Neoliberalism, Critical Education, and Social Justice: A focus on the Current Moment in History

Dr. Alpesh Maisuria | Associate Professor, University of the West of England

Friday, September 25, 2020 | 12:30 – 2:00 pm, Via Zoom

Host: Dr. E. Wayne Ross

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In this talk, I’ll locate the current Covid-19 crisis in the crises of capitalism. I will argue that education has had, and will continue to have, a central role for capitalism. Drawing on the example of higher education in England, I will specify three functions that education has in capitalist economies – my provocation will be about how these functions may alter after this historical moment and how we as (critical) educators could/ought to respond for the objective of social justice.

Short Bio

Dr Alpesh Maisuria is associate professor of education policy in critical education at the University of the West of England. He writes widely about issues of social class, educational policy, neoliberalism and Marxism, as well the proposal of a nationalised education service; academy and free schools; private schools; Swedish social democracy.