Featured Stories

UBC Centennial Math for Parents and Kids Workshop
Nov 23, 2015

On Saturday, November 21, 2015, I was invited to lead a special workshop “Math for Parents and Teachers”. This event was a part of the celebrating UBC Centennial: https://cstudies.ubc.ca/courses/math-kids-parents-workshop/up893 and was open to the public. It went very well – with more than 100 people in attendance. For almost three hours they were actively engaged […] Read More

Dr. Samson Nashon Shared Vision at the New Chair & Professorship Holders Event
Nov 09, 2015

Dr. Samson Nashon has been awarded the David F. Robitaille Professorship in Mathematics and Science Education. The professorship is effective July 1, 2015, for a 3-year term. At the New Chair & Professorship Holders Event on October 7, 2015, Dr. Nashon shared his research plans and vision for the Professorship. Watch presentation video (courtesy of the […] Read More

5th Math and Science Family Day
Oct 19, 2015

We have had a very successful Fifth Math and Science Family Day on October 18, 2015. We had 300+ guests and more than 80 volunteers including faculty members, staff, many teacher-candidates, as well as graduate and undergraduate students from the Faculties of Education, Science, Applied Science, Let Us Talk Science, as well as volunteers outside […] Read More

5th Aboriginal Mathematics K-12 Symposium: Mathematics, Students and Community
Mar 10, 2015

On Feb. 27, educators from across the province met at the UBC Longhouse to explore, imagine, and discuss new ideas for improving mathematics education for Aboriginal learners. Read More

7th Biennial Provoking Curriculum Studies Conference at UBC

On February 20 and 21, 2015, the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia and the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies hosted the 7th Biennial Provoking Curriculum Studies Conference at UBC. The 1st Provoking Curriculum Studies Conference took place at UBC in 2003. That first conference […] Read More

Fourth Math and Science Family Day
Nov 13, 2014

On behalf of an EDCP Outreach Committee and EDCP Science Group I would like to let you know that we had a fantastic Fourth Math and Science Family Day on Saturday, November 1st. The event was hosted by the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy and supported by the Department, TEO, Dean’s Office, Beaty Biodiversity Museum […] Read More

EDCP Organized International Conferences, STEM 2014 and PME (2014) 38
Jul 31, 2014

Colleagues, The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy has just finished hosting and organizing two fantastically well run international conferences, STEM 2014 and PME (2014) 38. The Third International Conference of Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM 2014) took place first (July 12-15), organized by Samson Nashon (chair), David Anderson, Ann Anderson, Stephen Petrina, and Marina […] Read More

Event Spotlight: BC Brightest Minds 2014
May 02, 2014

On April 29, we once again organized BC Brightest Minds Event at PNE - Playland. It was the 9th year of the collaboration between PNE and the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy that aims to inspire students in physics. Read More