In the Media
Dear Colleagues, The education community has been greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. I am proud to learn of the important public intellectual role played by our faculty members – Hartley Banack, Susan Gerofsky, Lindsay Gibson, Marina Milner-Bolotin, and probably many others, who appeared in various outreach media since March 2020 sharing their views on this important topic “Education during […]
Media discourse on Guhn, M., Emerson, S., & Gouzouasis, P. (2019) research publication
We are pleased to share a media coverage reports for the research publication, Guhn, M., Emerson, S., & Gouzouasis, P. (2019)., “A population-level analysis of associations between school music participation and academic achievement,” in the Journal of Educational Psychology as indicated in the select list from over 200 such articles in newspapers, magazines, and e-publications around the […]
Congratulations to Dr. Susan Gerofsky
Dear Colleagues, Yesterday Dr. Susan Gerofsky was interviewed on the CTV Morning show on an item about ‘summer slide’ and what parents could do to help their kids stay engaged with math in the summer. Please join me in acknowledging Dr. Gerofsky’s continued knowledge mobilization through such important outreach media. Here is the link to […]
Professor Joy Butler’s Perspectives on Bullying and Dodgeball Game
Dear Colleagues, Professor Joy Butler has over the last five days been interviewed by various local, national and international media (TV, radio and newspaper) on an important topic of bullying as regards Dodgeball game, common in many school PE curricula. Please listen to as well as read the perspectives Professor Joy Butler is offering at […]
Congratulations to Marina Milner-Bolotin
Colleagues, Some of you probably saw this piece in the 24 Hours newspaper this morning – Marina Milner-Bolotin was interviewed about the Math for Kids and Parents Workshop she will be leading on Nov. 21st. And here is the info from the UBC web site: Hearty congratulations, Marina. Best, Peter Peter Grimmett Professor […]
Wayne Ross’ commentary in the Vancouver Sun
Yesterday and the day before Wayne Ross has been quoted extensively on the current labour difficulties in the BC school system. Please take a look if you have not already done so. Wayne’s commentary is very sound and insightful and we are very pleased that he is representing EDCP so well in the media.
Lisa Loutzenheiser’s commentary in the Province
Some of you probably saw this piece in the Province yesterday.
I’m pleased to bring your attention to the fact that one of the commentaries sought was from our own Lisa Loutzenheiser.
Congratulations, Lisa.
Best, Peter
Lisa Loutzenheiser’s piece on “Bullying” in UBC News
I’m delighted that we have another EDCP member highlighted in the media. Lisa Loutzenheiser has written an informative piece bullying and the need to understand how we must differentiate different forms and contexts of bullying. Best, Peter
Wayne Ross public analysis of the teachers’ strike
I’m sure you will have seen the careful, thoughtful analysis of the current strike given by Wayne Ross in yesterday’s (September 2) Vancouver Sun. Wayne has become an ever-present public intellectual whose commentary and critical analysis of current events in local BC school politics is widely sought. It is most pleasing that EDCP has such an authoritative voice in our membership.
Best, Peter
Congratulations to Wayne Ross
Colleagues, It is my distinct pleasure to inform you of the important public intellectual role that Wayne Ross has recently been playing in the current teachers’ dispute in the province. This morning (Thursday July 10, 2014) he appeared on CBC Radio’s The Current discussing class size research and related education policy in British Columbia. The […]
Congratulations to Wayne Ross
I am very pleased to bring to your attention a recent opinion piece by Wayne Ross, “Privatization through the back door” that appeared in the Vancouver Sun on Saturday June 21, 2014. Wayne provides a historical commentary commenting on how, since the BC Liberals ascended to power, we have been subjected to a steady stream […]
Press Review for November 4
Don Krug was involved in a conference of the University-Based Institutes for Advanced Study (UBIAS) at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies at UBC. The conference was about MOOCs and it was written up in yesterday’s Vancouver Sun,
Congratulations to Samson Nashon
Colleagues, Please take time to read about the EDCP involvement in the Dadaab teacher education project in today’s Metro News. Please also congratulate Samson Nashon not only for publicizing this important project but also for being a central player in its planning and implementation. Hearty congratulations, Samson. Best, Peter Peter Grimmett Professor and Head, Department […]
Congratulations to Don Krug and David Anderson
Colleagues, I’m please to inform you that two of our faculty members have recently been in the media. Don Krug appeared March 15 on CTV National news talking about responsible social media and David Anderson gave an interview on February 20 about the Master’s in Museum Education program to Canada’s History (Beaver) magazine It’s very […]
Marina Milner-Bolotin on Radio
Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Marina Milner-Bolotin who was recently interviewed on Russian Radio about the suicide of Amanda Todd and how we integrate the issues of diversity and anti-bullying in teacher education at UBC. The 20 minute interview is in Russian and people called on the radio to reflect on it. It is wonderful […]
CTV news clips
Colleagues, Nov 28th evening and Nov 29th morning, Don Krug was interviewed on CTV News about the use of tablets in young people’s learning. Please take a moment to look at the excerpt and join me in congratulating Don on representing both his technology expertise and the EDCP department so well in the public domain. […]
Congratulations to Marina Milner-Bolotin
Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Marina Milner-Bolotin who appeared in the media last week. She was interviewed on Global TV’s national series on education on Thursday September 6. To view: To download: Hearty congratulations, Marina! Peter Grimmett Professor and Head, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy
Congratulations to Don Krug
Please join me in congratulating Don Krug on two events of merit. On August 31, 2012, he had the following op-ed piece published in the Vancouver Sun newspaper; and on September 4, 2012, at very short notice, he appeared on the CBC Early Edition radio program (the link is not up yet) to talk […]