June 3 – June 28, 2013
The 2013 Peru Summer Institute: Ecology, Technology & Indigeneity in the High Amazon will take place at the Sachamama Center in Lamas, Peru.
The Sachamama Center is one of the two founding centers of the international project Annapurna Pluriversity: Collaborative for Abundance, Creativity and Resilience. The Center is a non-profit organization whose mission is to work collaboratively with the Kichwa-Lamista communities in their bio-cultural regeneration with the goal of nurturing intercultural dialogue. Please go to the Sachamama Center webpage for more information.
This six-credit summer institute is open to senior undergraduate and graduate students, and offers an intensive four-week program of study, see course descriptions below. In addition to course readings, seminars and writing assignments, students will learn from Kichwa-Lamista educators and community members about Indigenous cultural practices and ecotechnologies such as medicinal plants and foods, sustainable traditional agricultural practices, weaving, building and architecture, ceramics, music, and dance. Through this holistic intercultural and international program of study, students will engage mind, body, heart and spirit as they experience worldviews and community practices that value other than global capital and geopolitical systems. Students will reciprocate by doing service work within the Kichwa-Lamista communities such as helping to build a tambo (Indigenous building of bamboo or earth with palm leaf roofs), working with Indigenous farmers to plant or harvest on their chacras (fields), or working on the bio-char (fertile black earth soil) research project to enhance Kichwa-Lamista food security and economic stability, as well as to save the Amazon rainforest from further devastation.
EDCP 467A/585C: Ecology, Technology, and Indigeneity in the High Amazon
EDCP 467B/EDCP 585E: Narrativity, Indigeneity and Ecopedagogy
Peter Cole is a member of the Douglas First Nation, one of the Stl’atl’imx communities in SW British Columbia, and also has Celtic heritage. He has taught at universities in Canada, the United States and Aotearoa-New Zealand, most recently as Associate Professor in Aboriginal and Northern Studies at the University College of the North where he was Chair of the Research Ethics Board. For more information about his work and pedagogy, please visit his page at the EDCP website.
Pat has taught at universities in Aotearoa-New Zealand, Canada, and the United States, in large urban centres, in remote northern communities and on First Nations reserves. Her teaching is shaped by feminist, critical, anti-racist, poststructural and Indigenous theory and pedagogical practices that encourage cross-cultural, transdisciplinary, and international conversations of understanding and mutual respect. For more information about her work and pedagogy, please visit her page at the EDCP website.
Students will stay at Casa La Sangapilla that is located on the beautiful grounds of the Sachamama Center.
November 16, 2012 at 4:30pm. If spaces remain, a secondary application deadline of January 7 will be implemented.
October 31, 2012 11:00 am to 12:30pm in Scarfe 201.