I am absolutely delighted to announce that Bill Pinar has been selected to receive, in June 2016, an honorary doctorate in Education at the Swedish-language university, Abo Akademi, in Turku, Finland. This represents the third Finnish honorary doctorate to be awarded to members of the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy (Bill Doll and Peter Grimmett being prior recipients), extending the reach of this thriving academic unit around the world. Below is the official announcement with an English translation.
Professor William Pinar
William Pinar är Professor of Curriculum Studies vid University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Kanada. Han är en av världens ledande forskare på sitt område och har under senare år särskilt bidragit till den transnationella och komparativa läroplansforskningen inklusive den pågående utvecklingen i Kina. Pinar har behandlat läroplans- och bildningsfrågan brett och i hans forskning förenas den nordamerikanska pedagogiktraditionen med den europeiska bildningsteorin. Han har i flera olika projekt samarbetat med Åbo Akademi.
William Pinar promoveras till pedagogie hedersdoktor för sina vetenskapliga meriter inom pedagogikforskningen.
William Pinar is Professor of Curriculum Studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He is one of the world’s leading scholars in the field of Curriculum and in recent years has particularly contributed to the transnational and comparative curriculum research, including the ongoing development in China. Pinar has completed a groundbreaking project in curriculum theory and his research juxtaposes the North American educational tradition with European formation theory. He has collaborated on several projects with Åbo Akademi faculty members in Turku. William Pinar awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Education for his scientific merits in education research.
Please join me in congratulating Bill on this magnificent achievement and recognition of the brilliant and groundbreaking scholarship that he has brought to the field of curriculum studies around the world.
Best, Peter
Peter Grimmett
Professor and Head, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy