Recent Faculty Publications

The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy is home to an outstanding group of teachers and scholars who are leaders in their respective fields of research, providing intellectual leadership through re-conceptualist, critical, and action-oriented scholarship, teaching, and community engagement, to the local, national, and international fields of curriculum and pedagogy. With an emphasis on fostering a social context in which teaching is sustainable, equitable, and given to social justice, our faculty are internationally recognized for their important work and influential research in many of the curriculum areas represented in public education as well as trans-disciplinary areas of scholarly inquiry such as curriculum theory, history of curriculum, teacher education, digital media and learning technologies, curriculum and pedagogy in higher education, and teaching and learning in informal educational settings.
Here’s a list of our recent faculty publications:

Books & Book Chapters

Bringing history to life: Teaching fact and fiction
Foreword. Clark, P., & Sears, A.
2025. In Éthier, M-A., & Lefrançois, D. (Eds.). Bringing history to life: Teaching fact and fiction (pp. xi-xvi).University of Ottawa Press. Read more


Breaking silence on quiet spaces: Museum visitors’ and educators’ perceptions
Lucy, A., & Anderson, D.

Adult family members’ roles in mediating children’s visits at a Chinese science museum
Ji, J., Anderson, D., & Rodewald, P.
2025. Museum Management and Curatorship.

Contribution of an instructional module incorporating PhET simulations to Rwandan students’ knowledge of chemical reactions, acids, and bases through social interactions
Ndagijimana, J. B., Musengimana, J., Khan, S. & Lakin, E.
2025. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, online.

Contesting concepts, imagining new possibilities: David Graeber, democracy, and social studies curriculum
2025. Critical Education, 16(1), 1-23. Read more.

Towards an ideal model of education for critical citizenship. An analysis of the Spanish curricular change in social sciences
Navarro Medina, E , Ross, E. W. , Pérez-Rodríguez, N., & De Alba Fernandez, N.
2025. Journal of Education, 60(1), e70010. Read more.

Books & Book Chapters

Resonances and re-entanglements in an era of climate change: Performing reciprocity with the cosmos

2024. In N. Rallis, K. Morimoto, M. Sorensen, V. Triggs & R. L. Irwin (Eds.), Ecopedagogical and a/r/tographical walking: Kinship, nature, and relationality (pp. 189-198). Intellect. Read more

Autoethnography: A reflexive research process
2024. In P. Gouzouasis & C. Wiley (Eds.), The companion of music, autoethnography, and reflexivity. Routledge.

Music, autoethnography, and reflexivity: An introductory conversation
Gouzouasis, P., & Wiley, C.
2024. In P. Gouzouasis & C. Wiley (Eds.), The companion of music, autoethnography, and reflexivity. Routledge. (SA).

The Routledge Companion to Music, Autoethnography and Reflexivity

Gouzouasis Peter and Christopher Wiley (Eds.)

2024. Routledge London.

Read more

Pedagogical Propositions: Playful Walking with A/r/tography. Book Two: Essays
Baldus, Angela I., Irwin, Rita L., Lee, Nicole Y. S., Barney, Daniel T., Ursino, Joanne M. & Valiary Eskandary, Zohreh (Eds.)
2024. InSEA Publications. Read more

Pedagogical Propositions: Playful Walking with A/r/tography. Book Three: Curriculum
Irwin, Rita L., Lee, Nicole Y.S., Baldus, Angela I., Barney, Daniel T., Ursino, Joanne M. & Valiary Eskandary, Zohreh (Eds.)
2024. InSEA Publications. Read more

Pedagogical Propositions: Playful Walking with A/r/tography. Book One: Encounters
Lee, Nicole Y. S., Irwin, Rita L., Baldus, Angela I., Barney, Daniel T., Ursino, Joanne M. & Valiary Eskandary, Zohreh (Eds.)
2024. InSEA Publications. Read more

Visual Methods, A/r/tography and Walking
Roldan J., Marin-Viadel, R., Mosavarzadeh, M., Morimoto, K. & Irwin, R. L. (Eds.)
2024. Tirant Lo Blanch, Madrid. Read more

A/r/tography: Essential Readings and Conversations
Irwin, R. L., Lasczik, A., Sinner, A., & Triggs, V. (Eds.)
2024. Intellect. Read more

Walking in Art Education: Eco-pedagogical and A/r/tographical Encounters
Rallis, N., Morimoto, K., Sorenson, M., Triggs, V., & Irwin, R. L. (Eds.)
2024. Intellect. Read more

Reimagining micro-teaching through collaborative technology implementation: Supporting preservice STEM teachers as reflective practitioners

Tembrevilla, G., & Milner-Bolotin, M.

2024. In J. Pattison-Meek & C. Phillips (Eds.), Pedagogies of Practicum – Post-Pandemic Reflections on Innovation in Practice Teaching (pp. 267-286). Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group.

The psychical dynamics of learning: Sigmund Freud and education
Nelson, P. M., & Harned, D.
2024. In B. A. Geier (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Thinkers. Palgrave Macmillan. Read more.

Affect as potential: Interrupting social studies education
2024. In B. Varga & E. Adams (Eds.), Always-Already on the Lookout: Searching for, Enacting, and Storying Theory in Social Studies Education (pp. 18-24). Teachers College Press. Read more.

The Social Studies Curriculum, Fifth Edition Purposes, Problems, and Possibilities
2024. SUNY Press. Read more

Imagining possible futures in social studies education and beyond
2024. In The theory-story reader for social studies (pp.216-222). Teachers College Press. Read more

Desafios e possibilidades para a educação histórica em um mundo neoliberal
2024. In L. F. Cerri & Juliana A. (Eds.), Os presentes do Ensino de História: (re)construções em novas bases (pp. 13-32). ABEH­–Associação Brasileira de Ensino História. Read more

Art Education in Canadian Museums: Practices in Action
Sinner, A., Patricia Osler and Boyd White (Eds.)
2024. Intellect Books. Read more

Propositions for Museum Education: International Art Educators in Conversation
Sinner, A., Patricia Osler and Boyd White (Eds.)
2024. Intellect Books. Read more

Curriculum Studies in Canada: Present Preoccupations
2024. University of Toronto Press. Read more.


Who comes to the garden? A closer look at visitors and potential audiences of Japanese Gardens
Anderson, D., Yamashita, S., Shimizu, H., & Chihara 2025. Journal of the North American Japanese Garden Association. 11,

Empowering teachers through an online asynchronous science education cohort graduate program
Saville, E., Milner-Bolotin, M., Anderson, D.
2024. Journal of Science Teacher Education.

Read more

Context matters in history textbook studies: A call to address the socio-political landscape of textbook production
Clark, P., Llewellyn, R., Capo Garcia, R., & Clifford, S.
2024. Historical Encounters: A Journal of historical consciousness, historical encounters and history education. 11(1), 132-146.

Decolonizing history curricula across Canada: Recommendations for (re)design
Karn, S., Llewellyn, K.R., & Clark, P.
2024. Canadian Journal of Education/ Revue d’études canadiennes47(4), 1090-1121.

Missing methods: A call for holistic analysis of history textbooks
Llewellyn, K., Clark, P., Capó Garcia, R., & Clifford, S.
2024. London Review of Education, 22(1), 30.

Engaging with the past using historical thinking concepts

2024. Teaching History: Journal of the History Teachers’ Association of New South Wales (HTANSW), 58(4): 4-8.

Punctuating musical diacritics of water in cross-species contexts

2024. In Education, 29(3), 117-131. Read more

Reasoning in chemistry teacher education

2024. Chemistry Teacher International, 1-13.

Pre-service teachers’ conceptual understandings of models and modelling in a STEM methods course

Faikhamta, C., Khan, S., Prasoplarb, T.*, Praisri, A.*, & Suknarusaithagul, N.

2024. Research in Science Education, 1-17.

Contributions of GeoGebra software within the socio-cultural proximity on enhancing students’ conceptual understanding of mathematics

Ndagijimana, J. B., Mukama, E., Lakin, L., Khan, S., & Mushimiyimana, H. (

2024. Cogent Education, 11(1), 2436296, 1-24.

The role of symbolab calculator usage to enhance pre-service primary teachers’ conceptual understanding in trigonometry through community of inquiry

Ndagijimana, J. B., Khan, S., Habimana, O., Musengimana, J., Manirakiza, P., Dushimimana, J. C., & Mushimiyimana, H.

2024. Ndagijimana, J. B., Mukama, E., Lakin, L., Khan, S.,… & Mushimiyimana, H.

Science and engineering practices: A comparative analysis of Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese science curricula

Prasoplarb, T.*, Faikhamta, C., Khan, S., & Hennessey, A.

