhang. In these workshops, we will host different transnational art-making textile techniques through sharing stories, memories, and imaginations as we collaboratively […]
In EDCP | Volume 1: Undisciplined Conversations
To enthusiasts across all disciplines: Join us for “Undisciplined Conversations,” a dynamic space for transdisciplinary dialogues between the arts, education, and beyond. This event will take place monthly in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy. Participate in conversations and enjoy light refreshments as we host invited guests who foster diverse research perspectives, inviting us to […]
FLIP Webinar Series #6 | Thinking About Indigenous Foodways
The Food Literacy International Partnership (FLIP) Invites you to their sixth webinar featuring three food literacy scholars Thinking About Indigenous Foodways | Wednesday December 13th, 2023 | 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. *PDT * (Pacific Daylight Time) Time zone converter REGISTER Food literacy is a term that is increasingly being used by a number of varied […]
Book Launch Event | The Ethics of Becoming a Good Teacher in Conversation with Aristotle and Confucius
You are cordially invited to attend the book launch of The Ethics of Becoming a Good Teacher In Conversation with Aristotle and Confucius. (Routledge, 2023). Author: Ying Ma, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (PhD in Curriculum Studies, UBC, 2019) Date: Friday, November 10, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. (PST) | via Zoom For more information: see the attached […]
Book Launch Event | Schooling, Human Capital and Civilization
You are cordially invited to attend the book launch of Schooling, Human Capital and Civilization: A Brief History from Antiquity to the Digital Era. 1st Edition (Routledge, 202 Author: Bruce Moghtader, Kwantlen Polytechnic University (PhD in Curriculum Studies, 2021) Date: Friday, October 20, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. (PST) | via Zoom For more information: see […]
FLIP Webinar Series #5 | ‘What is Food Literacy?’
The Food Literacy International Partnership (FLIP) Invites you to their fifth webinar featuring four food literacy scholars ‘What is Food Literacy?’ | Thursday May 18th, 2022 | 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. *PDT * (Pacific Daylight Time) Time zone converter REGISTER Food literacy is a term that is increasingly being used by a number of varied […]
12th Indigenous Math K-12 Symposium – Virtual
Getty Images | Crown shyness of a rain tree Welcome to the 12th Indigenous Math Symposium | May 10 & May 17, 2023 To reach our urban and rural Indigenous Math Education network educators the Indigenous Math Education Symposium 2023 will be held virtually. We invite you to 2 exciting sessions: Session 1 | Wednesday […]
My Broken Heart Documentary Premiere
Dr. Jillianne Code, assistant professor and researcher in the Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, is featured in a documentary that follows three heart transplant patients over five years. The documentary, My Broken Heart, premiers Sunday, March 26, 2023 at the HeartLife Foundation Canada Fundraiser at the Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) Centre in downtown Vancouver. […]
Love in the Post-Reconceptualist Era of Curriculum Work
You are cordially invited to attend the book launch of Love in the Post-Reconceptualist Era of Curriculum Work: Deliberations on the Meanings of Care. 1st Edition (Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2023) Author | Allan Michel Jales Coutinho (EDCP Doctoral Student)Foreword by | Dr. William F. Pinar Book Description By employing the autobiographical method of […]
In Search of Responsibility as Education
You are cordially invited to attend the book launch of In Search of Responsibility as Education Traversing Banal and Radical Terrains. 1st Edition (Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2023) Author | Dr. Hannah Spector, (EDCP Alumna), Penn State University, USA. Book Description Not to be conflated with systems of accountability, this book examines responsibility as […]
The 10th Education Graduate Students (EGS) Conference
