
Graduate Programs

Our graduate programs offer opportunities for students to specialize in art, music, mathematics, science, technology, social studies, home economics, and physical education. In addition, students may develop interdisciplinary programs in curriculum studies; teacher education; complexity science and education; digital media and learning technologies; scholarship of teaching; studies in historical consciousness; museum education; health, nutrition, and eco-justice and sustainability education.


The Department offers the following graduate degrees:

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Master of Arts (MA)
Master of Education (MEd)
Master of Museum Education (MMEd)

The PhD and MA degrees are intended for students wanting to pursue educational research either professionally or out of personal interest. The Master of Education (MEd) program is designed primarily for practicing teachers who want to learn more about curriculum and teaching, and who intend to return to teaching or to a position of leadership upon completion of the degree. The MA is recommended for students who, in addition to their interest in curriculum and teaching, want to develop their expertise as educational researchers. If you think you might someday be interested in doctoral study, you should probably enroll in the Master of Arts program, although the MEd does not preclude advanced study.

Download an overview of EDCP Graduate Programs

The PhD program requires comprehensive exams and a dissertation. The MA programs require 30 credits, or a 9-credit research thesis and 21 course credits. The MEd programs require 30 credits, or typically 9 courses plus a graduating paper, which is needed for TQS certification in British Columbia. A minimum of 24 credits must be in graduate-level courses for all master’s programs. All on-campus master’s programs in the Department can be pursued either full time or part time. Theses and graduating papers often focus on questions or issues that cut across disciplines and professional fields.

For more information on requirements, see the master’s and doctoral program guides:

PhD Program Guidelines
Master’s Program Guidelines

Undergraduate Programs

At the undergraduate level, we offer courses in art education, business education, home economics education, music education, physical education, science education, social studies education, and technology studies education. Committed to the education of teachers (both becoming and practising), we contribute significantly to the academic development, oversight and implementation of the UBC Teacher Education Program. In addition, we offer a variety of professional development opportunities for teachers and other professionals including certificates and diplomas in education in the above areas.

Art Education

art education

The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers a PhD concentration and MA and MEd specializations in Art Education, along with a secondary Teacher Education (BEd) major, Diploma and Certificate in Art Education.
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Business Education


The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers a secondary Teacher Education (BEd) major and Diploma in Business Education.
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Curriculum and Leadership


This is a collaborative Master of Education program involving two departments: the Department of Educational Studies and the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy.
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Curriculum Studies


The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers PhD, MA and MEd specializations in Curriculum Studies, Curriculum and Leadership, and a Diploma in Curriculum Studies.
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Home Economics Education


The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers a PhD concentration and MA and MEd specializations in Home Economics Education, along with a secondary Teacher Education (BEd) major and Diploma in Home Economics Education.
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International Baccalaureate


The UBC MEd in Curriculum Studies leading to an IB Advanced Certificate in Teaching and Learning Research is designed for those who wish to pursue professional study in education, and deepen their understanding of teaching and learning.
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Mathematics Education


The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers a PhD concentration and MA and MEd specializations in Math Education, along with a secondary Teacher Education (BEd) major and Diploma< in Math Education.
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Museum Education

Museum Education

The Master of Museum Education is a unique graduate degree program focusing on the study of education and learning that occurs in museums and other informal learning contexts.
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Music Education


The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers MEd and MA programs with specialization in Music Education and a PhD program in Curriculum Studies with concentration in Music Education.
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Health, Outdoor and Physical Education (HOPE)


The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers a PhD in Curriculum Studies with a concentration in HOPE. We also offer MA and MEd specializations in HOPE, along with a Secondary Teacher Education (BEd) major and specializations Diplomas in Health, or Outdoor or Physical Education.
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Rural Education

Rural Education

The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers a PhD concentration and MA and MEd specializations in Rural Education and Rural Teacher Education, along with a secondary Teacher Education (BEd) major.
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Science Education


The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers a PhD concentration and MA and MEd specializations in Science Education, along with a secondary Teacher Education (BEd) major, Diploma, and Certificate in Science Education.
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Social Studies Education


The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers a PhD concentration and MA and MEdspecializations in Social Studies Education, along with a secondary Teacher Education (BEd) major and Diploma in Social Studies Education.
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SoTL Leadership in Higher Education


This is an on-line and blended faculty certificate program. It prepares senior educational leaders to develop expertise in scholarly approaches to, and the scholarship of curriculum and pedagogical practices in complex higher education settings.
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Media & Technology Studies Education


The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy offers a PhD concentration and MA and MEd specializations in Media and Technology Studies Education, a secondary Teacher Education (BEd) major in Media and Technology Studies Education and dual major in Computer Science, and Diploma Programs in Computing Studies Education and Media & Technology Studies Education.
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