2024. Asia-Pacific Science Education, 1(aop), 350-380.

Science Outreach Activities: Practice · Experience · Cooperation – Take UBC Physics Olympics as an example; 科学拓展活动:实践·体验·合作 ——以UBC物理奥林匹克活动为例

Zhang, B., Ren, H., & Milner-Bolotin, M.

2024. Physics Teacher (China), 43(11), 90-96.

Expanding Teacher’s technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge with funds of knowledge: An exploratory STEM professional development model using video creation workshops
Tembrevilla, G., & Milner-Bolotin, M.
2024. Future in Educational Research, 1-19.

Unleashing creativity in STEM teacher education through scripting task pedagogy
Milner-Bolotin, M. & Zazkis, R.
2024. Future in Education Research, 2(3), 1-15.

Investigating pedagogical opportunities of educational technologies in developing countries: Physics Education Technology workshops for Bangladeshi science, technology, engineering and mathematics teachers
Toma, M. J., Tembrevilla, G., & Milner-Bolotin, M.
2024. Future in Education Research, 2(3), 1-19.

Empowering Teachers through an Online Asynchronous Science Education Cohort Graduate Program
Saville, E., Milner-Bolotin, M., & Anderson, D.
2024. Journal of Science Teacher Education, Submitted November, 2023, 19.

Investigating Adolescent Psychological Well-being Using PISA 2018 Canada Data
Liu, Y., Maltais, N., Milner-Bolotin, M., & Chachashvili-Bolotin, S.

Science Learning in YouTube Comments on Science Videos Embedding Movie References
Lee, C., Meyers, E., & Milner-Bolotin, M.
2024. Journal of College Science Teaching, February, 2024, 1-7.

Financial capital and ghosts of empire: editorial
Clea Bourne, Max Haiven, Johnna Montgomerie & Paul Gilbert
2024. Financial capital and ghosts of empire: editorial, Journal of Cultural Economy, DOI: 2023.2264306

La pedagogía crítica no es una receta: Estrategias, desafíos y aportes en la enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales. Entrevista con el Dr. E. Wayne Ross
2024. Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales y Educación Cívica, 29, 1-17. index.php/perspectivas/article/view/20334

Disability theatre as critical participatory action research: Lessons for inclusive research
Hole, R., & Schnellert, L. 
2024. Social Sciences 13: 116, 13 pages.

Outdoor play and learning in elementary schools: A critical participatory action research project
Zeni, M., Schnellert, L., & Brussoni, M.
2024. Canadian Journal of Action Research 24(3), 105-126. /cjar/article/view/675

Taking up resources within teachers’ cycles of self-regulated learning and practice.
MacNeil, K., Schnellert, L., & Butler, D.
2024. Professional Development Today 23(3).

Sensorial A-r-tography: Walking with Public Art [Special issue]
Yazdanpanah, E., & Sinner, A. (Eds.)
2024. Sensorial A-r-tography: Walking with Public Art [Special issue]. International Visual Journal for Art Education, 3(17). doi:10.24981/2414-3332-17.2024 Read more

Books & Book Chapters

Arts-Based Educational Research Trajectories: Career Reflections by Authors of Outstanding Dissertations (Vol. 6)
Bickel, B., Irwin, R. L., & Siegesmund, R. (Eds.)
2023. Springer Nature. Read more

Pesquisa educacional baseada em arte: a/r/tografia
Dias, B., & Irwin, R. L.
2023. Editora UFSM. Read more

Blending emerging technologies to differentiate instruction with historical artifacts
Miller, G., Nelson, P. M., & Boatwright, S.
2023. In S. M. Waring (Ed.), The Educators’ Handbook for Teaching with Primary Sources (pp. 217-227). Teachers College Press.

A Praxis of Presence in Curriculum Theory: Advancing Currere against Cultural Crises in Education
2023. Routledge. Read more

Social studies education in Latin America: Critical perspectives from the Global South
Plá, S., & Ross, E. W.
2023. Routledge. Read more

Teaching Where You Are: Weaving Indigenous and Slow Principles and Pedagogies
2023. University of Toronto Press. Read more

Decolonizing Displacement
2023. In Tickner, R., Wilber, A., Rahemtullah Z., Johnson, K. Ed. (Eds.) Geographies of the Heart. UBC Press.


Research trends in international science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education conference series: An analysis of a decade of proceedings.
2023. Frontier in Education, 7:1099658. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.1099658

Chinese science museum educators’ perspectives on the contradictions between their practice and visitors’ expectations
Ji, J., Anderson, D. & Wu, X.
2023. Visitor Studies, 26(2),160-180.  DOI:

Becoming a Better ME: Chinese science museum educators’ expectations for professional growth
Ji, J., & Anderson, D.
2024. Curator, 67,1-21.

An instrument for measuring scientific empathy in students’ disciplinary engagement: the scientific empathy index
Yang, H., Anderson, D. & Kang, S-J.
2023. Frontier in Education, 8:1254436.

Desire, interspecies love, and becoming-animal: Reading ‘The Overstory’ in social studies education
Nelson, P. M., & Durham, B. S.

2023. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 38(1), 23-45.

“We do it anyway”: Professional identities of teachers who enact risky play as a framework for education outdoors
Zeni, M., Schnellert, L., & Brussoni, M
2023. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education 26(3), 341-358.

Inservice teachers’ experiences within a university/school district teacher education partnership: Collaborative inquiry, generative tensions, and emergent praxis
Schnellert, L. & Kozak, D.
2023. Teaching and Teacher Education, 136. Article 104362,

Books & Book Chapters

Canadian History of Education Association/Revue d’ histoire de l’éducation (CHEA).
Clark, P., & Gleason, M.
2022. Huerta, J.L.H., Cagnolati, A., & Paya, A. (Eds.), Connecting history of education: Redes globales de communicación y colaboración científicas (pp. 407-418)Valencia: tirant humanidades. (equal authorship)

Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation (Canada)
Clark, P., Gemmell, K.M., & Gleason, M.
2022. Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation (Canada), Huerta, J.L.H., Cagnolati, A., & Paya, A. (Eds.), Connecting history of education: Redes globales de communicación y colaboración científicas (pp. 223-245). Valencia: tirant humanidades. (equal authorship). 

Gradients-in-relation: Distance as continuous variations in artographic practice
Sinner, A., Irwin, R. L., Kovallevska, M., Moussavi, Y., Sarreshtehdari, E. & Yazdanpanah, E.
2021.In Coutts, G. & Jokela, T. (Eds.). Relate North: Distances (pp. 30-49). InSEA.

On the condition of being human: Holistic and relational curricular thinking
2022. In Ellyn Lyle (Ed.) Re/Humanizing Education. Brill. 52-61.Read more

Status and trends of STEM education in Canada
Petrina, S.
2022. In Y.-F. Lee & L.-S. Lee (Eds), Status and trends of STEM education in highly competitive countries: Country reports and international comparison (pp. 1-43). National Taiwan Normal University.

World Yearbook of Education 2022: Education, Schooling and the Global Universalization of Nationalism
Tröhler, Daniel, Piattoeva, Nelli, and Pinar, William F. Eds.

Critical education
Mathison, S., & Ross, E. W.
2022. In A. Maisuria (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Marxism and education (pp. 129-146). Brill.

Insurgent pedagogy and dangerous citizenship
(2022). In N. Merchant, S. Shear, & W. Au (Eds.), Insurgent social studies: Scholar-educators disrupting reassure and marginality (pp. 207-212). Myers Education Press.

Meditative inquiry and reimagining critical education
(2022). In A. Kumar (Ed.), Engaging with meditative inquiry in teaching, learning, and research: Realizing transformative potentials in diverse contexts (pp. 263-268). Routledge.

A Crisis within a crisis: Teaching, learning, and democracy under neoliberalism during the pandemic
2022. In F. Mizikaci & E. Ata (Eds.). Critical pedagogy and the Covid-19 pandemic: Keeping communities together in the times of crisis. (pp. 91-109). Bloomsbury.

Beyond education as usual: Public education in a post-Covid world
Mathison, S. & Ross. E. W.
2022. In D. Selwyn (Ed.).At the center of all possibilities: Transforming education for our children’s future (pp. 37-43). Peter Lang.

Responsive, relational pandemic pedagogies: A collaborative, critical self-study
Schnellert, L., Miller, M., Macmillan, M., & Brant, B.
2022.In Danyluk, P., Burns, A., Hill, L. S., & Crawford, K. (Eds.). Crisis and opportunity: How Canadian Bachelor of Education programs responded to the pandemic. In Canadian research in teacher education: A polygraph series (Vol. 2), 59-73.


Retrospective, Current and Future Perceptions of Society Among Younger and Older Japanese Adults
Anderson, D., Shimizu, H., & Massam, W.
2022. Psychologia, 61(1) 69-93.

