It is with great delight I announce the tremendous CIHR grant successes of Tracy Friedel. Absolutely magnificent news!
Principal Applicant: Tracy Friedel, EDCP
Miyonohk âyâwin kiskinwahamâtowin (a many sided thing): Outdoor education, injury prevention and Edmonton’s First Nation, Métis and Inuit youth.
First Nation, Métis and Inuit youth suffer four times as many unintentional and intentional injuries as non-Indigenous youth. This study focuses on how a critique of Indigenous injuries, cultural safety, Cree and Métis outdoor education, and peer teaching opportunities influence the way in which Indigenous youth leaders understand and act in relation to unintentional injury prevention.
Co-applicants: Dale Friedel and Cynthia Jardine
Total awarded: $312,033
Co-Applicant: Tracy Friedel, Assistant Professor in EDCP
Engaging Aboriginal Youth in Tobacco Prevention Using Social Media
This study will explore if social media interventions developed by Aboriginal youth can be an effective means for encouraging smoking prevention or cessation in youth and others in Aboriginal communities. Tracy and her colleagues at the University of Alberta received $100,000 in bridge funding from the Priority Announcement – First Nations, Inuit and Metis Health competition.
Principal Applicant: Jardine, Cynthia
Co-Applicants: Friedel, Tracy; Given, Lisa; Nykiforuk, Candace.
Hearty congratulations, Tracy. Very well done!
Best, Peter
Peter Grimmett
Professor and Head, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy