Drs. L. Farr Darling, K. Meyer and J. Butler
November 14, 2012 | 12:30-2:00 p.m. | Scare 310
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This seminar series will explore ‘pedagogy’ as it has been understood historically and as it is lived presently within educational institutions and beyond. Drawing on the thought of curriculum thinkers, indigenous scholars, educational philosophers and cultural theorists, speakers will examine a range of ‘pedagogies’ as they have been construed within diverse disciplinary and wisdom traditions.
Questions for consideration will include: Why pedagogy? What are the tensions inherent in the notion of “pedagogy”? How is pedagogy distinct from ‘teaching’ or ‘instruction’? Why the commonplace conjunction of ‘curriculum and pedagogy’? Why speak of pedagogies? How do pedagogies (queer, decolonizing, anti-racist, culturally relevant, anti-oppressive, post- colonial, et cetera) take up and respond to oppression(s), dominance and power? What are the personal and professional politics of pedagogy?