Dr. Daniel Tröhler | University of Luxembourg
October 30th, 2014 | 4:00-5:30 pm | Scarfe 310
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This paper argues that educational research today is subjected to a medicalized paradigm of social reality. It reconstructs, how the catchwords of this paradigm (evidence-based, monitoring, intervention studies) arouse and how they translated into the educational field, and it analyzes, how this paradigm deprives policy from professional experience, common sense, and political deliberation.
Short Bio:
Daniel Tröhler (Ph.D. and Habilitation, University of Zürich) is Professor of Education and Director of the Doctoral School in Educational Sciences at the University of Luxembourg and visiting Professor of Comparative Education at the University of Granada, Spain.
His latest publications include Languages of Education: Protestant Legacies, National Identities, and Global Aspirations (Routledge 2011) (AERA Outstanding Book of the Year Award), Pestalozzi and the Educationalization of the World (Palgrave, 2013), and he served as guest editor for the Special Issue Historicising Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Four ways to commemorate his 300th anniversary (2012) (Studies in Philosophy and Education).
Several of his publications have been translated into different languages, the latest one, Pestalozzi and the Educationalization of the World, are currently been translated into Spanish, French and Japanese.