Academics reach many milestones in their lives—Ph.D., beginning Assistant Professor position, tenure, promotion, and full professor. Some become well known for their research and scholarship, others for their teaching. More than a few develop a world-renowned reputation and their writings are sought after and read earnestly. But only a very limited few of those with world-renowned reputations are celebrated with a Festschrift when they move into the ranks of septuagenarians.
Accordingly, I am delighted to inform you that our very own William F. Pinar has been extolled and his life’s work emblazoned in a 2017 Festschrift, edited by Mary Aswell Doll. The full reference is as follows:
Doll, M.A. (Ed.) (2017). The reconceptualization of curriculum studies: A Festschrift in honor of William F. Pinar. New York, NY: Routledge. 221 pages.
It contains chapters by Bill Doll, Peter Grimmett, Rita Irwin, and Donna Trueit from EDCP, in addition to chapters by well-known international scholars, Terio Auto, Alan Block, Deborah Britzman, Terry Carson, Madeleine Grumet, Petra Hendry, Janet Miller, Nicholas Ng-a-Fook, Celeste Snowber, Maria Süsskind, Peter Taubman, Hongyu Wang, and Zhang Hua. Bill Pinar has written the final chapter himself.
This volume is a must-read, superb piece of scholarship honoring the outstanding intellectual leadership that Bill Pinar has given to the field of Curriculum Studies. We as a Department are most fortunate to have the prima facie intellectual leader of the field of Curriculum Studies as one of our colleagues.
Hearty congratulations, Bill.
Samson Nashon
Department Head & Professor of Science Education