Research Interests
- Art Education Research
- Artistic and Aesthetic Development
- Arts Education
- Curriculum Studies Research
- History of Education
- Media, Semiotics
- Text Studies
- Museum Education Research
- Music
- Non-Formal Learning
- Pedagogy
- Philosophy
- Teacher Education Research
- Ways of Knowing
Prior to joining the faculty at the University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Education, Daniel Bakan taught creative arts pedagogy at Ryerson University’s School of Early Childhood Education and Interdisciplinary Creative Arts at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. In addition to his work in higher education, schools and non-school community settings, Daniel is an established musician, composer and theatre artist whose artistic portfolio includes several CDs, performances across North America, theatrical productions, dance scores, children’s musicals, and appearances on CBC, syndicated US radio, and NPR. In 2015, Daniel Bakan completed his Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia in curriculum studies with an award-winning dissertation on songwritng and artography.
Invited Presentations
“Song and Social Justice: Music and Activism” Green College Law and Society Lecture Series, Allard Hall, UBC. Vancouver BC, September 2013.
“This is the Beauty and The Year of Jubilo.” Presented at Performing Arts-based Research, Vancouver, BC.May 2013.
“Contradictory Aims? School Music Education and Emerging Global Digital Musical Communities.” May Day Colloquium on Music Education, Michigan State University. June 20, 2012.
“Song as a/r/tographical exploration” American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, BC April 14, 2012.
“The In Between Cabaret: Shifting Identities as Artists/Researchers/Teachers” Investigating Our Practices 2011. 14th annual conference. Co-sponsored by the Faculty of Education and the BC Teachers’ Federation. May 7, 2011 (with Kerri Mesner, Erin Garcia, Donnard MacKenzie, Marc Higgins, Sarah Meli, and Ofira Roll).
“Can music education surf the digital tsunami?” May Day Colloquium on Music Education, Montclair University. June 17, 2011 (with Peter Gouzouasis).
“Folk 2.0: songs of persuasion in the wired world.” May Day Colloquium on Music Education, Montclair University. June 19, 2010.
“The power of song: creativity and technology in integrated arts based emergent curriculum” Reggio Inspired Care & Education Conference, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba. May 6-9, 2009.
“Song as a tool for multilingual, multicultural and multi-intelligence education.” Beyond The Brown Crayon. Symposium in Diversity in Early Childhood Education. Ryerson University. May 14, 2009.
“Early childhood learning, cultural play, and open license childrens’ music with” CapCHI: ACM SIG on Computer-Human Interaction, Ottawa, March 3, 2008 (with Jason Nolan).
“Playing Mash-Up: open access children’s music for early learning environments at”. Internet Research 8.0: Lets Play, Vancouver. October 17-20, 2007 (with Jason Nolan).
“ learning and play through the sharing of open access children’s music. Learning in online communities of practice.” Society for the Social Studies of Science. October 11-13, 2007, Montreal (with Jason Nolan).
“Moral Modeling in Schools and the Media”, The Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Ottawa, Ontario. May 28, 1998 (with Carola Conle).
“Song as curriculum, research and pedagogy – musical ways of knowing and sharing knowledge”. Invited presentation at the EDCP Research Café Series. University of British Columbia, Vancouver B.C. Nov 18 2011.
“Songs, chords, midi and Garage Band” Royal Conservatory of Music, Royal Diploma Program children’s workshop. Toronto, ON. November 23, 2008.
“The Power of Song: North American Folk Music, Technology and Holistic Education” Royal Conservatory of Music and Ryerson School of Early Childhood Education. Spring Workshop. Toronto, ON. May 26, 2008.
“Two Virtual Guys with Flutes; Second Life as creative narrative” ComCult Class: CC8962 Language and NArrative in Film, Video and Multimedia. Toronto, ON October, 2007(with Jason Nolan).
Aritistic Works & Performances
Discography: includes the following Independent releases of original music:
…And Truth is Spectacular 2005 Danny Bakan,
Dog Man Don’t Cat Man Do 2001 Danny Bakan,
Simple 1993 2/3rds Holy
Off The Floor 1990 Holy Smoke
Live performances of original works at Festivals, on Radio, in Clubs, Concert Halls, and more. Some highlights include:
• The Library of Congress, Special Archiving Session. Washington DC
• WFMT –Chicago, Midnight Special Folk Stage, Nationally Syndicated live radio concert performance.