Improvident and profligate
2022. The Alexandra Readers controversy in Saskatchewan, 1908-1909. Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes, 56(2): 356-392.  (open access) Read more.

A disorienting dilemma: Teaching and learning in technology education during a time of crisis
Code, J., Ralph, R.  & Forde, K.
2022. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. Advance online publication.

Books & Book Chapters

Proceedings of the 6th International STEM in Education Conference (STEM 2021)
2021. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, July 5-9. University of British Columbia. Read more

Contextualizing science education as an engagement strategy for the African (Kenyan) learner
Nashon, S. M., Anderson, D., Beru, K. F., & Ooko, S.
2021. In A.A. Abdi (Ed.), Critical theorizations of education (pp.116-128). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

Études post-qualitatives
Berard, M.-F., Diaz-Diaz, C., & Semenec, P.
2021.In J. Lehrer, N. Bigras, A. Charron, & I. Laurin (Eds.). La recherche en éducation à la petite enfance : origines, méthodes et applications (pp. 493-526)Presses de l’Université du Québec.Read more

Learning from people and places
2021. In Case, R. & Clark, P. (Eds.) Learning to inquire in social studies: An anthology for elementary teachers, 4th ed. Vancouver: The Critical Thinking Consortium. 331-342..

Engaging with fiction
2021. In Case, R. & Clark, P. (Eds.) Learning to inquire in social studies: An anthology for elementary teachers, 4th ed. Vancouver: The Critical Thinking Consortium. 319-330.

Learning to inquire in social studies: An anthology for elementary teachers
Editors: Case, R., & Clark, P.
2021. 4th ed. Vancouver: The Critical Thinking Consortium. (358 pages)

Examining visuals
2021. In Case, R. & Clark, P. (Eds.) Learning to inquire in social studies: An anthology for elementary teachers, 4th ed. Vancouver: The Critical Thinking Consortium. 298-310.

Mentoring as a professional practice: Inquiry, sense-making, and collaboration
Clarke, A., Fritzlan, A., & Robertson, S.
2021.In J. Mena & A. Clarke (Eds.), Teacher induction and mentoring: Supporting Beginner Teachers (197–220). Switzerland: Palgrave McMillan.

Chet Bowers and global ecoliteracy: Resonances with Indigeneity
Cole, P., & O’Riley, P.
2021. In A. Dentith, D. Flinders, J. Lupinacci & J. Thom (Eds.), Curriculum, Environment, and the Work of C. A. Bowers: Ecological and Cultural perspectives (pp. 168-183). New York, NY: Routledge.

Academic Philanthropy and Pedagogies of Resilience
Miller, L., Lea, G.W., Irwin, R.L., Nashon, S., Jordan, E., Baker, K., & Stranger-Johannessen, E.
2021. In W. Giles & L. Miller (Eds.). Borderless Higher Education for Refugees: Lessons from the Dadaab Refugee Camps (pp. 133–150). London: Bloomsbury Academic.Read more

A/r/tografi: Uygulama Tabanlli Arastirma Yöntemi (A/r/tography: Arts based research)
Bedir Eristi, S. D. & Irwin, R. L. (Eds.).
2021. Pagem Akademi.

Le potentiel émergent de l’a/r/tographie [A/r/tography and its emergent potential]
2021.  In Miron, I. (Ed.). L’état nomade (pp. 262-284). Longueuil, Quebec: L’instant meme.

Gradients-in-relation: Distance as continuous variations in artographic practice
Sinner, A., Irwin, R. L., Kovallevska, M., Moussavi, Y., Sarreshtehdari, E. & Yazdanpanah, E.
2021. In Coutts, G. & Jokela, T. (Eds.). Relate North: Distances (pp. 30-49). InSEA.

Walking with A/r/tography

Laszcik, A., Irwin, R.L., Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A., Rousell, D., & Lee, N. (Eds.).

2021. [Palgrave Studies in Movement across Education, the Arts and the Social Sciences]. NY: Palgrave.

Read more

Borderless higher education for refugees: Lessons from the Dadaab refugee camps
Editors: Giles, W., Miller, L.
2021. Bloomsbury Academic.Read more

Contemporary experiments and new devices in physics classrooms. GIREP – Physics Education Conference 2019 Proceedings.
Milner-Bolotin, M., Milner, V., Tasnadi, A. M., Weck, H. T., Gromas, I., & Ispanovity, P. D.

Contextualizing science education as an engagement strategy for the African (Kenyan) learner
Nashon, S. M., Anderson, D., Beru, K. F., & Ooko, S.
2021.In A.A. Abdi (Ed.), Critical theorizations of education. (pp.116-128). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.Read more

3D Virtual learning environment for acquisition of cultural competence: Experiences of instructional designers
Petrina, S. & Zhao, J. J.
2021. In G. Panconesi & M. Guida (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching with virtual environments and AI (pp. 17-42).Hershey, PA: IGI.

Curriculum Studies in Canada
2021.Encyclopedia of Educational Innovation. Singapore: Springer. Read more

Society, democracy, and economics: Challenges for social studies and citizenship education in a neoliberal world
2021.In F. Christian, U. Hagedorn, R. Hedtke, P. Mittnik, & G. Tafner, Georg (Eds.), Wirtschaft, gesellschaf und politick: Sozioökonomische und politische bildung in schule und hochschule (pp. 33-51). Springer VS. Read more


Recollections of who we were: Nostalgic retrospective perceptions of Japanese society following a visit to a Shōwa-era museum
Anderson, D., Shimizu, H., & Iwasaki, S.
2021. Curator, 64(1), 17-40. Read more 

Recollections of who we were: Nostalgic retrospective perceptions of Japanese society following a visit to a Shōwa-era museum
Anderson, D., Shimizu, H., & Iwasaki, S.
2021. Curator, 64(1), 17-40

Drawing your way into ethnographic research: comics and drawing as arts-based methodology
2021.Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, Advance Online Publication, 1-20. Read more

Canadian National Sport Organizations’ Responses to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Calls to Action and Settler Silence
Rajwani, Y., Giles, A. R., & Forde, S.
2021.Sociology of Sport Journal, Advance Online Publication, 1-11. Read more

Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood
Keenan, H.B.; Hot Mess, L.M.
2021. Curriculum Inquiry.Read more

It’s Not Just a Matter of Time: Exploring Resistance to Indigenous Education
Leddy, S. & O’Neill, S.
2021. Alberta Journal of Education. 6 (4). 336-350. DOI: Read more

COVID 19: Pandemic Pandemonium
Journal of Autoethnography, 2(2).  Read more

Niloo: Flight 752
2021. Journal of Autoethnography, 2(3).Read more

A study of future physics teachers’ knowledge for teaching: A case of a decibel sound level scale
Milner-Bolotin, M., & Zazkis, R.
2021.LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 9(1), 336-365. Read more

Lessons Learned from Educating STEM Teachers in Canadian Universities: The Case of the University of British Columbia
2021. Journal of Mathematics Education, 30(6), 96-102

Editorial: Special Issue “Promoting STEAM in Education”
Herranen, J. K., Fooladi, E. C., & Milner-Bolotin, M. 
2021.LUMAT: International Journal of Math, Science and Technology Education, 9(9), 1-8. Read more

Where Did Dinosaurs Come From? Teachers Encountering Religious Oppositions in Diversity-Rich Science Classrooms.
Raisinghani, L. & Nashon, S.M.
(2021).  Alberta Science Education Journal, 47(1), 6 – 22.Read more

Emotional agents in educational game design: Heroes of Math Island.
Gutica, M. & Petrina, S.
2021. International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 11(4), 72-91.

Higher racism: The case of the University of British Columbia— On the wrong side of history but right side of optics
2021. Workplace, 32, 12-25.Read more

Curriculum and the Covid-19 Crisis
2021. Prospects. Read more

From accountability to shared responsibility: A case study of a multi-layered educational change initiative
MacNeil, K., Butler, D., Schnellert, L.

Journal of Educational Change. Read more.

“You have the right to love and be loved”: Participatory theatre for disability justice with self-advocates
Schnellert, L., Tidey, L., RRR Co-creators, & Hole, R.
2021. Qualitative ResearchRead more

Exploring the potential of collaborative teaching nested within professional learning networks
Schnellert, L., & Butler, D.L.
2021.  Journal of Professional Capital and Community 6 (2). 99-116.Read more

Sex: What’s the big deal? Exploring individuals with intellectual disabilities’ experiences with sexual health education
Hole, R., Schnellert, L., & Cantle, G.
2021. Qualitative Health Research 32(3), 453-464. Read more.

