Bad weather did not deter hundreds of children and adults to participate in the Third Family Mathematics and Science Fair on Saturday, October 27, 2012. Science and math enthusiasts of all ages gathered at the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy for mathematics and science celebration. The event, UBC Mathematics and Science Fair at the Faculty of Education ( became a tradition. It always takes place during the UBC Celebrate Learning week and showcases how we engage our teacher-candidates in inquiry-based mathematics and science education. It brings elementary and secondary teacher-candidates, graduate students, faculty, and staff together to share our passion about mathematics and science with the general public.
One of the highlights this year was the participation of Indigenous artists in the event who shared with us their art and how mathematics and science play a role in it. Their interactive displays attracted children and adults and all the volunteers and certainly became one of the main attractions of the event. This would not have happened if not for the support and initiative of Dr. Jo-Ann Archibald (Associate Dean for Indigenous Education) and Dr. Cynthia Nicol who was able to invite Indigenous artists from the local communities to share with us their art.
This year the event was sponsored by the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education (The Dean’s Office and the Year of Indigenous Education Initiative) and the Teacher Education Office. We are also grateful to UBC Let’s Talk Science who brought us an interactive DNA activity, Ms. Jo-Anne Naslund (from the Education Library) who helped with the registration, and Dr. Valery Milner from the Department of Physics and Astronomy who showed an infrared camera and liquid nitrogen demonstrations.
Our special thanks go to the Event Organizing Committee: Bob Hapke, Cynthia Nicol, Ann Anderson, Sandra Scott and Doug Adler, as well as Scott Cartmill, Anna Ip, Saroj Chand and Kirsty Robbins.
Organizing Committee 2012 Chair,
Marina Milner-Bolotin