• Chapleau Performing Arts Series
• The Roundup-CBC Radio One
• Susquehanna Music Arts Festival, Darlington, Maryland
• White Oaks Folk Club Oakville (a special performance with Valdy)
• Northern Lights/Festival Boreal, Sudbury, ON
• Mission Folk Festival, Mission BC
• The Commonwealth Games, Victoria BC
• First Night Toronto
• Winnipeg and Edmonton Fringe Festivals
• Philadelphia Folk Song Society Concert Series
• The Blue Skies Festival, Sharbot Lake, ON
• Hugh’s Room, Toronto
• Expo ’86 Canada Pavilion
• Mariposa Folk Festival
• The Cowichan Folk Guild Concert Series
• Niagara Folk Arts Festival, Niagara Falls, ON
• TVO Studio Two-On Stage (Live performance and television interview)
• CIUT- FM Back To The Sugar Camp
• The Guthrie Centre, MA
• 1794 Meeting House. New Salem, MA
• Riverdale Share Concert , The Music Hall, Toronto
• Philadelphia Folk Festival
Selected Dance Composition:
• “3 by ee” Tarragon Spring Arts Fair, Short Stuff, Dances in the Park and more Kate Alton/Volcano
• “Landmines” The Canada Dance Festival, Danceworks, Studio 808 and more Kim Frank
• “Flight Anchored on a Distant Shore” Danceworks Kim Frank
• “Urge” Performed at Dances for a Small Stage Kim Frank
• “Willie” Performed at The Canada Dance Festival and Danceworks Kim Frank
• “Solo in Silence (with musical accompaniment)” Produced by Kaeja D’Dance Karen Kaeja
• “In a Painted Room” Performed at Dances for a Small Stage Tama Soble
Selected Theatre Composition and Musical Direction:
• “Goldilocks and The Three Canadian Bears” Little Red Theatre/Jody Terio
• “The Crab Prince” Little Red Theatre/Jody Terio
• “Little Red Riding Hood” Little Red Theatre/Jody Terio
• “FrogBog” Zed House/Kingston Summer Festival
• “Romeo and Juliet” Die in Debt Productions/ Sara Stanley
• “Three Sisters” Theatre Resource Centre/ Denise Norman
• “The Rumi Project” Tina Tara/Coleman Barks
Selected Theatre Performance:
• Something From Nothing, Cascade Theatre directed by Jerry Silverberg
• Come back to the five and dime, Anton Chekov Anton Chekov Theatre Resource Centre directed by Sue Morrison
• Comedy of Errors, Arts Club Theatre directed by Morris Panych, musical directed by Jeff Corness
• Strange Medicine, Caravan Farm Theatre directed by Nick Hutchenson
• Romeo and Juliet, Caravan Farm Theatre directed by Nick Hutchenso
Selected Publications
Gouzouasis, P. & Bakan, D. L. (in press) Jamming on a tune: Arts-Based Educational Research in community music research. In Bartleet, B-L. & Higgins, L. (Eds) The Oxford handbook of community music. New York, NY. Oxford University Press. Role: Co Author.
Bakan, D.L. (2016) The Fountain Pen: Song and storying through a/r/tographraphical conversation with senile dementia. Creative Approaches to Research, vol. 9. no. 1, pp. 4-18.
Gouzouasis, P., Bakan, D., Ryu, J., Ballam, H., Murphy, D., Ihnatovych, D., Virag, Z. & Yanko, M. (2014). Where do teachers and learners stand in music education research? A multi-voiced call for a new ethos of music education research. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 15(15).
Bakan, D. L.(2013) A/r/tographical inquiry through Song, Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts Special Issues on A/r/tography, UNESCO Observatory, Melbourne.
Gouzouasis, P. & Bakan, D.L. (2012) “The development of Canadian broadcasting regulations in the 20th century and their impact on Canadian culture” Cultural Inclusiveness and Transparency of Purpose in Contemporary Music Education:The Influence of Cultural, Educational, and Media Policies Proceedings of the 16th Biennial International Seminar Commission on Music Policy: Culture, Education, and Media, International Association for Music Education, Panteion University, Athens, Greece. July 13-16, 2012.
Gouzouasis, P. & Bakan, D.L. (2011) The future of music making and music education in a transformative digital world Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts 2, 2 UNESCO Observatory, Melbourne.
Nolan, J., Mann, S, & Bakan, D. (2011). Nessie the Hydraulophone: A Water-Driven Musical Object for Children Children, Youth and Environments 22(2): 263-272. Boulder.
Nolan, J. and Bakan, D. L. (2009). “Social technologies for young children: Cultural Play with” In Poissant, L, and Tremblay, P. (Eds.) Toronto/Montréal/Lille: Together Elsewhere. Montreal: Presse de l’Université du Québec. Role: Co Author
- EDCP 305: Digital Media in Arts Education: Introduction
- EDCP 308: Music – Elementary: Curriculum and Pedagogy.
- EDUC 451 and 452: Inquiry