Dr. Brian Casemore | George Washington University
January 29, 2016 | 12:30 – 2:00 pm (PST) | Scarfe 1107
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This presentation explores a concept of lyric subjectivity rooted in psychoanalysis and relevant for autobiographical curriculum inquiry. In this context, the presenter shares an account of the the conceptualization and development of a youth writing organization – DC Miscellanea: A Youth Writing Collaborative. DC Miscellanea is an educational project at George Washington University working in collaboration with local teachers to provide a forum for DC area youth to learn the craft of writing from established writers and to share their writing with their peers and community. The DC Miscellanea program illuminates the notion of the lyric subject.
Short Bio
Brian Casemore is associate professor and chair of the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at George Washington University, where he co-directs the Community-Engaged Teaching project, the DC Miscellanea youth writing collaborative, and the Arts and Humanities Research Interest Group. He teaches courses in curriculum theory, English education, human development, and social diversity. His research focuses on autobiographical inquiry and psychoanalytic conceptions of educational experience.