Understanding curriculum as geo/biospheric text
Bigloo, F., Scott, S. & Adler, D.
2021. Prospects.Read more

Preparation and Motivation of High School Students Who Want to Become Science or Mathematics Teachers
Fuchs, T., Sonnert, G., Scott, S., Sadler, P.M., and Chen, C
2021.  Preparation and Motivation of High School Students Who Want to Become Science or Mathematics Teachers, Journal of Science Teacher Education.Read more

Books & Book Chapters

The History Education Network: An experiment in knowledge mobilization
Clark, P., &  Sandwell, R.
2020. In C. Berg & T. Christou (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of history and social studies education (pp. 253-294). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.Read more

Learning to Inquire in History, Geography, and Social Studies: An Anthology for Secondary Teachers
Editors: Case, R. and Clark, P.
2020. 4th ed. Vancouver: The Critical Thinking Consortium (464 pages).Read more

The Arts and the Teaching of History: Historical F(r)ictions
Clark, P., & Sears, A.
2020. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (297 pages)Read more

Too many apps to choose from: Using rubrics to select mobile apps for preschool
Ralph, R., Pennefather, P., Code, J., & Petrina, S.
2020. In S. Papadakis, & M. Kalogiannakis (Eds.), Mobile learning applications in early childhood education (pp. 20-38). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.Read more

Learning to teach environmental education by gardening the margins of the academy
Ostertag, J, Gerofsky, S. & Scott, S.
2020.  In D. Karrow & M. DiGiuseppe (Eds), Environmental Ed & Sustainability Ed in Teacher Education: Canadian Perspectives, Springer Series, vol. 4, pp.111-130.Read more

More than a Methods Course: Teaching Preservice Teachers to Think Historically
Gibson, L. & Peck, C.
2020. In C. Berg & T. Christou (Eds.), Palgrave handbook of history and social studies education (pp. 213-251). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.Read more

Beary Beary Bear
2020.Vancouver: ECL Publishing.  Read more

Ellie Ellie Elephant
2020.Vancouver: ECL Publishing.  Read more

Foxy Foxy Fox
2020.Vancouver: ECL Publishing.  Read more

Goaty Goaty Goat
2020.Vancouver: ECL Publishing.  Read more

Hedgy Hedgy Hedgehog
2020.Vancouver: ECL Publishing.  Read more

Horsie Horsie Horse
2020.Vancouver: ECL Publishing.  Read more

Kitty Kitty Cat
2020.Vancouver: ECL Publishing.  Read more

Mousy Mousy Mouse
2020. Vancouver: ECL Publishing.  Read more

Oinky Oinky Piglet
2020. Vancouver: ECL Publishing.  Read more

Puppy Puppy Dog
2020.Vancouver: ECL Publishing.  Read more

Introduction: STEM teachers and teaching in the digital era
Editors: Kolikant, Martinovic, & Milner-Bolotin, M.
2020. STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Era of Change (pp. 1-18). Switzerland: Springer.

Discussion: Teacher Professional Development in the Era of Change
Editors: Kolikant, Martinovic, & Milner-Bolotin, M.
2020. STEM Teachers and Teaching in the Era of Change (pp. 185-197). Switzerland: Springer.

Philosophy of technology for children and youth.
In P. J. Williams & D. Barlex, (Eds.), Pedagogy for technology education in secondary schools (pp. 311-323). Dordrecht, NL: Springer.Read more

Young people, agency and the paradox of trust
Edwards, T. & Renwick, K.
2020.  In Steinberg, S. R., Down, B. and Nix-Stevenson, D. (eds.) SAGE Handbook of Critical Pedagogies, Sage Publications Inc. Chapter 111, pp. 1374 – 1385Read more

Issues facing the field: Teaching about and for democracy
2020.  In R. Case & P. Clark (Eds.). Learning to inquire in history, geography, and social studies: An anthology for secondary teachers (4th Ed., pp. 17-19)Vancouver, BC: Critical Thinking Consortium.Read more

History and social studies curriculum
2020. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press.doi: Read more

Place-consciousness and education change networks to empower rural learners
Schnellert, Leyton 2020. In Corbett, M. & Gereluk, D. (Eds.), Rural teacher education: Connecting land & people. Toronto: Springer, 319-328.

Professional learning networks: Facilitating transformation in diverse contexts with equity-seeking communities
2020.  Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, 2020. (199 pages).Read more

Negotiating meaning and engagement: Socially shared strategic processing
Butler, D. L. & Schnellert, L.
2020.  In Dinsmore, D, Fryer, L. & Parkinson, M. (Eds.) Handbook of strategies and strategic processing. New York, NY: Routledge, 63-81.Read more


My identity in the garden – Self reflections of expatriates’ garden visits
Anderson, D., & Yamashita, S.
2020.  Journal of Museum Education, 45(2), 176-186.Read more

Dodgeball: Inadvertently teaching oppression in physical and health education
J Butler, DP Burns, C Robson
2020. European Physical Education Review, 1356336X20915936Read more

Historical Studies in Education 2020 Spring Issue
Editors: Penney Clark and Mona Gleason
2020 Historical Studies in Education, 32(1).Read more

Historical Studies in Education 2020 Autumn Issue
Editors: Penney Clark and Mona Gleason
2020 Historical Studies in Education, 32(2).Read more

Indigenous Ecojustice Narratives in an Era of Climate Change and Pandemics
Cole, P. and O’Riley, P.
2020. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability: Annual Review 16 (1): 61-80.doi:10.18848/1832-2077/CGP/v16i01/61-80.Read more

The Trans Educators Network: A Reflection on Community Building and Knowledge Production
2020. Teaching Education.Read more

Pushing the boundaries of science demonstrations using modern technology
Milner-Bolotin, M., Aminov, O., Wasserman, W., & Milner, V.
2020. Canadian Journal of Physics, 98(6), 571-578.Read more

Experiences of Educating STEM Teachers in a Canadian University and Its Implications – The Case of the University of British Columbia
2020. Journal of Mathematics Education, 29(6), 7.

A Study of a TPACK-based Subject-Specific Educational Technology Course and Its Implications – The Case of “Teaching Mathematics and Science through Technology” Course at The University of British Columbia
Yuan, Z.-Q., & Milner-Bolotin, M.
2020. Journal of Mathematics Education, 29(1), 23-29.

“The best known couple” in educational psychology: Luella W. Cole, Sidney L. Pressey, and the limits of auto/biography, 1918-1933
(2019/2020). Vitae Scholasticae: The Journal of Educational Biography, 36(2), 5-24.Read more

Community engagement is … : revisiting Boyer’s model of scholarship
Renwick, K., Selkrig, M., Manathunga, C. and Keamy, K.
2020. Higher Education Research and Development.Read more

The political action of food literacy: A scoping review
Renwick, K. & Smith, M.G.
2020. Journal of Family and Consumer Studies.112(1), 14-22.Read more

Interprofessional training: A model that prepares undergraduate teachers and social workers for interprofessional practice in schools
Testa, D. & Renwick, K.
2020.  Higher Education Studies, 10(3), 123-132.Read more

The problem of democracy in the time of Trump
2019. Educazione Aperta, 6, 139-151.Retrieved from

Why are things as they are? Action research and the transformation of work and education in the neoliberal age.
2020. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 21(1), 10-26.Read more

Humanización de la pedagogía crítica: ¿Qué clase de profesores? ¿Qué clase de ciudadanía? ¿Qué clase de futuro?
2020. (Sonia Bazán, Trans.). Revista de Educación, 21(1), 17-37.Read more

Supporting innovation across the system: Lessons from B.C.’s system change efforts
Schnellert, L.  2020.  Education Canada, 60(2).Read more.

Modes of being: Mobilizing narrative inquiry
Macintyre Latta, M., Schnellert, L., Ondrik, K., & Sasges, M.
2020. Qualitative Inquiry 26(10), 1222- 1232.

Foodways, community, and film-making: A case study of funds of knowledge in higher education
Alharbi, M., Tan, Y. S. M., & Lo, C. O.
2020.Higher Education Pedagogies, 5(1), 310-323.

Promoting student learning through diasporic foodways: Community-oriented pedagogy through films
Michelle Tan, Y. S., Owen Lo, C., & Alharbi, M.
2020.Teaching in Higher Education, , 1-18.

Books & Book Chapters

History education research in Canada: A late bloomer
2019. In M. Köster, H. Thüemann, & M. Zülsdorf-Kersting (Eds.). Researching history education: International perspectives and disciplinary traditions, Second, completely revised and updated edition, 89-117. Frankfurt: Wochenschau Verlag.

Qualities of art making in arts-based educational research dissertations
Authors: Shields, Alison & Rita L.
2019.  In Sinner, A. & Irwin, R. L. (Eds.). International Perspectives on Visual Arts Dissertations in Education: Provoking the Field (pp. 243-254). Bristol, UK: Intellect.

International Perspectives on Visual Arts Dissertations in Education: Provoking the Field
Editors: Sinner, A. Adams, J. & Irwin, R. L.
2019.  Bristol, UK: Intellect.

