The Refugee Education program aims to support and advance the field of critical refugee studies by exploring experiences of people who are refugees or seeking refuge elsewhere from their native lands. As a faculty, we build teacher education, non-credit, and graduate courses in addition to advancing research on issues related to forced migration caused by political strife, war, and climate change. The goal of the program is to move away from long standing colonial gazes and frames that sensationalize refugees’ lives. It is the educational experience of asylum seekers that is at the centre of this program. Scholars in the faculty hope to understand these life events with a view to educate both the host and the refugee communities on harmonious coexistence and honouring the new home and those hosting them. This program hopes to contribute to refugee communities that have crossed socio-political borders by facilitating educational experiences vital for children and youth, many of whom have spent their school-age years away from their native land, language, and culture. The Refugee Education program critically engages with the distinct role of teachers and schools within resettled communities both here in Canada and abroad. This includes, but not limited to, integrating theory and policy considerations related to the refugees’ encounters in schools through curricular and pedagogical practices.
Examples of Course Offerings
B.Ed, non-credit and Certification Students
- EDCP 467A | Refugee Education
Graduate students
- EDCP 585 | Contemporary Research in Critical Refugee Education
Contact Us
Mailing Address
Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy
Faculty of Education
University of British Columbia
Scarfe Building 2125 Main Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4 Canada
Important Numbers
Apply for graduate programs:
Gina Hiu Lam Wong
Email: edcp.grad@ubc.ca
Apply for undergraduate programs:
Contact the Teacher Education Office
Area Coordinator
Sofia Noori
Assistant Professor
Contributing Faculty Members
Sofia Noori
Assistant Professor
Cynthia Nicol
Samson Nashon
Professor & Head