Research Interests
- Museum Education
- Visitor Studies
- Informal Learning
- Asia-Pacific Museum Education Research
- Science Education
- Educational Reforms
- Metacognition
- Social Cognition
- Contextual Mediation of Curriculum and Pedagogy
- Long-term and Autobiographical Memory
Dr. David Anderson is a Professor in the fields of Visitor Studies, Museum Education and Science Education, and is the Director of the Master of Museum Education (MMEd) degree program at UBC. He has made significant contributions to these fields through initiating, reforming and strengthening collaborations between museums, schools and universities. Through these reforms his work has been instrumental in energizing the remarkable wealth of cultural, historic, and social significance represented in museum institutions. He is a Japan Foundation, Ritsumeikan and Unversitas 21 Research Fellow, and his research contributions span the Globe, but have had particular impact and relevance for the nations of Asia, including China, Malaysia, Thailand, India and Japan. He has worked on the leading edge of the trends in educational reforms in Asia, identifying the needs, working harmoniously within the changes, and bridging disconnected groups in ways that are yielding considerable benefits to education. His work is releasing and revitalizing the extraordinary educational wealth of culture and history held in museums throughout the World.
Selected Publications
Ji, J., & Anderson, D. (2024). Becoming a Better ME: Chinese science museum educators’ expectations for professional growth, Curator, 67,1-21.
Ji, J., Anderson, D,. & Wu, X. (2023). Chinese science museum educators’ perspectives on the contradictions between their practice and visitors’ expectations, Visitor Studies, 26(2), 160-180.
Minagawa, R., Yamashita, S., Hatanaka, T., & Anderson, D. (2023). Development and evaluation of educational programs for university students at Tojogaoka Historical Park. Japanese Society of Science Education Research. 38(1), 11-14.
Santos, R, Anderson, D., & Milner-Bolotin, M., (2023). Research trends in international science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education conference series: An analysis of a decade of proceedings.
Frontiers in Education, 7:1099658.
Yang, H., Anderson, D., & Kang, S-J. (2023). An instrument for measuring scientific empathy in students’ disciplinary engagement: the scientific empathy index. Frontier in Education, 8:1254436.
Anderson, D., Shimizu, H., & Massam, W. (2022). Retrospective, current and future perceptions of society among younger and older Japanese adults. Psychologia, 61(1) 69-93.
Anderson, D., Shimizu, H., Liu, Y., & Glover, R. (2021). Psychological factors influencing the vividness and affect of visitors’ recall of nostalgic life memories in museums. Current Psychology, 40, 3585–3595.
Anderson, D., Milner-Bolotin, M., Santos, R., & Petrina, S. (Eds.). (2021). Proceedings of the 6th International STEM in Education Conference (STEM 2021). University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, July 5-9. University of British Columbia.
Anderson, D., Shimizu, H., & Iwasaki, S. (2021). Recollections of who we were: Nostalgic retrospective perceptions of Japanese society following a visit to a Shōwa-era museum. Curator, 64(1), 17-40.
Nashon, S. M., Anderson, D., Beru, K. F., & Ooko, S. (2021). Contextualizing science education as an engagement strategy for the African (Kenyan) learner. In A.A. Abdi (Ed.), Critical theorizations of education. (pp.116-128). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Shimizu, S., & Anderson, D. (2020). Long-term memories on visitors of world expositions: A brief review on the studies of memories of the world expositions in Montreal, Osaka, Vancouver, Brisbane, and Aichi, In Mayuko Sano (Ed). Expology. (pp.416-427). Shibunkaku Shuppan Co. Ltd: Kyoto.
Anderson, D., & Yamashita, S., (2020). My identity in the garden – Self reflections of expatriates’ garden visits. Journal of Museum Education, 45(2), 176-186.
Anderson, D., (2018). The role of the museums as sites for learning how to teach and change educational practices. In M. Yuasa (Ed.) Museum Informatics, Vol.5; Museum and Communication, Chap.2, (pp. 93-124). Tokyo: Jusonbo.
Anderson, D., & Shimizu, H., & Iwasaki, S., (2017). Memories of manga: Impact and nostalgic recollections of visiting a manga museum, Curator, 60(4), 505-525.
Anderson, D., (2017). The vital role of the “museum educator”: A call to further professionalize the field. Journal of Natural Science Museum Research, 2(1), 55-61
Ooko, S., Beru, F., Nashon, S., Anderson, D., & Namazzi, E. (2017). Contextualized science teaching and student performance: The case of a Kenyan girls science class. International Journal of Engineering Education. 33(3), 1110–1116.
Anderson, D. (2016). Museums as sites for learning the art of education. In L. Avraamidou & W-M. Roth (Eds.) Intersections of formal and informal science, (pp. 166-177). New York: Routledge.
Anderson, D., & Shimizu, H., & Campbell, C., (2016). Insights on how museum objects mediate recall of nostalgic life episodes at a Shōwa era museum in Japan. Curator, 59(1), 5-26.
Ji, J., Anderson, D., & Wu, X., (2016). Motivational factors in career decisions made by Chinese science museum educators. Adult Education Quarterly, 66(1), 21-38
Anderson, D., de Cosson, A., & McInstosh, L. (2015). (Eds.) Research informing the practice of museum educators. Diverse audiences, challenging topics, and reflective praxis. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Anderson, D., et. al., (2015). East African science teachers’ pedagogical transformations during and after enacting and experiencing student learning in a reformed contextualized science curriculum, Journal of Science Teacher Education, 26(7), 599-617.
Anderson, D., & Shimizu, H. (2015). Personal implications of specific long-term memories on social events: Retrospective and current memory of older Japanese adults’ experiences of visiting world expositions. The Japanese Journal of Psychonomic Science, 33(2), 167-175.
Nashon, S.M., Anderson, D., Okemwa, P., Kelonye, F., Ooko, S., & Ombogo, P., (2015). Student learning impact on science teachers’ teaching: The case of a form 3 science case in Kenya. Journal of Technology & Socio-Economic Development, 4(6), 32-38.
Anderson, D., Thomas, G. (2014). ‘Prospecting for metacognition’ in a science museum – A metaphor reflecting hermeneutic inquiry and questioning into metacognition in a new context. Issues in Educational Research, 24(1) 1-20.
Ji, J., Anderson, D., Wu, X., & Kang, C. (2014). Chinese family groups’ museum visit motivations: A comparative study of Beijing and Vancouver. Curator, 57(1), 81-96.
Kim, J., Anderson, D., & Scott, S. (2014). Korean elementary school students’ perceptions of interconnectedness to marine organisms. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 14(2), 1-14.
Shimizu, S., Yuasa, M., & Anderson., D. (2014). The significance of research on visitors’ long-term memories with nostalgic responses in socio-cultural history museums. Journal of Japan Museum Management, 18(1), 1-7
Anderson, D., (2013). Recognizing the significance of the professional museum educator in todays’ museum institutions. Journal of Japan Museum Management Academy, 17(1), 3-15.
Nashon, S.M., & Anderson, D. (2013). Interpreting student views of learning experiences in a contextualized science discourse In Kenya, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(4), 381–407.
Nashon, S.M., & Anderson, D. (2013). Teacher change: The effect of student learning on science teachers’ teaching in Kenya. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29(4), 839–845.
Hunter, K., Mayer-Smith, J., & Anderson, D., (2013). A qualitative investigation of sustainability-oriented courses at UBC. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 8(2), 93-104.
Anderson, D. (2012). A reflective hermeneutic approach to research methods investigating visitor learning. In D. Ash and L. Melber (Eds.) Methodologies for Informal Learning. (pp. 14 – 25). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Anderson, D., & Shimizu, H. (2012). Memory characteristics in relation to age and community identity: The influence of rehearsal on visitors’ recollections of the 2005 Aichi World Exposition, Japan. Visitors Studies, 15(2), 186-202.