Storying the World: The Contributions of Carl Leggo on Language and Poetry
Editors: Irwin, Rita L., Hasebe-Ludt, Erika & Sinner, Anita
2019. New York: Routledge.Read more

Visually Provoking: Dissertations in Art Education

Editors: Sinner, A. Jokela, T. & Irwin, R. L

2018. Rovaniemi, Finland: University of Lapland Press.

Read more

LeBlanc, N. & Irwin, R. L
2019.  In Noblit, George (Ed.). Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education. (1-21). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.393

Site/sight/insight: Becoming a socioecological learner through collaborative artmaking practices
Rousell, D., Lasczik Cutcher, A., Irwin, R. L., Peisker, J., Ellis, D. & Hotko, K.
2019. In Cutter-Mackenzie, A., Lasczik, A., Ferreira, J., Wilks, J. Logan, M. & Turner, A. (Eds.)., Touchstones for Deterritorializing Socioecological Learning: The Anthropocene, Posthumanism and Commonworlds as Creative Milieus (pp. 163-186). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.

Provoking Curriculum (Studies): Intellectual Interpolations
Teresa Strong-Wilson, Jayne Malenfant, Erika Hasebe-Ludt, Rita L. Irwin, Ingrid Johnston, Carl Leggo, Nicholas Ng-a-Fook, Antoinette Oberg & Hans Smits.
2019. In Strong-Wilson, T., Ehret, C., Lewkowich, D., & Chang-Kredl, S. (Eds.).  Provoking Curriculum Encounters Across Educational Experience: New Engagements with the Curriculum Theory Archive (pp. 206-220). New York: Routledge/ Taylor Francis.

Pedagogy and the A/r/tographic Invitation
Triggs, Valerie & Irwin, Rita L.
2019.  In Richard HickmanJohn Baldacchino, Kerry Freedman, Emese Hall and Nigel Meager (Eds). The International Encyclopedia of Art and Design Education (pp. 1-16).  Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.Read more

Weaving Slow and Indigenous Pedagogies: Considering the Axiology of Place and Identity
Leddy, S., & Miller, L.
2019. In Identity Landscapes: Contemplating Place and the Construction of Self, Ed. Ellyn Lyle. Brill/Sense (pp.268-280).

Technology as a catalyst for 21st century STEM teacher education
2019.  In S. Yu, H. M. Niemi, & J. Mason (Eds.), Shaping Future Schools with Digital Technology: An International Handbook (pp. 179-199). Switzerland: Springer. ISBN: 978-9811394386.Read more

Living Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education with/in Indigenous Communities
Editors: Editors: Nicol, C., Dawson, A.J., Archibald, J., & Glandfield, F.
2019. Brill/Sense Publishers.DOI:

What Is Curriculum Theory?
Author: Pinar, W.
2019. What Is Curriculum Theory? (3rd edition) New York, NY: Routledge.Read more

The challenges of teaching social studies: What teachers? What citizenship? What future? A tribute to Joan Pages
2019. In Ballbé, M., González-Monfort, N., Santisteban, A. (Eds.), Quin professorate, quina ciutadania, quin future? Els reptes de l’ensenyament de les ciències socials, la geografia i la història (pp. 39-52). Barcelona, Spain: GREDICS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


The emergence of early childhood education outdoor programs in British Columbia: a meandering story
Authors: Hartley Banack & Iris Berger
2019. Children’s Geographies.DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2019.1590527

Historical Studies in Education 2019 Spring Issue
Editors: Penney Clark and Mona Gleason
2019 Historical Studies in Education, 31(1).Read more

Historical Studies in Education 2019 Fall Issue
Editors: Penney Clark and Mona Gleason
2019 Historical Studies in Education, 31(2).Read more

“The Most Just of all Educational Legislation”: Provision of Free Textbooks in the Province of Ontario, 1846-1967
2019   Journal of Canadian Studies, 53(2),

Editorial. International Journal of Education Through Art
Editors: Irwin, R. L., Kalin, N. & Sinner, A.
2019. 15(3),261-263.

Editorial. International Journal of Education Through Art
Editors: Irwin, R. L., Kalin, N. & Sinner, A.
2019. 15(2), 129-131.

Sub/versing mentoring expectations: Duration, discernment, diffraction
LeBlanc, Natalie Triggs, Valerie & Irwin, Rita L.
2019. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, 39, pp. 2-17.Read more

Keening for Carl: Mentor and Poetry Man
2019. Journal of Loss and Trauma. DOI: 10.1080/15325024.2019.1693771

‘What’s disability got to do with it?’: Crippin’ educational studies at the intersections
Editors: Loutzenheiser, L. W., & Erevelles, N.
2019. Educational Studies, 55(4), 375-386. doi:10.1080/00131946.2019.1630131.

STEM outcomes of second-generation immigrant students with high-skilled parental backgrounds
Authors: Chachashvili-Bolotin, S., Lissitsa, S., & Milner-Bolotin, M.
2019.  International Journal of Science Education, 41(17), 2465-2483. doi:10.1080/09500693.2019.1686549

Pushing the boundaries of science demonstrations using modern technology
Milner-Bolotin, M., Aminov, O., Wasserman, W., & Milner, V.
2019. Canadian Journal of Physics, 8. doi:  

UBC Physics Olympics: Forty-one years of province-wide physics outreach
Milner-Bolotin, M., Liao, T., & McKenna, J.
2019. International Newsletter on Physics Education: International Commission on Physics Education – International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, 70(November), 5-6.

“Scientific Ammunition to Fire at Congress:” Intelligence, reparations and the US Army Air Forces, 1944-1947
Author: Petrina. S.
2019. Journal of Military History, 83(3), 795-829.

Exploring the Relationship between School Gardens, Food Literacy and Mental Well-Being in Youth Using Photovoice
Authors: Lam, V., Romses, K. and Renwick, K..
2019. Nutrients, 11(6), 1354Read more

Scholarship in the Second Century of FCS: Exploring the Past, Forecasting the Future
Hall, S.S., Anderson, C.L., Koukel, S.D., Renwick, K. & Rogus, S.
2019. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 11(4), 7-13.Read more

Exploring the Relationship between School Gardens, Food Literacy and Mental Well-Being in Youth Using Photovoice
Lam, V., Romses, K., & Renwick, K.
2019.  Nutrients, 11(6), 1354.Read more

“The world is our home”: Food literacy education and Vaines’ conceptualization of “ecology”
Powell, L. and Renwick, K.
2019. International Journal of Home Economics, 12(2), 46-54 (supported by SSHRC IDG grant)

Focusing the literacy in food literacy: practice, community and food sovereignty
Renwick, K. & Powell, L.
2019.  Journal of Family and Consumer Studies,111(1), 24-30.Read more

Youth connecting: Mental health and gardens
Renwick, K., Romses, K. and Lam, V.
2019.  International Journal of Education Through Art, 15(3), 387-406.Read more

Home Economics: transformative practice, ecology and everyday life
2019. International Journal of Home Economics,12(2), 3-5.

Interview with Professor E. Wayne Ross

2019. Revista Educacíon y Pedagogía, 27(69-70), 147-158.

Read more

Enacting equity in higher education through critical disability studies: A critical community self-study
Schnellert, L.,Richardson, P., Roberts, E., MacDonald, S., MacHardy, C., Rosal, A., Smith, J., Rader, M., Frisque, J., & Hole, R.
2019. Disability Studies Quarterly, 39(2). 32 pages. DOI:

Exploring diversity and nurturing generativity through in situ teacher education
Schnellert. L., & Kozak, D.
2019. Exceptionality Education International, 29(1), 72-96.

In situ hybrid spaces as generative sites for teacher preparation
Schnellert, L., & Kozak, D.
2019. McGill Journal of Education, 54(1), 1-23.  Retrieved from

Towards a conceptual-based, student centred pedagogy: Teacher candidates’ experiences of designing the objects of learning
Authors: Miechie, M., Tan, Y. S. M., & Adler, D.
2019. International Journal for Lesson and Learning Study, 8(4), 334-346.Read more

Using collaborative action research to resolve practical and philosophical challenges in educational neuroscience
Authors: Amiel, J. J. & Tan, Y. S. M.
2019. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 16, 1-7.Read more

Navigating the Lows to Gain New Heights: Constraints to SoTL Engagement.
Author: Webb, A.S.
2019. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10(2).

SoTL Stories: Phenomenology as a methodology for SoTL research
Authors: Webb, A.S. & Welsh, A.J.
2019. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 7(1), 168-181.

Investigating support for scholarship of teaching and learning; we need SoTL educational leaders
Authors: Webb, A.S. & Tierney, A.M.
2019. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, doi:10.1080/14703297.2019.1635905. Published online June 27, 2019.Read more

Books & Book Chapters

Athlete-centered coaching: Extending the possibilities of a holistic and process-oriented model to athlete development
Authors: Griffin, L.L., Butler, J.I., & Sheppard, J
2018. In S. Pill (Ed.) Perspectives on Athlete-centered coaching (pp. 9-23) New York; Routledge.

Historical thinking: Definitions and educational applications
Authors: S. Lévesque, & P. Clark
2018. Wiley international handbook of history teaching and learning (pp. 119-148). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

’Getting bruised, hurting, and dirty’ in educational leadership: Tempering the ‘leprosy’ of careerism with a sense of calling
In I.H. Amzat, (Ed.), Predictive models for school leadership and practices (pp. 18-42).  Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publisher.Read more

Canada’s ‘Trojan horse’: Labor mobility legislation concealing de-regulation and an attack on teacher professionalism and the common good
2018. In Hobbel, N., & Bales, B.L. (Eds.), Navigating the common good in teacher education policy: Critical and international perspectives (pp. 213-224).  New York: Routledge.
Read more

Three invocations that provoke: Strangler figs, madness, and earthquakes
2018. In E. Haseby-Ludt & C. Leggo, (Eds.), Canadian Curriculum Studies: A Métissage of Inspiration/ Imagination/ Interconnection (pp. 96-97).  Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.Read more

Encountering research as creative practice: Participants giving voice to the research

Authors: MacDougall, D., Irwin, R. L., Boulton, A., LeBlanc, N. & May, H.

2018.   In L. Cutcher & L. Knight (Eds.). Arts-Research-Education: Connections and directions (pp. 31-60).  London:  Springer.

Dadaab Refugee Camp and the Story of Education
Authors: Meyer, K., Nicol, C., Hassan, M., Hussein, A., Bulle, M., Hussein, Ahmed., Nashon, S., Ali, A., Olow, M. & Maalim, S.
2018. In E. Hasabe-Ludt & C. Leggo (Eds.), Canadian Curriculum Studies: A Métissage of Inspiration/ Imagination/ Interconnection (pp. 257-265). Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.Read more

Physics for scientists and engineers: An interactive approach. 2nd Edition
Authors: Hawkes, Robert, Iqbal, Javed, Mansour, Firas, Milner-Bolotin, Marina, & Williams, Peter
2018. Toronto: Nelson Education. ISBN: 978-0-17-658719-2

Nurturing creativity in future mathematics teachers through embracing technology and failure
2018.  In V. Freiman and J. Tassell (Eds), Creativity and Technology in Math Education, Mathematics Education in the Digital Era ., pp. 251-278, Cham, Switzerland: Springer.Read more

Learning to Live in Boys’ Schools: Art-Led Understandings of Masculinities
2018. New York and London: Routledge.Read more

Hacking minds: Curriculum mentis, noosphere, internet, matrix, web
Authors: Lee, Y.-L. & Petrina, S.
2018. In N. Ng-A-Fook, S. Pratt, B. Smith, & L. Radford (Eds.), Hacking education in a digital age: Teacher education, curriculum, and literacies (pp. 15-36). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Justice and global citizenship education
Authors: Sant, E., Lewis, S., Delgado, S., & Ross, E. W.
2018. In I. Davies, H. Li-Ching, D. Kiwan, C. L. Peck, A. Peterson, E. Sant, & Y. Waghid (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Citizenship and Education (pp. 227-243). London: Palgrave Macmillan

Author: Ross, E.W.
2018.  In D. G. Krutka, A. M. Whitlock, & M. Helmsing (Eds.),  Keywords in the social studies: Concepts and conversations (pp. 249-260). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing.Read more

Foreword: History Educators in a New Era
Author: Seixas, Peter
2018. In Scott Alan Metzger and Lauren McArthur Harris (Eds.), International Handbook of History Teaching and Learning, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018), pp. xiii-xix. doi/book/10.1002/9781119100812Read more


Where STEM binds, and ST(eee)EM flows: A case for where in STEM discourse and practice
2018. Critical Education9(16).Read more

Historical Studies in Education/ Revue d’histoire de l’éducation: A Journal’s Journey from Past to Present
Editors: Penney Clark, K.M. Gemmell and Mona Gleason
2018. Scholarly Research and Communication, 9(1), 1-11.

Historical Studies in Education 2018 Spring Special Issue
Editors: Penney Clark and Mona Gleason
2018. Historical Studies in Education, 30(1).Read more

Back to school?: Historians and the view from the classroom
Authors: Penney Clark and Amy von Heyking
Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation30(1), 24-41. (Guest-edited section)Read more

History Education Debates: Canadian Identity, Historical Thinking and Historical Consciousness
2018. Arbor, Special issue: Identity, Heritage and Historical Thinking. 194(788): 1-13.Read more

Historical Studies in Education 2018 Fall Issue
Editors: Penney Clark and Mona Gleason
2018 Historical Studies in Education, 30(2).Read more

Promoting reflective physics teaching through the use of Collaborative Learning Annotation System
2018. The Physics Teacher, 56(May), 313-316.

Examination of parental engagement in children’s STEM education. Part I: Meta-analysis of the Literature
Authors: Milner-Bolotin, M. and C. C.F. Marotto
2018. LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education 6(1): 41-59.Read more

Examination of parental engagement in children’s STEM education. Part II: Parental views on promoting children’s STEM education In- and Out-of-School
Authors: Milner-Bolotin, M. and C. C.F. Marotto
2018. LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education 6(1): 60-86.Read more

Evidence-based research in STEM Teacher Education: From theory to practice
2018. Frontiers in Education: STEM Education, November 2.Read more

Race and culture in secondary school health and physical education curriculum in Ontario, Canada
2018. A critical reading. Health Education, 118(2), 144-158.

Social Learning with Mobile Devices in Preschool Classrooms
Authors: Ralph, R. & Petrina, S.
2018. European Journal of STEM Education, 3(2b), 1-15.Read more

Why home economics classes still matters
2018. Policy Options. Recalibrating Canada’s Consumer Rights Regime special feature, June.

Pensando de Manera Crítica sobre el Pensamiento Crítico
Authors: E. Wayne Ross, Michelle Gautreaux
2018. Aula Abierta, volumen 47, nº 4, octubre-diciembre, 2018, págs. 383-386
Read more

Learning study is “hard”: case of pre-service biology teachers in British Columbia
Author: Michelle Tan
2018, International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, Vol. 7 Issue: 1, pp.37-49.

Books & Book Chapters

Complexity, curriculum and the design of learning systems
Authors: Ovens, A., & Joy Butler
2017. In C. Ennis (Ed.), The Handbook of Physical Education (pp 97-111). London: Routledge.

A/r/tographic inquiry in a new tonality: The relationality of music and poetry
2017. In P. Leavy (Ed.), Handbook of Arts Based Research (pp. 233-246). New York: Guilford Press.

The third culture: The transforming (visual) culture in globalized virtual worlds
2017. In S. R. Shin, (Ed.), Convergence of Contemporary Art Education, Visual Culture, and Global Civic Engagement. (pp. 318-330). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

A/r/tographic as living inquiry
Authors: Rita Irwin, Natalie LeBlanc, Jee Yeon Ryu, and George Belliveau
2017. In P. Leavy (Ed.), Handbook of Arts Based Research (pp. 37-53). New York: Guilford Press.

Placenta wit: Mother stories, rituals, and research
Editor: Jordan, Nane.
2017. Toronto: Demeter Press.

Technology-supported inquiry in STEM teacher education: Collaboration, challenges and possibilities
2017. In I. Levin & D. Tsybulsky (Eds.), Digital Tools and Solutions for Inquiry-Based STEM Learning (Vol. 1, pp. 252-281). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Shifting Stories of Size: Critical Obesity Scholarship as Transformative Pedagogy for Disrupting Weight-based Oppression in Physical Education
Authors: Cameron, E., Norman, M., & Petherick, L.
2017. In C. Ennis (Ed.) Handbook of Physical Education (pp.343-355). Routledge.

Critique of technology
2017. In P. J. Williams & K. Stables (Eds.), Critique in design and technology education (pp. 31-49). Dordrecht, NL: Springer.

Teacher Education and the Political: The Power of Negative Thinking
Author: Anne Phelan and Mathew Clarke
2017. Publisher: London: Routledge Press.

Rethinking social studies: Critical pedagogy in pursuit of Dangerous Citizenship
2017. Publisher: Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


Memories of Manga: Impact and Nostalgic Recollections of Visiting a Manga Museum
Authors: David Anderson, Hiroyuki Shimizu, Shota Iwasaki
2017. Curator The Museum Journal, Volume 60, Issue 4, pp.505–525.

Feminist directions for Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) Movement (Editorial)
Author: Joy Butler
2017. Cultura_Ciencia_Deporte. DOI: 10.12800/ccd, 12(35), 87-88.

“A Grand Old House:” Canadian Educational Publisher Copp Clark, 1841-2004
Author: Penney Clark
2017. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, 55(1), 51-90.

“A Business Activity Surrounded by a Cultural Environment:” Regional Educational Publishing, 1970-2015
Author: Penney Clark
2017.  BC Studies: The British Columbia Quarterly, 195(Autumn), 35-63.

“The school book question is a farce”: Free Textbook Provision in Nova Scotia, 1864-1944
Author: Penney Clark and K.M. Gemmell
2017. Acadiensis: Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region, 46(2), 59-87.

Historical Studies in Education 2017 Fall Issue
Editors: Penney Clark and Mona Gleason
2017. Historical Studies in Education, 29(2).

Fiction, History and Pedagogy: A Double-Edged Sword
Author: Penney Clark and Alan Sears
2017. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 49(5), 620-639.

Historical Studies in Education 2017 Spring Issue
Editors: Penney Clark and Mona Gleason
2017. Historical Studies in Education, 29(1).

Performing survivance: (Re)Storying STEM education from an Indigenous perspective
Authors: Peter Cole and Pat O’Riley
2017.  Critical Education, 8(15), 24-40.

Education in an era of climate change: Conversing with ten thousand voices
Author: Peter Cole
2016. Transnational Curriculum Inquiry: The Journal of the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, 3(1), 3–13.

Integrated School-Based Teacher Education: From Apprenticeship to a Complex Learning System
Authors: Collins, Steve, and Hermia Ting
2017.  Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education.

Questioning Curriculum Theory in Teacher Education: Nourishing and Invisibly Repairing the Minds of Researchers and Teachers
2017. Creative Education, 8, 1124-1134.

Physics Outreach
Editors: Milner-Bolotin, M., & Johnson, S.
2017. Physics in Canada, 73(3), 121-126.

Four decades of High School Physics Olympics Competitions at the University of British Columbia
Authors: Liao, T., McKenna, J., & Milner-Bolotin, M.
2017. Physics in Canada, 73(3), 127-129.

Family Mathematics and Science Day at UBC Faculty of Education
Authors: Milner-Bolotin, M., & Milner, V.
2017. Physics in Canada, 73(3), 130-132.

Curating as a Condition of Art Education
Guest Editor: Dónal O Donoghue
2017. Curating as a Condition of Art Education. Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art , 6(1), 5-130.

From Crit to Social Critique
2017. From Crit to Social Critique. In M. J. de Vries (Ed.), International handbook of technology education (pp. 1-11). Dordrecht, NL: Springer.

Same Same but Different: curriculum representations of health education
2017. Asia Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 8(3),  273-288.

Critical Health Literacy in 3D
2017. Frontiers in Education, section: Public Health Education and Promotion. Front. Educ. 2(40), 1 – 5.

Saudi Arabian Home Economics curriculum: searching for deep learning
Authors: Alharbi, M. & Renwick, K.
2017. International Journal of Home Economics, 10(2), 109 – 120.

Books & Book Chapters

Playing Fair: Using Student-invented Games to Prevent Bullying, Teach Democracy, and Promote Social Justice
Editor: Joy Butler
2016. Champaign, IL., Human Kinetics.

Approaches to embodied learning in mathematics
2016. In L. English & D. Kirschner (Eds.), Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education, 3rd Edition. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis, 60-97.

Performative research in music and poetry: A pedagogy of listening
Authors: Peter Gouzouasis, and Carl Leggo
2016. In P. Burnard, L. Mackinlay & K. Powell (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research (pp. 454-466). London & New York: Rutledge.

Permission … permission: A parody on the melody of the song, “Tradition,” the opening number of “Fiddler on the Roof.”
2016. In J. White (Ed.), Permission: The International Interdisciplinary Impact of Laurel Richardson’s Work (pp. 49-52). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

An Entertaining Game-Like Learning Environment in a Virtual World for Education
Authors: Han, H. S., Zhang, J., Peikazadi, N., Shi, G., Hung, A., Doan, C. P., & Filippelli, S.
2016. In S. D’Agustino (Ed.), Creating Teacher Immediacy in Online Learning Environments (pp. 290-306). Hershey, PA.

Intercultural exchange: the interventions and intraventions of practice-based research
Authors: Adrienne Boulton-Funke, Rita L. Irwin, Natalie LeBlanc and Heidi May
2016. In P. Burnard, L. Mackinlay & K. Powell (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research (pp. 248-258). London & New York: Rutledge.

By a Thread
Author: Karen Meyer
2016. Publisher: Author.

Framing “Boys’ Art Education” through an intercultural lens
2016. In P. Burnard, L. Mackinlay & K. Powell (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Intercultural Arts Research (pp. 172-181). London & New York: Rutledge.

Obesity Panic, Body Surveillance and Pedagogy: Elementary Teachers’ Response to Obesity Messaging
Authors: Petherick, L. & Beausoleil, N.
2016. In D. McPhail, W. Mitchinsen, & J. Ellison (Eds.), Obesity in Canada: Historical and Critical Perspectives (pp. 245-271). University of Toronto Press.

Engaging with Issues in Social Class in Physical Education
2016. In D. Robinson, & L. Randell (Eds.), Social Justice in Physical Education. Critical Reflections and Pedagogies for Change (pp.183-205). Canadian Scholars Press.

The enemy within: Teaching “hard knowledge” about “soft bodies” in A Kinesiology Faculty
Authors: Norman, M., & Petherick, L.
2016. In E. Cameron & C. Russell (Eds.), The Fat Pedagogy Reader. Challenging Weight-based oppression in Education (pp.91-100). Peter Lang Publishers.

Manufacturing Consent: A critical Analysis of the HPVV informed consent process in Ontario, Canada
Authors: Petherick, L., Norman, M., & Rail, G.
2016. In S. Dagkas and L. Burrows, (Eds.), Families, Young People, Physical Activity and Health, (pp. 96-113). Routledge.

The courage of hopelessness: Creative disruption of everyday life in the classroom
Author: E. Wayne Ross
2016. In W. Journell (Ed.), Reassessing the social studies curriculum: Promoting critical civic engagement in a politically polarized, post-9/11 world (pp. 69-82)Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Peter McLaren, Life in Schools: An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Foundations of Education (1988)
Author: E. Wayne Ross
2016. In J. L. DeVitis (Ed.), Popular educational classics: A reader. New York: Peter Lang.

Working for Social Justice Inside and Outside the Classroom: A Community of Students, Teachers, Researchers, and Activists
Editors: E. Wayne Ross, and Nancye McCrary
2016. Peter Lang.

Inclusion of outdoor education in the formal school curriculum: Singapore’s journey
Authors: Ho, S., Atencio, M., Tan, Y. S. M., & Chew, T. C.
2016.  In B. Humberstone, H. Prince & K. Henderson (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of outdoor studies (pp. 277-287)Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.


Historical Studies in Education 2016 Spring Issue
Editors: Penney Clark and Mona Gleason
2016. Historical Studies in Education, 28(1).

Historical Studies in Education 2016 Fall Issue
Editors: Penney Clark and Mona GleasonHistorical Studies in Education, 28(2).Read more

Education in an Era of Climate Change: Conversing with Ten Thousand Voices
Author: Peter Cole
2016.  Transnational Curriculum Inquiry: The Journal of the International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies, 13(1), 3-13.

An Indigenous research narrative: Ethics and protocols over time and space
Author: Peter Cole
2016. Qualitative Inquiry, 1–9. doi: 10.1177/1077800416659083

Reconceptualizing ST®E(A)M(S) Education for Teacher Education
Authors: Don Krug and Ashley Shaw
2016. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 16:2, 183-200, DOI: 10.1080/14926156.2016.1166295

Examination of factors predicting secondary students’ interest in tertiary STEM education
Authors: Chachashvili-Bolotin, S.,  Milner-Bolotin, M. & Lisitssa, S.
2016. International Journal of Science Education, 38(2), 25.

Rethinking technology-enhanced physics teacher education: From theory to practice
2016. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 16 (Published online), 25. DOI: 10.1080/14926156.2015.1119334

Investigating the effect of question-driven pedagogy on the development of physics teacher-candidates’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge.
Authors: Milner-Bolotin, M., Egersdorfer, D., & Vinayagam, M.
2016. Physics Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research, 12, 020128-020121-020128-020116.

Interpreting Teachers’ Perceptions of Contextual Influences on Sexuality Discourses Within the School Curriculum: Lessons From Sex Health Education Teachers in Kampala, Uganda
Authors: Annette Tushabomwe & Samson Nashon
2016. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, DOI:10.1080/14926156.2016.1235744

Home economics education in a time of schooling
2016. Victorian Journal of Home Economics, 55(1), 2-6.

