Congratulations to Dr. Wayne Ross
Congratulations to Professor Wayne Ross. His project, Learning While Black: Researching the Post-Secondary Experiences of Black Youth, in collaboration with Solid State Industries in Surrey has been approved for Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) funding by UBC Community Engagement & VP Research and Innovation. The Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) Fund supports community-university partnerships that benefit communities across […]
Dr. Kerry Renwick Receives a 2021 USI Interdisciplinary Education Grant
Dear Colleagues, Dr. Kerry Renwick recently joined the UBC Sustainability Initiative (USI) Sustainability Fellowship Program and received a USI Interdisciplinary Education two-year grant. She will work with Dr. Silvia Bartolic, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, on a curriculum protect to create a new certificate program on Sustainability and Family. The UBC Sustainability Initiative 2021 […]
Dr. Sandra Scott receives an NSERC PromoScience program grant
Congratulations to Dr. Sandra Scott for receiving an NSERC PromoScience program grant. Learn more in this article.
Congratulations for Successful MITACS Funding
Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Drs. Stephen Petrina, Sandrine Han, and Postdoctoral Researcher Jennifer Zhao, for their successful MITACS Accelerate application. The team was funded $165,000 for their project titled “Case Study Scenarios and Videos for Intercultural Competence Acquisition.” Well done Steve, Sandrine and Jennifer and best wishes launching your project! Best, Samson. Dr. […]
Congratulations to Drs. Lindsay Gibson and Harper Keenan
Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Drs. Lindsay Gibson and Harper Keenan for receiving 2019 UBC Hampton New Faculty Grants. These awards are designed to provide start-up funding to new scholars seeking to establish their initial research programs. Dr. Lindsay Gibson, Assistant Professor, EDCP History Teachers’ Thinking about Commemoration Controversies $10,000View Post Dr. Harper Keenan, […]
Congratulations to RISS Fund Recipients
Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating the STEM 2020 Conference (July 9 – 11, 2020) Organizing Team for their successful grant application to the Research Infrastructure Support Service (RISS) Fund. The team was recently awarded $8,250 for “STEM 2020 Conference: Postdoctoral Research Associate for Advance Assistance with Proceedings.” Well done: co-Chairs David Anderson and Marina […]
Teaching as Research Award
Colleagues, Join me in congratulating our MA student Fabian Froehlich, supervised by Dr. Jillianne Code, for being a recipient of the ‘Teaching as Research’ (TAR) Award by UBC’s Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL). Fabian’s project investigates the impact of Learning Analytics on students’ learning behaviour. Once again, congratulations Fabian! Best, Samson. Dr. Samson […]
Successful Partnership Grant
Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Dr. Penney Clark and Dr. Lindsay Gibson for being successful co-applicants in a pan-Canadian research project entitled “Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future” that has been awarded a seven-year, $2.5 million SSHRC Partnership Grant. Led by former UBC EDCP PhD student Dr. Carla Peck (University of Alberta), this collaborative research […]
Congratulations to Dr. Leyton Schnellert
Dear colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Dr. Leyton Schnellert and his team for being awarded a $195,075 SSHRC Partnership Development Grant. The grant will support their partnered research project Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning. The project aims to investigate the potential for networked approaches to professional development for rural/remote educators, schools and systems […]
Congratulations to David F. Robitaille Endowment Research Award Successful Applicants
Dear colleagues, Please join me in congratulating the following for being successful applicants for the David F. Robitaille Endowment Research Awards. PI: Stephen Petrina Co-I: Douglas Adler, David Anderson, Hartley Banack, Jillianne Code, Marina Milner-Bolotin, & Sandra Scott Title: STEM 2020 Changing the Story Amount: $11,000 PI: David Anderson Co-I Marina Milner-Bolotin Title: Investigating […]
Congratulations to Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin
Colleagues, Join me in congratulating Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin for being awarded TLEF grants as Principal applicant and co-applicant. Grant 1: Title: Expanding pedagogical opportunities of 3D learning in UBC Teacher Education Principal Applicant: Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin, Associate Professor, EDCP Co-Applicant: Sharon Hu, Instructional Designer, ETS Awarded $47,672.00 in 2018. Grant 2: Title: Seeing […]
Congratulations to Drs. Anne Phelan and William Pinar
Colleagues, Join me in congratulating Dr. Anne Phelan and her Co-Applicants including Dr. Bill Pinar on being awarded a SSHRC Connection Grant of $24,060 to support a two-day symposium in October 2017 entitled Reconceptualizing Teacher Education Worldwide: A Canadian Contribution to a Global Challenge. Applicant: Dr. Anne Phelan, EDCP Co-Applicants: Dr. William Pinar, EDCP; Dr. Ruth Kane, University of Ottawa; Dr. […]
Congratulations to Stephen McGinley
Colleagues, Stephen McGinley, Lecturer in EDCP, Dr. Joanna Sheppard (UFV), and Jeff Stromgren (School District #43) have been jointly awarded with a $25,000 RBC Learn to Play grant to support their proposal for “Building Community Capacity to Support Physical Literacy”. Their project aims to build community capacity to support physical literacy with colleagues in a […]
Successful Grant for Catalyzing Research Clusters from the Office of the Vice President Research & International
Colleagues, A cluster of professors led by Stephen Sheppard (Forestry) and includes Rita Irwin (Education), Jiaying Zhao (Psychology), Maged Senbel (Community & Regional Planning), David Fracchia (Centre for Digital Media), Alan Kingstone (Psychology), Aleksandra Dulic (UBCO Creative & Critical Studies), Stephen Petrina (Education), and Stephanie Cheng (Community & Regional Planning) have been awarded a grant […]
Congratulations to Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin
Dear Colleagues, I’m delighted to share with you the news that Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin has been awarded a $20,000 USD grant by Beijing Normal University under the auspices of Future Schools in 2030 program to support her research project in collaboration with her BNU colleagues in the 2016-2017 academic year. Details of Project funded: Title: “Reimagining […]
Congratulations to Julian Lawrence and Kimberly Baker
Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Julian Lawrence (artist & EDCP MA student), Ching-Chiu Lin and Rita Irwin (researchers) for receiving the Canadian Association of Labour Media (CALM) 2016 Freeperson Award for best cartoon or infographic for “Katrina’s Story: Mentorship Confidential” published in the BCTF Teacher Magazine volume 27, number 5, May/June issue (2015).; Kimberly Baker (PhD candidate in art […]
NSERC PromoScience Funding
Colleagues, I’m delighted to share with you the news that Sandra Scott has been successful in winning $180,000 of NSERC Promo-science funding for the Landed Learning on the Farm project she now directs. This is fantastic news and a wonderful achievement by Sandra and her colleagues. The Landed Learning on the Farm project can now […]
Recipients of International University Grants
Congratulations to Dr. Penney Clark and Dr. Susan Gerofsky for securing research funding from the University of Sydney and a Canadian-German flagship partnership between UBC and Freie Universität respectively. University of Sydney International Program Development Fund Applicants: Drs. M. Anderson, K. Freebody and C. Smyth, U Sydney Co-Applicants: Dr. George Belliveau, LLED; Dr. Penney Clark, […]
EDCP Recipients of the 2014-2015 Faculty of Education Graduate Student Research Grant
Congratulations to the following EDCP students for receiving the 2014-2015 Faculty of Education Graduate Student Research Grant: Brooke Madden (EDCP) Supervisor: Dr. Cynthia Nicol Project Title: Early Career Teachers, Teacher Identity, and Aboriginal/Indigenous Education Alison Shields (EDCP) Supervisor: Dr. Rita Irwin Project Title: Mapping the Creative Process Well done students and supervisors!
CST Inspired Learning Grant
Please join me in congratulating Susan Gerofsky, whose PLAYbook cross-faculty, community-engaged project has won a CST Inspired Learning grant <>. The PLAYbook team, consisting of Susan Gerofsky, Kris Fox, a landscape architect, and Mariana Brussoni, an assistant professor of Pediatrics and Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine) is an interdisciplinary collaboration of UBC researchers and students working in close partnership […]
SSHRC Insight Grant
I am delighted to inform you that Stephen Petrina (PI) and Franc Feng (Collaborator) have been awarded a SSHRC Insight Grant of $371,406 over the next five years for a study entitled: How we Learn Media & Technologies: Design & Engineering Cognition. Please join me in congratulating Stephen and Franc on this magnificent achievement. Best, Peter Peter […]
Further Details about 2013 SSHRC Insight Grant Successes
Colleagues, Earlier I informed you of the SSHRC Insight grant successes of Cynthia Nicol and Peter Gouzouasis. Now I have further information and wish to congratulate their co-investigators. Cynthia Nicol’s grant success was a project entitled: Living, learning and teaching in a refugee camp. Working with Cynthia on this are the following Co-Investigators: Samson Nashon, Karen Meyer, […]
Jolie Mayer-Smith wins NSERC PromoScience grant
Colleagues, I’m delighted to inform you that Jolie Mayer-Smith (a full professor in EDCP officially since 2010) has been awarded a $150,000 NSERC PromoScience grant over three years for the continuation of her project “The Intergenerational Landed Learning on the Farm Project”. Very many congratulations to Jolie on this excellent project and this fine award. […]
Congratulations to Marina Milner-Bolotin and Team!
Dear Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Dr. Marina Milner-Bolotin (EDCP) as Principal Applicant and Dr. Cynthia Nicol (EDCP), Heather Fisher (EDCP Graduate Student) and Alexandra MacDonald (EDCP Graduate Student) as team members for their successful 2013-2014 TLEF of $55, 227. Project Title: Turning Teacher-Candidates to Inquiry: Improving Preparation of Future K-12 Teachers in Mathematics and Science through […]
Congratulations to Susan Gerofsky and Team!
Dear Colleagues, Please join me in congratulating Dr. Susan Gerofsky (EDCP) as Principal Applicant and Dr. Jolie Mayer-Smith (EDCP), Dr. Andrew Riseman (LFS), Julia Ostertag (EDCP Graduate Student), Chessa Adsit-Morris (EDCP Graduate Student) and Kate Petrusa (EDCP Graduate Student) as team members for their successful 2013-2014 TLEF of $62, 551. Project Title: Learning to teach in an outdoor […]
Congratulations to Cynthia Nicol, Rita Irwin, Karen Meyer and Samson Nashon
Please join me in congratulating Cynthia Nicol, Rita Irwin, Karen Meyer, and Samson Nashon who have been awarded a UBC Hampton Partnership Development Grant.