Congratulations to Jolie Mayer-Smith and Linda Peterat, co-founders of the Intergenerational Landed Learning project at the UBC farm on winning the highly prestigious NSERC National Award for Science Promotion. The ceremony and celebration was held on Thursday June 12 at Edith Cavell School in Vancouver. Typically, these awards have gone to members of Science and Engineering faculties in the past. This award represents a groundbreaking event in that it is the first time one has been given to faculty members in a Curriculum Department.
Seen in the photo taken after the presentation of the award, standing left to right are: Carla Glessing (Program Coordinator, Okanagan Science Centre, Vernon), Linda Peterat (Award Recipient), Rick Warner (BC NSERC Representative), Peter Grimmett (EDCP Head), and Jolie Mayer-Smith (Award Recipient).
Each is wearing the Landed Learning black apron with the project’s logo on the front.
Best, Peter
Peter Grimmett
Professor and Head, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy