Research Interests
- Pedagogy
- Research Design and Method
- Teacher Education Research
- Teacher Research
- The Practicum
- Cooperating Teachers
- Self-Study
Dr. Clarke spent twelve years as a classroom teacher in Australia before moving to Canada to work with beginning teachers, classroom teachers, and university instructors at UBC. He has a keen interest in all aspects of the practicum with a focus on teacher mentoring.
Along with his colleague, Professor Juanjo Mena from the University of Salamanca, Spain, he is responsible for the Mentoring Profile Inventory (MPI), a web-based professional development tool for practicum mentors that doubles as a research instrument for teacher educators ( The MPI is free and available online in nine languages.
Professor Clarke’s research interests also include teacher inquiry, teacher agency, teacher identity, study abroad, and faculty professional development.
Selected Publications
Fu, G., & Clarke, A. (2024). Connected by emotion: Teacher agency in an online science education course during COVID‐19. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 61(6), 1237-1262.
Webb, A., Hubball, H., & Clarke, A. (2023). Fostering Scholarly Approaches to Peer Review of Teaching in a Research-Intensive University: Strategic Development of a Departmental SPRoT Protocol. Global Research in Higher Education. 6(1), 1-20. DOI:
Clarke, A., & Mena, J. (2023). A history of paradigm shifts in teacher education: Their impact on practicum mentoring. In Eds. Craig, C, Mena, J, & Kane, R (Eds.) Studying Teaching and Teacher Education: ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook (155-169). Emerald Publishing: Bradford, United Kingdom.
Clarke, A. (2023). Teacher inquiry: by any other name. In Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education- 4th Edition. (Vol. 5, 232–242). Elsevier Science: US.
García Tamarit, C., Badia, A., & Clarke, A. (2022). The identity of the teacher as a mentor of student teachers. In C. Monereo (Ed.). The identity of education professionals: Positioning, training & innovation (133-154): Information Age Publishing, United States.
Fu, G., & Clarke, A. (2021) The development and impact of teachers’ collective agency during Covid-19: insights from online classrooms in Canada and China, Educational Review, DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2021.1997921
Clarke, A., Fritzlan, A., & Robertson, S. (2021). Mentoring as a professional practice: Inquiry, sense-Making, and collaboration. In J. Mena & A. Clarke (Eds.), Teacher Induction and mentoring: Supporting Beginner Teachers (197-220). London: Palgrave McMillan.
Mena, J., & Clarke, A. (2021). The mentoring profile inventory: A tool to exchange teachers’ professional experiences in different cultural contexts. In B. Singh (Ed.), Professionalism in Education (101-107). New Delhi Publishers: New Delhi, Kolkata.
Mena, J. & Clarke, A. (2021). Teacher Induction and Mentoring: Supporting Beginner Teachers. London: Palgrave McMillan.
Badia, A., & Clarke, A. (2021). The practicum-mentor identity in the teacher education context, Teaching Education, DOI: 10.1080/10476210.2021.1920910
Moghtadera, B., Strubbeb, L., Stangb, J., & Clarke, A. (2021). Paired teaching in higher education: Learning from science faculty. International Journal for Academic Development. DOI: 10.1080/1360144X.2021.1891904
Clarke, A., & Mena, J. (2021). Isabella State University (ISU-Philippines) Mentoring Profile Report. Centre for the Study of Teacher Education: Vancouver, British Columbia. (Available upon request)
Clarke, A., & Mena, J. (2021). Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL-Australia): National Mentoring Profile Report. Centre for the Study of Teacher Education: Vancouver, British Columbia. Available:
Clarke, A. (2020). Australian backyard visitors. In M. Mosavarzadeh & K. Morimoto (Eds.), Making – Place: International postcard exhibition (p. 33). InSEA Publications.
Clarke, A. (2020). Teaching as a learned profession: The evolution of inquiry in a teacher education program. In Phelan, A. M., Pinar, W. F., Ng-A-Fook, N., & Kane, R. (Eds.). (2020). Reconceptualizing Teacher Education: A Canadian Contribution to a Global Challenge (pp. 191-214). University of Ottawa Press.
Webb, A., Hubball, H., Clarke, A., & Ellis, S. (2020). Strategic approaches to SoEL inquiry within and across disciplines: Twenty-year impact of an international faculty development program in diverse university contexts. Global Research in Higher Education. 3(1), 1-24. DOI:
Clarke, A., Fan, X., Webb, A., & Zou, W. (2020). Becoming, belonging, and between: Unexpected outcomes and curricular implications for study abroad. Teaching and Teacher Education, 90, 103031.
Clarke, A., & Mena, J. (2020). An international comparative study of practicum mentors: Learning about ourselves by learning about others. Teaching and Teacher Education, 90, 103026.
Mena, J., & Clarke, A. (2020). The Mentoring Profile Inventory Grid: Thinking Differently About Classroom Teachers Who Work With Teacher Candidates on Practicum. In T. Barkatos & T. McLaughlin (Eds.), Championing Cutting-Edge 21st Century Mentoring and Learning Models and Approaches (pp. 6-26). Sense Publishers: Rotterdam.
Faikhamta, C., Mena, J. & Clarke, A. (2020). Mentors’ approach to practicum mentoring in the Spanish and Thai contexts: A two-cohort comparison using the Mentoring Profile Inventory. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 9(2), 169-185.
Faikhamta, C., & Clarke, A. (2019). Thai Cooperating Teachers’ Motivations and Challenges in Supervising Student Teachers During Their Internship Program. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 40(3), 567-573.
Guopeng Fu & Anthony Clarke (2019) Moving beyond the agency-structure dialectic in pre-collegiate science education: positionality, engagement, and emergence, Studies in Science Education, 55:2, 215-256, DOI: 10.1080/03057267.2020.1735756
Wang, F., Clarke, A., Webb, A. (2019). Tailored for China: did it work? Reflections on an intensive study abroad programme for Chinese student teachers. Teachers and Teaching. 25(7), 800-820.
Songsil, W., Pongsophon, P., Boonsoong, B., & Clarke, A. (2019). Developing scientific argumentation strategies using revised argument-driven inquiry (rADI) in science classrooms in Thailand. Asia-Pacific Science Education, 5(7), 1-22.
Fu, G., & Clarke, A., (2019). Teachers’ moral agency under neoliberal influences: what is educationally desirable in China’s curriculum reform? Education Review, 71(1), 51-66.
Fu, G., & Clarke, A. (2019). Individual and collective agencies in China’s curriculum reform: A case of physics teachers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(1), 45-63.
Zhang, Q., Clarke, A., & Lee, J. (2018). Pre-Service Teachers’ Professional Identity Development Within The Context Of School-Based Learning To Teach: An Exploratory Study In China. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 27(6), 477-486
Hu, W. & Clarke, A. (2018). The Chinese ‘Open Class’: A Detailed Rendering and Historical Account. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 38(2), 214-228.
Fu, G., & Clarke, A., (2018). Teacher identity in formation: History, social change, and a spiritual encounter. The Negotiated Self: Employing Reflexive Inquiry to Explore Teacher Identity. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam.
Lu, L., Wang, F., Ma, Y., Clarke, A, & Collins, J. (2018). Exploring Chinese teachers’ commitment to being a cooperating teacher in a university-government-school initiative for rural practicum placements. In Liu. W., & Goh, C. (Eds.) Teachers’ Perceptions, Experience and Learning (pp. 34-55). Routledge: London. (Reprinted)
Hubball, H. T., Clarke, A., & Pearson, M. (2017). Strategic Leadership Development in Research-Intensive Higher Education Contexts: The Scholarship of Educational Leadership. In P. Tripathi and S. Mukerji (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Administration, Policy, and Leadership in Higher Education. PA: IGI Global. (pp. 1-19)
Fu, G., & Clarke, A. (2017). Teacher agency in Canadian context: Linking the how and the what. Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(5), 581-593.
Nielsen, W., Mena-Marcos, Juan-José, J., Clarke, A., O’Shea, S., Hoban, G., & Collins, J. (2017). Australia’s Supervising Teachers: Motivators and Challenges to Inform Professional Learning. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 45(4), 346-368.