Cross-cultural School Based Encounters as Health Education.
Authors: Bruselius-Jensen, M., Kerry Renwick, & Aagaard-Hansen, J.
2016. Health Education Journal, 1, 1-13. DOI: 10.1177/0017896916676209.

Students in revolt: The pedagogical potential of student collective action in the age of the corporate university.
Authors: Sandra Delgado, Michelle Gautreaux, & E. Wayne Ross
2016.  Knowledge Cultures, 4(6): 141-158.

La literatura infantil como herramienta para enseñar cuestiones relativas al poder, la tiranía y la justicia social [Children’s literature as a tool to teach issues of power, tyranny and social justice]
Authors: Sandra Delgado, Michelle Gautreaux, & E. Wayne Ross
2016.  Íber: Didáctica de las Ciencias Socials, Geografia e Historia, 82, 50-55

Unpacking a place-based approach – “What lies beyond?” Insights drawn from teachers’ perceptions of Outdoor Education
Authors: Michelle Tan & Matthew Attencio
2016. Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 56, May 2016, Pages 25–34

Problem Finding in Professional Learning Communities: A Learning Study Approach
Authors: Michelle Tan & I.S. Caleon
2016. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research , Volume 60, Issue 2, pages 127-146.

Dealing with the Ambiguities of Science Inquiry
Authors: Michelle Tan & I.S. Caleon
2016. IPhys. Teach. 54, 168

Books & Book Chapters

Research Informing the Practice of Museum Educators: Diverse Audiences, Challenging Topics, and Reflective Praxis
Editors: David Anderson, Alex de Cosson and Lisa McIntosh
2015. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam.

Dialogue across chasms: History and history education in Canada
Authors: Clark, P., Lévesque, S., & Sandwell, R.
2015. In E. Erdmann & W. Hasberg (Eds.), History teacher education: Global interrelations, 191-211. History education international series. Schwalbach/Ts, Germany: Wochenschau Verlag.

Indigenous eco-technological knowings meeting university satellite campus teachings on the rez
Author: Peter Cole
2015. In D. Long & O. P. Dickason (Ed.), Visions of the heart: Issues involving Aboriginal Peoples in Canada (4th Edition) (pp. 1–22). Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press.

In(di)genuity in Design and Technology Education: Animating an ecological cross-cultural conversation.
2015. In K. Stables & S. Keirl (Eds.), Environment, ethics and cultures: Design and Technology Education’s contribution to sustainable global futures (pp. 67-85). Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers.

Digital mathematical performances: Creating a liminal space for participation
2015. In U. Gellert, J. Gimenez Rodriguez, C. Hahn & S. Kafoussi, S. (Eds.), Educational paths to mathematics: A C.I.E.A.E.M. Sourcebook. Berlin: Springer, 205-217.

Revisioning Decision Making in Educational Leadership
2015. In Stephanie Chitpin, Colin W. Evers (Eds.), Decision Making in Educational Leadership: Principles, Policies, and Practices (pp. 110-128). New York: Routledge.

Academic Leadership: Careerism With a Sense of Calling
2015. In Renee T Clift, John Loughran, Geoffrey E Mills, Cheryl J Craig (Eds.), Inside the Role of Dean: International perspectives on leading in higher education (pp. 81-96). New York: Routledge.

Visual literacy skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education
2015. In M. J. Spector (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology (Vol. 2, pp. 826-830). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

STEM teacher-candidates’ engagement with technology: Challenges and possibilities
2015. In X. Ge, D. Ifenthaler & J. M. Spector (Eds.), Emerging technologies for STEAM education (pp. 135-153). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Art, Scholarship and Research: A Backward Glance
2015. In M. Fleming, L. Bresler and J. O’Toole (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of the Arts and Education (pp. 345-358). London: Routledge.

Curriculum Theorizing and Teacher Education: Complicating Conjunctions
2015. New York: Routledge.

Toward a Poor Curriculum (3rd edition)
Editors: William F. Pinar, Madeleine R. Grumet
2015. Kingston, NY: Educator’s International Press.

Educational Experience as Lived: Knowledge, History, Alterity: The Selected Works of William F. Pinar
2015. New York: Routledge.

Curriculum Studies in India: Intellectual Histories, Present Circumstances
2015. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Autobiography and Teacher Development in China: Subjectivity and Culture in Curriculum Reform
Editors: William F. Pinar and Zhang Hua
2015. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Yaşamin maddi dönüşümü” Guy Debord, gösteri ve eleştirel sosyal çalişmalar eğitimi [“The concrete inversion of life”: Guy Debord, the spectacle, and critical education]
2014. In A. Yildiz & M. Uysal (Eds.), Eleştirel eğitim yazılar (pp. 211-236) [Writings on critical education]. Ankara, Turkey: Siyasal Kitabevi. (Translated By Arzu Çakir)

Teaching for change: Social education and critical knowledge for everyday life or my pedagogical creed
2015. In S. Totten (Ed.) The importance of teaching social issues: Our pedagogical creeds. New York: Routledge.

Empire and education for class consciousness: Class war and education in the United States
Authors: Rich Gibson and E. Wayne Ross
2015. In P. R. Carr & B. J. Porfilio (Eds.), The phenomenon of Obama and the agenda for education: Can hope (still) audaciously trump neoliberalism? (2nd Ed., pp. 249-276). Information Age Press.


Personal implications of specific long-term memories on social events: Retrospective & current memory of older Japanese adults’ experiences of visiting world expositions
Authors: David Anderson & Hiroyuki Shimizu
2015. The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, Vol 33(2), 1-9.

Deux points de vue sur l’enseignement de l’histoire au Canada
Authors: Penney Clark and Louis LeVasseur
2015. Revue Internationale d’Éducation, 69: 123-133.

Adolescent love and relationships: A songwriting teacher’s autoethnography.
2015. Journal of Artistic & Creative Education. 9(1), 68-98.

A pedagogical tale from the piano studio: autoethnography in early childhood music education research
Authors: Peter Gouzouasis and Jee Yeon Ryu
2015. Music Education Research, 17(4), 397-420.

Teaching Visual Learning through Virtual World Experiences: Why Do We Need a Virtual World for Art Education?
2015. Art Education. 68(6). 22-27.

Gamified pedagogy: From gaming theory to create a self-motivated learning environment in studio art
2015. Studies in Art Education, 56(3), 257-267.

The scholarship of educational leadership in research-intensive university contexts: Institutional implications for promotion and tenure supervision.
Authors: Hubball, H.T., Clarke, A., Chng Huang Hoon, & Grimmett, P.
2015. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5(2).

Developing institutional leadership for the scholarship of teaching and learning: Lessons learned with senior educational leaders in multinational research-intensive university settings
Authors: Hubball, H. T., Clarke, A., Webb, A., & Johnson, B.
2015. International Journal for University Teaching and Faculty Development, 4(4).

Learning physics teaching through collaborative design of conceptual multiple-choice questions
2015. The Canadian Journal of Action Research, 16(2)), 22-41.

Increasing girls’ participation in physics: Education research implications for practice
2015. Physics in Canada, 71(2), 94-97.

Collective agency among physics teachers: A case in China’s curriculum reform
Authors: Fu, G. & Nashon, S. M.
2015. International Journal of Secondary Education, 2(6), 94 – 101.

Student Learning Impact on Science Teachers’ Teaching: The Case of a Form 3 Science Class in Kenya
Authors: Samson Nashon, David Anderson, Peter Okemwa, Festus Kelonye, Selline Ooko & Peterson Ombogo
2015. Journal of Technology & Socio-Economic Development, Vol. 4, 32 – 38.

The Turn to Experience in Contemporary Art: A Potentiality for Thinking Art Education Differently
2015. Studies in Art Education, 56(2), 103-113.

On The Education of Art-Based Researchers: What We Might Learn From Charles Garoian
2015. Qualitative Inquiry, 21(6), 520-528.

Threat Convergence: The new academic work, bullying, mobbing and freedom
Authors: Stephen Petrina, Sandra Mathison and E. Wayne Ross
2015. Journal Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor, 24, 58-69.

Home Economics as professional practice
Author: Kerry Renwick
2015. International Journal of Home Economics (IJHE) 8 (2), 19 – 35.

Què hauríem de mantenir i què hauríem de canviar en la pedagogia crítica? [What should we keep and what should we change about critical pedagogy?]
2015. Perspectiva Escolar, 382, 6-13

Social studies education and standards-based education reform in North America: Curriculum standardization, high-stakes testing, and resistance
Authors: E. Wayne Ross, Sandra Mathison, Kevin D. Vinson
2015. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos, 10(1), 19-48.

Critical education and insurgent pedagogies: An interview with E. Wayne Ross
Authors: E. Wayne Ross and Carlo Fanelli
2015. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 26, 405-422.