Crossing Boundaries Beyond Borders Conference date | Friday, March 24, 2023 | 12:00-5:00 p.m. Location | In person, Scarfe 206, 207,204 The 10th Education Graduate Students (EGS) Conference is an annual conference organized by students from the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP) in the Faculty of Education, UBC. The main purpose of the conference […]
45th Annual UBC Physics Olympics
On Saturday, March 4th, 2023 more than 700 secondary students from all over BC travelled to UBC to participate in the 45th Annual UBC Physics Olympics. It was our first face-to-face post-pandemic event and I am so glad to report that it went exceptionally well. The event is a long time (almost half a century) collaboration […]
45th UBC Physics Olympics
The Physics Olympics is a high school physics competition held annually at UBC in Vancouver. This annual outreach event attracts over 600 high school students, competing in teams, and over 70 teachers/coaches from across the province. This competition, organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at UBC. […]
Curriculum Work and Social Justice Leadership
You are cordially invited to attend the book launch of Curriculum Work and Social Justice Leadership in a Post-Reconceptualist Era: Attaining Critical Consciousness and Learning to Become. 1st Edition (Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2022). Author | Allan Michel Jales Coutinho (EDCP Doctoral Student)Foreword by | Dr. William F. Pinar Allan Michel Jales Coutinho will […]
Celebration of Joy Butler’s Life
There will be a celebration of Professor Joy Butler’s Life (1957-2019) on Thursday, November 7, 2019 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm in Ponderosa Commons Ballroom. Professor Butler passed away at age 62 after battling cancer. Please join us in the celebration of the life of one of the great scholars in EDCP. Please RSVP through […]
9th Family Math & Science Day Highlights
We would like to thank you for supporting 2019 Family Math and Science Day that took place at our Faculty on October 19, 2019. It was a big success. We had an unprecedented number of guests – 627 and almost 150 volunteers. We had many Chinese Educators from our international programs visiting us as well. […]
9th Family Math and Science Day
Saturday, October 19, 2019 10:00 am – 12:30 pm UBC Math and Science Education Labs 2nd Floor, Scarfe Building, 2125 Main Mall, UBC Registration Link Event Details Link Volunteers Needed | Contact Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin (
InSEA 2019 World Congress | Highlights
INSEA 2019 | VANCOUVER BC CANADA MAKING Inspired by the rich potential of the International Society for Education through Art World Congress held at The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada in July 2019, the Making-Place International Postcard Exhibition captures the vitality, creativity and poetics of arts educator’s engagement, enthusiasm and evocations, prompting all viewers […]
Mathematics, Archaeology, Time and Music
Presented by the David F. Robitaille Professorship in Mathematics & Science Education Sara de Rose | Independent Music Archaeologist April 18, 2019 | 2:15-4:15 p.m. | Scarfe 1223 Faculty of Education, 2125 Main Mall Sara de Rose invented Musicircle (, a tool that teaches modern music theory using geometric shapes and a sequence of seven […]
41st UBC Physics Olympics Highlights
We held our 41st UBC Physics Olympics on Saturday, March 9, 2019. This is a unique collaboration that makes a big contribution to science teaching in BC. We had 72 teams from all over BC with 734 students participating. We had schools from the interior of BC (Kelowna, Nelson, Invermere, etc.) as well as from […]
41st UBC Physics Olympics
March 9, 2019 | UBC, Vancouver Campus Join us at UBC! Physics Olympics is a high school physics competition held annually at UBC in Vancouver. This annual outreach event attracts over 600 high school students, competing in teams, and over 70 teachers/coaches from across the province. This competition, organized by the Department of Physics and […]
15th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability Highlights