Briseno-Garzon, A., & Anderson, D., (2012). A review of Latin American perspectives on museums and museum learning. Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship, 27(2), 161-177.
Briseno-Garzon, A., & Anderson, D., (2012). “My child is your child”: Family behavior in a Mexican science museum. Curator, 55(2), 179-201.
Thomas, G., & Anderson, D., (2012). Parents’ metacognitive knowledge: Influences on parent-child interactions in a science museum setting. Journal of Research in Science Education, 43(3), 1245-1265.
Shimizu, H., Anderson, D., & Takahashi, M., (2012). Autobiographical memories of specific social events for older and younger adults: Context dependency of the Memory Characteristics Questionnaire on recollection of 1970 and 2005 Japan World Expositions. Japanese Psychological Research, 54(2), 182–194.
Ballantyne, R., Packer, J., & Anderson, D., (2010). Exploring the Impact of Integrated Fieldwork, Reflective and Metacognitive Experiences on Student Environmental Learning Outcomes. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 26, 47-65.
Crider, S., Passmore, C., & Anderson, D., (2010). Learning on zoo field trips: The interaction of students’, teachers’, and zoo educators’ agendas and practices. Science Education. 93(1),122-141.
Kang, C., Anderson, D., Wu, X. (2010). Chinese perceptions of the interface between school and museum education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(3), 665-684.
Kisiel, J., & Anderson, D., (2010). The challenges of understanding science learning in informal environments. Curator, 53(2), 181-189.
Anderson, D., Thomas, G.P., & Nashon, S.M. (2009). Social barriers to engaging in meaningful learning in biology field trip group work. Science Education, 93(3), 511-534.
Anderson, D., Nashon, S.M., & Thomas, G.P. (2009). Evolution of research methods for probing and understanding metacognition. Research in Science Education, 39(2),181-195.
Nashon, S., Anderson, D., & Nielsen, W. (2009). An instructional challenge through problem solving for physics teacher candidates. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 10(1),1-21.
Nielsen, W., Nashon, S., & Anderson, D. (2009). Metacognitive engagement during field-trip experiences: A case study of students in an amusement park physics program. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46(3), 265- 288.
Thomas, G.P., Anderson, D., & Nashon, S.M. (2008). Development and validity of an instrument designed to investigate elements of science students’ metacognition, self-efficacy and learning processes: The SEMLI-S. International Journal of Science Education, 30(13), 1701-1724.
Anderson, D., Piscitelli, B., & Everett M. (2008). Competing agendas: Young children’s museum field trips. Curator, 51(3), 253-273.
Anderson, D., & Gosselin, V. (2008). Private and public memories of Expo 67: a case study of recollections of Montreal’s World’s Fair, 40 years after the event. Museum & Society, 6(1), 1-21.
Hertzman, E., Anderson, D., & Rowley, S. (2008). Edutainment Heritage Tourist Attractions: A Portrait of Visitors’ Experiences at Storyeum. Journal of Museum Management and Curatorship, 23(2), 155-175.
Nashon, S., Anderson, D., & Wright, H. (2007). African ways of knowing, worldviews and pedagogy. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 2 (2), 1-7.
Anderson, D., & Shimizu, H. (2007). Factors shaping vividness of memory episodes: Visitors’ long-term memories of the 1970 Japan World Exposition. Memory, 15(2), 177-191.
Anderson, D., & Shimizu, H. (2007). Memories of Expo 70: Visitors’ experiences and the retention of vivid long-term memories. Curator, 50(4), 435-454.
Anderson, D., & Nashon, S. (2007). Predators of knowledge construction: Interpreting students’ metacognition in an amusement park physics program. Science Education, 91(2), 298-320.
Briseno, A., Anderson, D., & Anderson, A. (2007). Adult learning experience from an aquarium visit. The role of social interaction in family groups. Curator, 50(3), 299-318.