Clarke, A. &, Collins, J. (2017). Comparative Work Within The Context of Practicum Settings: A First Look At What Motivates and Challenges Cooperating Teachers From Five Countries . In Xudong Zhu, Lin Goodwin and Huajun Zhang (Eds.) Quality of Teacher Education and Learning: Theory and Practice. Springer: Heidelberg. (pp. 17-34)
Mena, J., García, M., Clarke, A., & Barkatsas, A. (2016). An analysis of three different approaches to student teacher mentoring and their impact on knowledge generation in practicum settings. European Journal of Teacher Education, 39(1), 53-76.
Hales, A., & Clarke, A. (2016). So You Want To Be A Teacher Educator? The Job Advertisement as a Construction of Teacher Education in Canada. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 44(4), 320-332.
Wang, F., & Clarke, A. Yu, W. (2016). Empty success or brilliant failure: An analysis of Chinese students’ study abroad experience in a collaborative Master of Education program. Journal for Studies in International Education, 20(2), 140-163.
Lv, L., Wang, F., Ma, Y., Clarke, A, & Collins, J. (2016). Exploring Chinese teachers’ commitment to being a cooperating teacher in a university-government-school initiative for rural practicum placements. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36(1), 34-55.
Clarke, A., Hubball, H., & Webb, A. (2016). Developing institutional leadership for scholarly approaches to Graduate Supervision: Lessons learned in a Canadian Research-intensive University. In P. Blessinger & D. Stockely (Eds.) Emerging Directions in Doctoral Education. Emerald Group Publishing: United Kingdom. (pp. 281-300)
Mena-Marcos, J., & Clarke, A. (2015). Eliciting teachers’ practical knowledge through mentoring conversations in practicum settings: A propositional discourse analysis (PDA). In Mentoring for Learning (Eds. Tillema, H., van der Westhuizen, G., & Smith, K.). Sense Publishing. Rotterdam: Netherlands. (pp. 47-78)
Hubball, H.T., Clarke, A., Webb, A., & Johnson, B. (2015). Developing institutional leadership for the scholarship of teaching and learning: Lessons learned with senior educational leaders in multinational research-intensive university settings. International Journal for University Teaching and Faculty Development, 4(4), 237-253.
Clarke, A., & Elfert, M. (2015). Surprising That Anyone Would Want To Be a Cooperating Teacher. Education Canada 56(2), 1-5. Available:“surprising-anyone-would-want-be-cooperating-teacher.
Faikhamta, C., & Clarke, A. (2015). Thai Pre-Science ScienceTeachers Engaging in Action Research During Their Fifth Year Internship. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 35(2), 259-273.
Hubball, H., Clarke, A., Chng, H., & Grimmett, P. (2015). The scholarship of educational leadership in research-intensive university contexts: Implications for promotion and tenure supervision. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5(2), 92-107.
Clarke. A. (2014). 研究型教师教育: 教育学本科培养计划 的历史分析及启示 (Researching Teacher Education: Lessons Learned from an Undergraduate Education Program). Journal of Teacher Education (China), 1(5), 5-14.
Clarke, A. (2014). What If I Had Said “No”. In Cohen, A, Bai, H, Leggo, C. Porath, M., Meyer, K., Clarke, A. (Eds.). Speaking of Learning: Recollections, Revelatinos, and Realizations. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam, (pp. 103-116).
Cohen, A, Bai, H, Leggo, C. Porath, M., Meyer, K., Clarke, A. (Eds.) (2014) . Speaking of Learning: Recollections, Revelatinos, and Realizatins. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam.
Clarke, A., Triggs, V., & Nielsen, W. (2014). Cooperating Teacher Particpation in Teacher Education: A Review of the LIterature. Review of Educational Research, 84(2), 163-202.
Wang, F., & Clarke, A. (2014). Practicum Experiences During Curriculum Reform in China. International Journal of Educational Development, 86, 108-116.
Hubball, H, Pearson, M., & Clarke, A. (2013). SOTL Inquiry In Broader Curricula And Institutional Contexts: Theoretical Underpinnings And Emerging Trends. International Society For The Scholarship Of Teaching and Learning, 1(1), 41-57.
MacKinnon, A., Clarke, A., & Erickson, G. (2013). What We Owe to Donald Schon: Three Educators in Conversation. Phronesis, 2(1), 89-99.
