Theme: Inhabiting In-betweenness
Date: Friday, March 18, 2022 | 12:00-4:30 p.m.
Location: Hybrid (Virtual & In-person)
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The 9th Education Graduate Students (EGS) Conference is an annual conference organized by students from the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP) in the Faculty of Education, UBC. The main purpose of the conference is to showcase the work undertaken by graduate students within the Faculty of Education.
This year’s theme is Inhabiting In-betweenness. We invited participants to consider the following comments on the theme. As we find ourselves surrounded by discourses pertaining to time, change, globalization, colonization, access, and power, all of which influence collective ecological, societal, and cultural awareness, how do we reflect upon our thoughts, actions, and responsibilities as educators, scholars, and persons?
Considering in-betweenness is an invitation to dwell in and push against definitions of bodies, borders, and boundaries that have since their inception been fraught with violence and misunderstandings. Often, what we know and understand about education and learning can be difficult to name. This is because how we perceive and experience in-betweenness changes. Following bends, curves, intersections, and parallels, our theme embraces the importance of both, “generation and dissolution in a world of becoming where things are not yet given” (Ingold, 2015) and awareness of the often invisible forces of attunement that prioritize lingering, feeling, sensing, and thinking as knowledge creation (Irwin, 2003).
In-betweenness travels across disciplinary distinctions absorbing conceptual richness like a heavy, dripping sponge. Real learning processes are enormously complex and as such considering what happens outside, alongside, and in-between spaces is important to better understand discourses and practices in education (Fenwick, 2010). We invited this year’s presenters to generate movement with and around what calls them to move outside, underneath, beneath, besides, and in-between one or more ideas in education, curriculum, and/or pedagogy.
Conference Organizers (EDCP Peer Advisors)