Briseno, A., Anderson, D., & Anderson, A. (2007). Entry and emergent agendas of adults visiting an aquarium in family groups. Visitor Studies, 10(1), 71–87.
Wright, H.K., Nashon, S., & Anderson, D. (2007). Editorial: Re-thinking the place of African worldviews and ways of knowing in education. Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education, 1(4), 239-245.
Anderson, D., Lawson, B., & Mayer-Smith, J. (2006). The impact of extended practicum experiences in a marine science centre. Teaching Education, 17(4), 341-353.
Anderson, D., Kisiel, J., & Storksdieck, M. (2006). Understanding teachers’ perspectives on field trips: Discovering common ground in three countries. Curator, 49(3), 365-386.
Anderson, D., Zhang, Z., Chatterjee, S., Robin, R., & Aldrich, P. (2005). Punjab students’ perceived interest, knowledge and importance of science topics: Challenging outcomes from a front-end study. Visitor Studies, (8)2, 8-13.
Krmpotich, C., & Anderson, D. (2005). Collaborative exhibitions and visitor reactions: The case of Nitsitapiisinni: Our Way of Life. Curator, 48(4), 377-405.
Hisasaka, T., Anderson, D., Nashon, S., & Yagi, I. (2005). Research regarding children’s metacognition in physics learning environments: Using cognitive psychology to improve physics education. Physics Education in Tohoku, 14, 69-74.
Nashon, S., & Anderson, D. (2004). Obsession with ‘g’: A metacognitive reflection of a laboratory episode. Alberta Journal of Science Education, 36(2), 39-44.
Hisasaka, T., Anderson, D., Nashon, S., Shigematsu, K., Watanabe, E., Yagi, I., & Hatakeyama, S. (2004). Recognition of amusement park as a studying space. Physics Education in Tohoku, 13, 31-34.
Anderson, D. (2003). Visitors’ long-term memories of World Expositions. Curator, 46(4), 400-420.
Anderson, D., Thomas, G.P., & Ellenbogen, K.M. (2003). Learning science from experiences in informal contexts: The next generation of research. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 4(1),1-6.
Anderson, D., Lucas, K.B., & Ginns, I.S. (2003). Theoretical perspectives on learning in an informal setting. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(2), 177-199.
Anderson, D., & Zhang, Z. (2003). Teacher perceptions of field trip planning and implementation. Visitor Studies Today, 6(3), 6-12.
Dierking, D., Falk, J., Rennie, L., Anderson, D., & Ellenbogen, K. (2003). Policy statement of the “Informal Science Education” Ad Hoc Committee. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(2), 108-111.
Anderson, D., Piscitelli, B., Weier, K., Everett, M., & Tayler, C. (2002). Children’s museum experiences: Identifying powerful mediators of learning. Curator, 45(3), 213-231.
Piscitelli, B., & Anderson, D. (2001). Young children’s perspectives of museums settings and experiences. Museum Management and Curatorship, 19(3), 269-282.
Anderson, D., Lucas, K.B., Ginns, I.S., & Dierking, L.D. (2000). Development of knowledge about electricity and magnetism during a visit to a science museum and related post-visit activities. Science Education, 84(5), 658-679.
Piscitelli, B., & Anderson, D. (2000). Young children’s learning in museum settings. Visitor Studies Today, 3(3), 3-10.
Awards & Fellowships
Satoshi Oohori Memorial Museum Management Promotion Award
Agency | Japan Museum Management Academy
Title | Award in recognition of the high-quality research in the “series of studies on the long-term memory of museums”, which has contributed significantly to develop the museum management in Japan.
Change Makers Award
Agency | British Columbia Museums Association (BCMA)
Title | Change Makers Award for the contributions made to the field of Museum Education through the development of the Masters of Museum Education (MMEd) Program.
The UBC- Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Fellowship Award
Agency | UBC – Ritsumeikan University – Japan
Title | Fellowship Award
The Japan Foundation Research Fellowship Award
Agency | The Japan Foundation
Title | Research Fellowship Award
Universitas 21 Research Fellowship Award
Agency | Universitas 21
Title | Research Fellowship Award
Keynotes & Addresses
Anderson, D., (2023). Flexible and adaptive methodological approaches for researching learning in informal science contexts. Keynote address of the Japan Social Science Education (JSSE) Online International Seminar 2023. Faculty of Education, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan.
Anderson, D., (2023). The development of on-line magistral programs in education at UBC. Invited address to the Faculty of Education, University of the Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast, Australia.
Anderson, D., (2023). Introduction to phenomenological research methods exploring visitor experiences. Hangzhou Normal University Summer 2023 Program: Foundations of research methods in education. Invited presentation at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Anderson, D., (2023). Finding common ground for educationally effective collaboration between museums and schools in developing nations. Invited presentation at the University of Toronto China Education Forum (UTCEF), University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Anderson, D., & Milner-Bolotin, M., (2023). The evolution of science educators’ pedagogy, understandings, and attitudes of science education through their participation in an on-line Master of Education degree program. Invited address to the STEM Symposium-2023 – The Development of STEM Education in the Digital Era, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China.
Yamashita, S., & Anderson, D. (2022). Emotional impact and perceptions of the UBC Nitobe Memorial Garden on international visiting students. Keynote address to The 2022 East Asian Science Education (EASE2016) conference. Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.
Anderson, D. (2022). How museums collaborate with schools. Keynote address to The 6th China Education Innovation Achievements Exposition, forum on How museums can be integrated with school curriculum. China Education Innovation Institute, Beijing Normal University. Beijing, China.
Anderson, D. (2021). Entering the school through the museum. Keynote address to The 5th China Education Innovation Achievements Exposition, forum on How museums can be integrated with school curriculum. China Education Innovation Institute, Beijing Normal University. Beijing, China.
Anderson, D. (2020). On-line STEM education graduate programs for teacher professional development in Canada. Keynote address to the 2020 World Conference for Scientific Literacy, Shanghai, China.
Anderson, D. & Milner-Bolotin, M. (2020).The silver lining of the pandemic: Implications for STEM teacher education. Invited Address to the Queensland University of Technology STEM in Education Research Group, Brisbane, Australia.
Anderson, D. (2018). Research methods investigating STEM education in an amusement park setting. Keynote address to the 2018 Kanto Science Education Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2018). Insights on how museum objects and life perspective incite vivid and nostalgic memories of the past. Invited presentation at the 2018 Richmond Library Community Enrichment Lecture Series. Richmond, Canada.
Anderson, D., McIntosh, L., & Oii, E. (2018). UBC’s community field experience – Connecting teachers and museums via practicum experience. Invited presentation at the 2018 LMME Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Anderson, D. (2017). The vital role of the “museum educator” for a scientifically literate society. Keynote address to The 2nd Sino-US Innovation and Creative Education Forum, Chengdu, China.
Shimizu, H., & Anderson, D. (2017). Visitors’ experiences and long-term memory for World Expositions: A conjoint point of museum studies and cognitive psychology. Invited paper presented at the 2017 Symposium of the International Research center for Japanese Studies, Osaka, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2017). Educational opportunities in the shopping mall. Invited address to the department of psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
Anderson, D. (2016). International perspectives on science museums for science learning: Cultural assumptions as barriers to pedagogical innovation. Keynote address to The 2016 East Asian Science Education (EASE2016) conference. Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2016). Supporting learning in and outside the museum: Understanding visitors’ experiences and communication for long-term impact. Keynote address to The 2016 Kahaku Symposium – National Museum of Nature and Science. Tokyo, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2016). Understanding visitors’ memories of museum visitation experiences. Invited presentation at the National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea. Seocheon, Korea.
Anderson, D. (2015). Memories of nostalgic life events – Understanding the mediation of memories and culture. Invited Address to the Faculty Arts, Cultural Studies Program. Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2015). An overview of the visitor studies research in aquariums. Invited address to the Vancouver Aquarium and Marine Science Centre. Vancouver, Canada.
Anderson, D. (2015). Important considerations of science museums pedagogy for elementary and middle school student engagement and learning. Keynote address. 7th Museum-School Collaboration Symposium (MSCS), ChangSha, Hunan Province, China.
Anderson, D. (2015). Blurring the traditional boundaries of MLAs: Enhanced community engagement via understanding visitor identities. Keynote address to The International Committee for Museology (ICOFOM) 38 – Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2015). Strategies for the effective utilization of science museums for science literacy and education. Keynote address to The 2015 International Symposium on Science Education – China Association for Children’s Science Instructors. Nanjing, China.
Anderson, D. (2014). Museum Education: In Partnership with Related Disciplines and Contexts. Invited address to the Faculty and Staff of the Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, University of Tsukuba. / Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba. Tsukuba, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2013). The significance of the professional museum educator for today museums. Invited address to the Centre for Cultural Planning and Development, UBC – for the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage. Vancouver, Canada.
Ji, J. & Anderson, D. (2013). 科技馆教育人员专业发展研究. [Exploring professionalizing science museum educators: a case study]. Presented at “科技馆活动进校园”项目试点推广工作总结暨2013-2015年工作研讨会. [“Bridge Science Museum with School” Project Annual Conference], Hefei, China.
Anderson, D. (2012). Key concept of museology and museum education in the future. Keynote address to the Think of Museum Theory Special Conference of the Japanese Association of Museums. Tokyo, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2012). Museums as educational institutions in society. Invited address at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Hong Kong, China.
Anderson, D. (2012). Science museums as educational institutions in society. Guangxi Normal University – Special meeting on graduate-level science education. Guilin, China.
Anderson, D. (2012). Graduate-level museum education and collaborative university-museum partnerships. Beijing Normal University – Zhuhai – Invited address. University International Speaker Series. Zhuhai, China.
Anderson, D. (2011). Understanding and influencing visitors’ long-term memories of museum experiences. Keynote address to Interpretation Canada national conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Anderson, D. (2011). Broadening our conceptions of practicum spaces in teacher education beyond the classroom. Keynote address to the Forum on Innovative & Future Development for Teacher Education, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.
Anderson, D. (2011). Community identity and age as factors shaping visitors’ memories of the Aichi World Exposition 2005, Japan. Invited Address to Department of Psychology, Osaka Kyoiku University. Osaka, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2011). University partnerships in support of educational reforms in the museum field. Invited Address to the Science Communication Society of Japan. Kyoto, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2011). Understanding the nature of visitor learning and impact from museums and cultural institutions. Invited Address to the Kyoto Peace Museum.Kyoto, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2011). The new Master of Museum Education program at UBC. Invited address to the Beaty Natural History Museum. University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Canada.
Anderson, D. (2011). Museum participation in the new Master of Museum Education program at UBC. Invited address to the Lower Mainland Museum Educators’ Group. Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver. Canada.
Anderson, D. (2010). Age and community identity as mediators of memory: Implications for museum. Invited presentation to the Hokkaido University Museum. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
Anderson, D. (2010). Accessing research in museum educator’s professional practice. Invited Address to the Lower Mainland Museum Educators (LMME) group – The Japanese Canadian National Museum. Burnaby, BC, Canada.