Hubball, H, Clarke, A., & Pratt, D. (2013). Foster Scholarly Approaches to Peer-review of Teaching in Research-intensive University. In Salter, D. (Ed.) Cases on Quality Teaching Practices in Higher Education. IGI Global: PA. (pp. 191-211)
Faikhamta, C., & Clarke, A. (2013) A Self-Study of a Thai Teacher Educator Developing a Better Understanding of PCK for Teaching about Teaching Science Through Attempts to Develop Science Student Teachers’ PCK. Research in Science Education, 43, 955-979.
Hubball, H., Clarke, A., Pratt, D. (2013). Fostering Scholarly Approaches to the Peer-Review of Teahcing in Research-Intensive Universities. In Salter, D. (Ed.). Cases of Quality Teaching Practices in Higher Education. IGI Global: PA. (pp. 191-211).
Chaliès , S., Escalié , G., Bertone, S., & Clarke, A. (2012). Learning ‘Rules’ of Practice Within the Context of the Practicum Triad: A Case Study of Learning to Teach. Canadian Journal of Education, 35(2), 3-23.
Jantarakantee, E., Roadrangka V., and Clarke, A. (2012). Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Understandings of Classroom Research and the Problems in Conducting Classroom Research Projects. US-China Education Review. 2(1), 112-120.
Clarke, A. (2012). Distractions. In Cohen, A,, Porath, M., Clarke, A., Bai, .H, Leggo, C., & Meyer, K. Eds.). Speaking of Teaching: Inclinations, Inspirations, and Innerworkings. Sense Publishers: New York.. (pp. 52-54).
Clarke, A. (2012). Burgeo and back: Catching oneself in the act of being attentive to pedagogy. In Cohen, A,, Porath, M., Clarke, A., Bai, H., Leggo, C., & Meyer, K. (Eds.). Speaking of Teaching: Inclinations, Inspirations, and Innerworkings. Sense Publishers: New York. (pp. 55-62).
Cohen, A,, Porath, M., Clarke, A., Bai, .H, Leggo, C., & Meyer, K. (Eds.) (2012) . Speaking of Teaching: Inclinations, Inspirations, and Innerworkings. Sense Publishers: New York.
Clarke, A., Collins, J., Triggs, V., & Neilsen, W. (2012). The mentoring profile inventory: An online professional development resource for cooperating teachers. Teaching Education. 23(2), 167-194.
Vratulis, V., Clarke, A., Erickson, G., and Hoban (2011). Additive and Disruptive Pedagogies: The Use of “Slowmation” as an Example of Digital Technology Implementation. Teaching and Teacher Education. 27(8), 1179-1188.
Martinuk, S., Clarke, A., & Erickson, G. (2011). Reconceptualizing the teaching of physics for non-majors: Learning ffrom instructor-driven reform. In Corrigan, D., Dillon, J., Gunstone, R. (Eds.), The professional knowledge base of science teaching. (pp.243-558)
Neilsen, W., Clarke, A., Triggs, V., & Collins, J, (2011), The Teacher Education Conversation: A Network of Cooperating Teachers. Canadian Journal of Education, 33(4), 837-868.
Brennan, K, & Clarke, A. (2011). The Jarod Phenomenon and intergenerational learning in a teacher education context. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 39(2), 125-137.
Hubball, H.T., & Clarke, A. (2011). Scholarly approaches to peer-review of teaching: Emergent frameworks and outcomes in a research-intensive university. Transformative Dialogues Journal 4(2). Retrieved from
Hubball, H.T., & Clarke, A. (2010). Diverse methodological approaches and considerations for SoTL in higher education. Invited Peer-reviewed Essay for inaugural issue. Canadian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, 1(1). Retrieved from
Erickson, G., Naylor, C., Clarke, A. (Eds.) (2011). Living in a Smartboard World. Centre for the Study of Teacher Education (UBC): Vancouver.
Erickson, G., & Clarke, A. (2011). Why learning in a community is necessary and not just nice. In (Eds.) Erickson, G., Naylor, C., Clarke, A. & the Livingston Inquiry Group. Living in a Smartboard World. Centre for the Study of Teacher Education (UBC): Vancouver. (pp.166-181)
Hubball, H.T., Clarke, A., & Poole, G. (2010). Ten-year reflections on mentoring SoTL research in a research-intensive university. International Journal for Academic Development 15(2), 117-129.
Hopper, T., Sanford, K., & Clarke, A. (2009). Chapter 15: Game-as-teacher and game-play: Complex learning in TGfU and Videogames. In T. Hopper, J. Butler & B. Storey (Eds.), TGfU…Simply Good Pedagogy: Understanding a Complex Challenge (pp. 246). Ottawa: Physical Health Education (Canada).
Clarke, A. (2009). Teachers in Comparative Perspective. In Lawrence, S.J., & Dworkin, A.G. (Eds.). The New International Handbook of Teachers and Teaching. New York: Springer. (pp. 527-538)
Clarke, A., & Erickson, G. (2009). Cohort learning and complexity thinking: The case of the CITE teacher education programme. In C. Craig & L. Deretchin (Eds.), Teacher educators’ Yearbook XVII: Teacher learning in small group settings. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.(pp. 127–145)
Najafi, H., & Clarke, A. (2008). Web-supported communities for professional development: Five cautions. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 8(3), 1-30.
Collins, S., & Clarke, A. (2008). Activity frames and complexity thinking: Honoring both public and personal agendas in an emergent curriculum. Teaching and Teacher Education. 24(4) , 1003-1014.
Clarke, A. (2007). Turning the Professional Development of Cooperating Teachers On Its Head: Relocating that Responsibility Within the Profession. Educational Insights, 2(3), 1-10.
Mitchell, J., Clarke, A., Nuttall, J. (2007). A comparative analysis of Australian and Canadian cooperating teachers’ perspectives on their role in practicum settings. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 35(1), 5-25.
Clarke, A., & Collins, S (2007). Complexity Theory and the Supervision of Student Teachers on Practicum. Teaching and Teacher Education. 23(2), 160-172.
Young, J., Hall, C., & Clarke, A. (2007). Challenges to University Autonomy in Initial Teacher Education Programmes: The Cases of England, Manitoba and British Columbia. Teaching and Teacher Education. 23(1), 81-93.
Clarke, A. (2006). The nature and substance of cooperating teacher reflection. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(7), 910-921.
Bertone, S., Chaliès, S., & Clarke, A., & Méard, J. (2006). The dynamics of interaction during post-lesson conferences and the development of professional activity: Study of a preservice physical education teacher and her cooperating teacher. The Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 34(2), 245-264.
Clarke, A., Erickson, G., Collins. S., & Phelan, A. (2005). Complexity Science and Cohorts in Teacher Education. Studying Teacher Education, 1(2), 159-177.
Clarke, A., & Jarvis-Selinger, S. (2005). What the teaching perspectives of cooperating teachers tell us about their advisory practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21(1), 65-78.
Clarke, A. & Collins, J., (2004). Carl Glickman’s supervisory belief index: A cautionary note. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 20(1), 76-87.
Clarke, A., & Erickson, G. (2004). Self-study: The fifth commonplace. Australian Journal of Education, 48(2), 199-211.
Hubball, H.T., Clarke, A., and Beach, A. (2004). Assessing faculty learning communities. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 97(Spring), 87-100.
Clarke, A. (2003). Characteristics of cooperating teachers. Canadian Journal of Education, 26(1), 237-256.
Hubball, H, & Clarke. A. (2002). Development and evaluation of a physical education methods course as an immersion experience for student teachers in an elementary school setting. Physical and Health Education Journal, 68(2), 42.
Bodin, L, & Clarke, A. (2002). Teacher-on-call: A beginning teacher’s perspective. Journal of Professional Studies, 9(2), 8-19.
Clarke, A. & Hubball, H. (2001). A physical education methods course as an immersion experience in an elementary school setting. Avante, 7(2), 11-27
Clarke, A. & Robertson, A. (2001). Lifting the corner of the research rug: A case for meta-interviews in qualitative research. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17(7), 773-782.
Clarke, A. (2001). The landscape of teacher education: Critical points and possible conjectures. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17(5), 599-611.
Clarke, A. & Reicken, T. (2001). A school advisor association: Seeking ways to substantively change the role played by classroom teachers in pre-service teacher education. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 46(4), 346-355.
Clarke, A. (2000). An advisor practicum for practicum advisors: A follow-up study. Teaching Education, 11(2), 131-146.