Congratulations to Professor Penney Clark for being awarded the Best Journal Article published between 2018 and 2020 by the Canadian History of Education Association/Association canadienne d’histoire de l’éducation (CHEA/ACHÉ). The award was presented to her at the CHEA/ACHÉ Conference on October 15, 2022.
The award was for: “‘The most just of all educational legislation’: Provision of free textbooks in the province of Ontario, 1846-1967,” Journal of Canadian Studies, 53(2): 392-422. doi: 10.3138/jcs.2018-0024.
Awards committee comments: Penney Clark’s paper provides a lucid, comprehensive, an all-in-one place summary, of the integration of free textbook policy and practice in Canada, with a focus on Ontario. Her article is well researched and well written and allows the reader to explore critically the issues surrounding the implementation of free textbook policies, justified as a form of equity, but embedded with diverse challenges. Clark reveals the uneven implementation of the principle of equality of educational opportunity in Ontario. While extending knowledge on the provision of free textbooks and textbook publishing, Clark also offers useful historical context for related histories of education.
Dr. Samson Nashon, EdD
Department Head & Professor of Science Education