Graduate Students
PhD Students
Ji Jiao | Understanding Science Museum Educators in China and their Self-Concept as Education Professionals
Christopher Campbell | Evolution in Engineering Dispositions and Thinking Among Culturally Diverse Students in an Undergraduate Engineering Program
Gabrielle Trepanier | Visitors’ Conceptions and Self-Report of Learning in Museums
Jongmun Kim | Connecting Children To The Ocean: Understanding Elementary Students’ Changes In Ocean Literacy During A Marine Aquarium Summer Camp Experience
Lisa McIntire | Museum Educators Teaching Others to Teach
Adriana Briseño | Exploring Family Learning in a Mexican Science Museum from a Latin American Socio-Cultural Perspective
Rachel Moll | Science Outreach Programs: Exploring Emotions, Science Identities, Attitudes, Motivations and Decision Making About Physics in Physics Competitions
Wendy Nielson | The Manifestation of Metacognition in the Social Context of a Problem Solving Setting
Master of Museum Education
Leanne Jung | Activating the Mind with Imagination: A Pathway to Decolonization at the Richmond Museum’s Day Camps
Christine Cassidy | Developing a Toddler Curriculum by Creating a Community of Practice at the Anchorage Museum
Shannon Miller | Designing An Accessible Educational Program For Adults With Vision-Impairment In Small Canadian Museums
Devon Lohrasbe | Learning Outside the Classroom: The Seminal Informal Learning Experiences of Classical Scholars
Heather Kerr | More than Face Value: Historical Interpreters and Cultural Representation at Living History Museums
Amina Chergui | Engaging Teen Learners in Virtual Reality-Based Storytelling Using Digital Museum Assets
Deborah Moore | Teaching First Peoples Knowledge and Worldviews: The Development of a Collaborative, Place-Based and Student-Centered Curriculum on the First Peoples of Canada
Marian McGraw | Walking it through: Creating a Theatrical Guided Walking Tour
Shelley Tucker | A Qualitative Study of The Role of Museum Educators and The Effect of Incorporating Self-Directed Learning Programs
Erica Olmstead | Experiencing Collaboration in Multiple-visit Programs: A Narrative Analysis of Six Museum Educators’ Experiences
Andrea Lucy | Breaking Silence on Quiet Spaces: Museum Visitors’ and Educators’ Perceptions
Deborah Demers | Constructing Meaning and Productive Partnerships between Museums and
Academics: Can an Increased Understanding of Academics’ and Museum Educators’ Attitudes Towards Collaboration Help Pave the Way for Future Partnerships?
Xupeng Liang | Museum Educator’s Self-Efficacy for Digital Communications Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Beverly Copithorne | Field Trip Pedagogy and Professional Development
Thanushi Eagalle | Identifying Local Food Culture and Food Systems, and Fostering Environmental Consciousness Through Photography: An Inquiry Based Project Plan to Align with the BC Curriculum
Sylvia Gropp | A Collaborative Partnership to Create a Culturally-Relevant Classroom
Katarina Hoven | Inquiry-Based Learning as a Pathway to Historical Thinking for Families in Community History Museums
Joanne Lau | Connecting with the Land: A Multi-Disciplinary Unit of Study with reference to the Ontario (4-6) Curriculum
Wendy Lorch | Engaging Caregivers in Their Child’s Play at an Early Learning Gallery: A Case Study into the Effectiveness of Mediated Interactions
Shannon Macelli | The Pedagogical Significance of Museum Theatre in British Columbia
John Mendoza | Teachers’ Justification for Field Trips for High School Students
Heather Norton | Examining the Impact of Science Center Preschool participation on Young Children’s Science Interest, Confidence, and Performance
Jacquelyn Oriold | Teacher Professional Development at a Science Centre: A Case Study of Shift Lab
Laura Robin | Young Adolescent Camp Mentor Programming in Informal Education Environments
Erika Stewart | Inquiry-Based Learning as a Pathway to Historical Thinking for Families in Community History Museums
Sydney Triggs | The Relationship Between Adults’ Self-Concepts of French Quebecois Identity and Visiting Social History Museums in Montreal
Rachel Trudeau | Operational Frameworks of Small Museums and the Impact on Public Programming
Eleanor Weber | An Examination of Narrative in a Museum Store and the Extent to Which it Aligns with the Museum’s Mission and Educational Goals
Jennifer Young | Measuring Historical Reasoning Skills of Adult Learners in a Social History Museum Civics Education Program