From Pedagogies for Sustainability to Transformative Social Change The Dept. of Curriculum & Pedagogy partnered with the On Sustainability Research Network ( to sponsor the 15th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability that was held at UBC Robson Square January 17-19, 2019 ( Dr. David Humphries, Professor of Environmental Policy at The […]
Gwen E. Leslie Memorial Health Protection Lecture
Dr. Nancy Turner | Emeritus Professor, University of Victoria Febuary 22, 2019 | 7:00 p.m | UBC, AMS Student Nest Faculty Host: Dr. Kerry Renwick View the Seminar Poster No recording permission Abstract Our Food is Our Medicine: Traditional plant food, traditional ecological knowledge and health in a changing environment Presented by | 15th Canadian Symposium […]
Gwen E. Leslie Memorial Health Protection Lecture
Our Food is Our Medicine: Traditional plant food, traditional ecological knowledge and health in a changing environment PRESENTED BY | 15th Canadian Symposium on Home Economics/Family Studies Education Dr. Nancy Turner | Emeritus Professor, University of Victoria Febuary 22, 2019 The University of British Columbia, AMS Student Nest, Nest 3500, 6133 University Blvd Open to […]
Stages of Life and Stages of Career for Education Faculty: A Discussion with Educators
Paul Shaker | Professor Emeritus, Simon Fraser University Friday, January 25, 2019 | 12:30 – 2:00 pm | Scarfe 1214 Host | Dr. E. Wayne Ross View the Seminar Poster View the seminar handout View the Supplemental Materials Abstract Academic careers inevitably are affected by the stages and passages of professors’ lives. Just as the […]
Social Studies Education – Presentation by Dr. Lindsay Gibson, Candidate for Assistant Professor Position
Dr. Lindsay Gibson Thursday, January 17, 2019 | 10:15 – 11:45 am | Scarfe Room 1107 Presentation Title Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future Short Bio Dr. Lindsay Gibson is Assistant Professor of Social Studies Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. He has published several journal articles and book chapters about historical […]
Social Studies Education – Presentation by Dr. Harper Keenan, Candidate for Assistant Professor Position
Dr. Harper Keenan Wednesday, January 16, 2019 | 9:30 – 11:00 am | Scarfe Room 1107 Presentation Title The Mission Project: Teaching History and Avoiding the Past in California Elementary Schools Short Bio Harper B. Keenan recently graduated with a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Teacher Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education. He is currently a postdoctoral […]
Social Studies Education – Presentation by Dr. Stephanie Anderson, Candidate for Assistant Professor Position
Dr. Stephanie Anderson Monday, January 14, 2019 | 9:30 – 11:00 am | Scarfe Room 1107 Presentation Title Toward Tomorrow: Expanding Social Studies Education for a New Age in Canada Short Bio Dr. Stephanie Anderson is a post-doctoral scholar with the University of Pennsylvania. She holds a Ph.D. & M.Ed. in Curriculum and Pedagogy (The University […]
8th Family Math & Science Day Highlights
Congratulations to Marina Milner-Bolotin, Cynthia Nicol and everyone involved in the successful 8th Math & Science Family Day on Saturday, November 3rd. 400 guests and 130 volunteers attended. The large turn out on a rainy day is a demonstration of how popular this Family Math and Science Day has become. Thank you all for making […]
Schooling Lunch: the Pedagogicalization of the Lunchbox
Drs. Deana Leahy and Carolyn Pluim Wednesday, October 24, 2018 12:30 – 2:00 pm Scarfe 310 * Light refreshments will be served at 12:00 pm. * Lecture will commence at 12:30 p.m. Guest Host: Dr. LeAnne Petherick Abstract What children consume in schools has become one of the most popular public health issues of our time […]
8th Family Math & Science Day
Saturday, November 3, 2018 | 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Math & Science labs, 2nd floor, Lecture Block, Scarfe Building, 2125 Main Mall, UBC Presented by the UBC Faculty of Education and Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Science and Math Educators and students from the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Teacher Education Program and […]
8th Aboriginal Mathematics Symposium
You are invited to the 8th Aboriginal Mathematics K-12 Symposium: Living Mathematics in our Communities: Listening to the Land Thursday, May 17, 2018 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Sty-Wet-Tan Hall, First Nations Longhouse 1985 West Mall This symposium is an opportunity for teachers, administrators, Ministry representatives, community members, and academics to connect, explore, imagine and […]
5th EDCP Graduate Students Conference: The Tangle and/or Tango of Curriculum and Pedagogy
Friday, March 9, 2018 | 1:00 – 5:00 pm | Scarfe 310 EDCP Graduate Students (EGS) Conference is an annual conference organized by students and for students from the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP) in the Faculty of Education. We also welcome and encourage participation from all other departments within the Faculty of Education. The main […]
Celebration of William Doll’s Life
The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy will be hosting the Celebration of the Life and Works of the late Professor William Doll who passed away on December 27, 2017. Professor Doll was an adjunct professor in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy where he mentored faculty and graduate students in scholarly pursuits. Though missed, his […]
Bearing Witness to Teaching and Teachers
Dr. David T. Hansen, Professor, Columbia University, USA Friday, February 16, 2018 12:30 – 2:00 pm Scarfe 310 * Light refreshments will be served at 12:00 pm. * Lecture will commence at 12:30 p.m. Abstract This presentation will draw upon a recently completed, two-year-long undertaking in which I worked with sixteen highly regarded teachers from eight […]
Reconceptualizing Teacher Education Worldwide: A Canadian Contribution to a Global Challenge
Congratulations to Dr. Anne Phelan & Dr. Bill Pinar on a very successful two-day symposium in October 2017 entitled Reconceptualizing Teacher Education Worldwide: A Canadian Contribution to a Global Challenge. The symposium was supported by a SSHRC Connections Grant. Over 60 invited participants included representatives from the Ministry of Education, the British Columbia Teachers Federation, teacher education programs across […]
7th Math and Science Family Day
UBC Faculty of Education held our now famous annual event dedicated to hands-on mathematics and science: Seventh UBC Faculty of Education Mathematics and Science Day. We are very grateful for the continuous support of our event. We are also supported by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematics Sciences who realize that children’s interest in mathematics and […]
Creating Space to Conceptualize Different Families
This symposium is part of a series of Graduate Student Symposia hosted by EDCP 601. October 25, 2017 | Scarfe 1209 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm Panelists: Matthew Isherwood and Naoki Takemura with Special Guest Speaker Dr. Kedrick James View of download poster.
Re – engaging the Method of Currere: Teachers’ Perspectives
This symposium is part of a series of Graduate Student Symposia hosted by EDCP 601. October 11, 2017 | Scarfe 1209 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm Panelists: Kiera Brant-Birioukova, Emmanuel Amoah & Scott Robertson with Special Guest Dr. William Pinar View or download Poster
7th Family Math & Science Day
Saturday, November 4, 2017 | 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Math & Science labs, 2nd floor, Scarfe Education Building, UBC (2125 Main Mall) Presented by the UBC Faculty of Education and Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Science and Math Educators and students from the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Teacher Education Program and the […]
Re-signifying Curriculum Studies from Indigeneity in the Mexican and Kenyan Contexts
This symposium is part of a series of Graduate Student Symposia hosted by EDCP 601. October 4, 2017 | Scarfe 1209 | 1:00 – 4:00 pm Panelists: Maria Jose Athie-Martinez & Philip Kimani Karangu with Special Guest Dr. Samson Nashon To view or download poster.
