The Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) meets monthly and as required, making recommendations on admissions, reviewing and advising on graduate courses and programs, scheduling courses, and reviewing policy related to graduate programs. The Graduate Coordinator chairs the GAC and reports to the Head and members of the Department. The Head appoints all members, including two graduate students (one master’s and one doctoral).
The GAC sends a representative to both the Faculty of Education’s Graduate Curriculum Advisory Committee and the University’s Graduate Council, and this person speaks for EDCP concerning programs of study, admissions, scholarships, and examinations. For additional details, please visit the GCAC and Graduate Council pages.
The Department and Faculty welcome the participation of graduate students in governance. There are formal and informal venues for this, and protocols or procedures guiding formal input into decision-making processes. For more information, please download the protocols for the participation of graduate students in governance.
EDCP Graduate Advisory Committee Members (2023–2024)
Kerry Renwick, Graduate Coordinator & Chair
Alan Jay, Graduate Program Assistant
Donal O’Donoghue (T2)
Lindsay Gibson
Samia Khan
Wayne Ross
Michelle Tan
Anita Sinner (Online in T1 but other formats in T2)
EDCP graduate student representatives:
Laura Duarte and Vicente Regis
Agenda and Minutes
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