Celebrating Canada 150+: An Art Exhibition
Colleagues, Dr. Anna Kindler, one of the EDCP faculty members, is having an exhibition of her works: CanadiAnna – Celebrating 150+, at the Robson Square until September 3, 2017. If you have time, please make the effort to visit her exhibition. The exhibition is available for viewing between 7am-10pm Monday through Friday and 7:30am […]
UBC Girls’ Makeathon: Tech for Change
On Saturday, June 17, 2017, EDCP Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Paula MacDowell successfully hosted an extremely innovative UBC Girls’ Makeathon. This equity-oriented event was designed to foster maker and coding mindsets in high school girls by engaging them with diverse media & technologies, materials, mentorship, and hands-on design experiences. Teams were challenged to make an app related to an issue […]
Wayfinding Peace: Museums in conflict zones
Speaker: Kimberly Baker, EDCP PhD Candidate & Liu Scholar, Liu Institute for Global Issues Date: Sunday, June 25th Time: 1:00 – 2:00 pm Venue: Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site 5180 Westwater Drive, Richmond, BC, V7E 6P3 Phone: 604-238-8050 Britannia is located in the historic town of Steveston and is a lovely location for lunch and a […]
Celebration of Don Krug’s Life
Colleagues, It is with deep sadness that I report the passing away of Professor Don Krug on April 2, 2017 at age 60. Professor Krug was born at Sheboygan, Wisconsin on Jan 23, 1957 . With expertise in art education and technology studies, Professor Krug joined The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, UBC on October 1, 2002. […]
39th UBC Physics Olympics
We had a very successful 39th UBC Physics Olympics on Saturday, March 4, 2017. Next year we will hold 40th UBC Physics Olympics – so it has become an amazing tradition. As always EDCP and the Department of Physics and Astronomy collaborated on the event. We had 69 teams with about 8 students per team […]
6th Math and Science Family Day
On a stormy Saturday, October 15, EDCP faculty members and students organized Sixth Family Math and Science Day. This event has become a great Faculty of Education tradition! Despite the weather the event was attended by more than 360 guests, including UBC President, Dr. Ono and his family. More than 80 volunteers (TCs, graduate students, […]
6th Aboriginal Math K-12 Symposium
Sharing Approaches for Improving Aboriginal Mathematics Education Thursday May 12, 2016 8:45 am – 3:00 pm. UBC First Nations Longhouse (1985 West Mall) Please join us for the 6th Aboriginal Math K-12 Symposium at the First Nations Longhouse, UBC on May 12, 2016. This symposium is an opportunity for teachers, administrators, Ministry representatives, community members, […]
Third Annual EDCP Graduate Student (EGS) Conference
Dear Education graduate students and faculty, On behalf of the EGS Conference Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the third annual EDCP Graduate Student (EGS) Conference, which will be held on Friday, March 4th, 2016 from 2:00 – 6:00 PM in Scarfe building Room 1130. The conference is FREE, and light refreshments […]
A Symposium in Celebration of the Career of Peter Seixas
Coming of Age: Life/Time/History A celebration of Peter Seixas’ career, in anticipation of his retirement 9:00-3:15, March 12, 2016 Peter Wall Institute, UBC “Coming of Age: Life/Time/History” alludes to an intersection between life course and history, an intersection that can be interpreted in many ways. The title challenges speakers to examine people’s lives, including their […]
Cultivating Learning Network Research Opportunity Info Session for Grad Students and Professors
When: Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 3:00-4:30pm Where: Scarfe 310 Looking for a research opportunity that is meaningful and relevant to our community? The Cultivating Learning Network (CLN) is looking for new researchers! Come to this information session to learn about the CLN and the opportunities for getting involved with or developing new research with our […]
10th Annual Walkabout Challenge
Its not too late to join the 10th Annual Walkabout Challenge | January 18 – March 20 The 10th Annual Walkabout Challenge launched yesterday (Jan 13th) in Scarfe Room 310. Over 100 of the almost 300 registrants were there to enjoy a lunch provided by UBC Recreation, sample a smoothy generated by bicycle power, and […]
Chamber Ensemble Music Performances by EDCP 312 Students
EDCP 312 (Instrumental Pedagogy: Secondary) students had 5 chamber ensemble music performances in Scarfe Building on November 26 from 9:00 to 9:45 am. These performances were part of the course requirements involving performance as pedagogical tool for teaching music. Group 1: South Central Jazz watch video Group 2: Still in Progress watch video Group 3: 2 Much Sax […]
UBC Centennial Math for Parents and Kids Workshop
On Saturday, November 21, 2015, I was invited to lead a special workshop “Math for Parents and Teachers”. This event was a part of the celebrating UBC Centennial: and was open to the public. It went very well – with more than 100 people in attendance. For almost three hours they were actively engaged […]
5th Math and Science Family Day
We have had a very successful Fifth Math and Science Family Day on October 18, 2015. We had 300+ guests and more than 80 volunteers including faculty members, staff, many teacher-candidates, as well as graduate and undergraduate students from the Faculties of Education, Science, Applied Science, Let Us Talk Science, as well as volunteers outside […]
Event Spotlight: BC Brightest Minds 2014
On April 29, we once again organized BC Brightest Minds Event at PNE – Playland. It was the 9th year of the collaboration between PNE and the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy that aims to inspire students in physics.
The First Annual EDCP Graduate Student Conference
The first annual EDCP Graduate Student conference became the successful student initiative in 2014 which brought together more than 60 graduate peers and student researchers from across disciplines in the domain of Education. The committee of 2014 was led by EDCP graduate student volunteers.
36th UBC Physics Olympics
On March 8th, more than 400 students and 50 physics teachers from all over BC came to UBC to take part in 36th UBC Physics Olympics. 55 teams participated in the event with the teams ranged from 4 to 25 students. The teams came from all over BC – Terrace, Prince George, Penticton, Mission, Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island.
Event Spotlight: Fireside Chat with Dr. Dwayne Huebner
On July 3, Dr. Dwayne Huebner visited the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy to hold a fireside chat with interested faculty members and graduate students.
Virtual Immersive Educational World Two-Day Workshop
This workshop is designed to introduce the UBC VIEW (Virtual Immersive Education World) to the faculty and students. VIEW is a 3D animated virtual world for educational use only. It is free for K–12 and higher education. Both instructors and students are welcome to use VIEW for their teaching, learning, and research. VIEW is good for face-to-face education, online education, and hybrid education (flexible learning.) VIEW is also a bridge to an international connection.
BC Brightest Minds 2013
On April 30, 2013, 23 teams of students gathered at Playland in order to participate in the 8th BC Brightest Minds Physics Competition. The event is a collaborative effort of the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at UBC and of PNE. This year the students were asked to solve three physics problems related to different rides and a group of UBC volunteers have marked the problems to determine the winners. We had a very tight race to the top and the team from Point Grey Secondary School won it.
35th UBC Physics Olympics
On a sunny Saturday, March 9, more than 400 students and teachers from all over BC came to UBC in order to participate in the 35th Physics Olympics. This year, the event drew a record of 56 teams from all corners of BC (from Terrace to Penticton to Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland). This day-long competition is historically a collaborative effort between the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy and the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Aboriginal Math Symposium
Colleagues, With the support of EDCP, the Office of Indigenous Education, and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Cynthia Nicol recently organized a very successful Aboriginal Mathematics Symposium at the UBC Longhouse. Over 150 people attended (teachers, academics, Ministry people, administrators, graduate students and teacher education students) from across the province including Bella Bella, Haida Gwaii, […]
UBC Saturday Children’s Art Program 2013
We Are All Related: Art, Ancestry and The Environment
The program runs for six Saturdays from January 26 to March 2, 2012, 10–11:30 a.m.
Classes are open to children ages 5 to 10 and are held in the Neville Scarfe Education Building, Room 1128 on the main UBC campus. Children will participate in workshops that explore a variety of methods of creating art, including drawing, painting, print making, collage, etc.
2012 UBC Faculty of Education Mathematics and Science Fair
Bad weather did not deter hundreds of children and adults to participate in the Third Family Mathematics and Science Fair on Saturday, October 27, 2012. Science and math enthusiasts of all ages gathered at the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy for mathematics and science celebration. The event, UBC Mathematics and Science Fair at the Faculty of Education, became a tradition.