Research Interests
- Art Education Research
- Curriculum Studies Research
- Higher Education
- Media
- Semiotics
- Text Studies
- Pedagogy
- Teacher Research
- Teacher Education
- Museum Education
- New Media
- Art Education
Since retirement in 2013, Kit Grauer has remained actively involved in art education organizations at the local, national, and international levels. She is currently Principal or Co Investigator on two Social Sciences and Humanities Research grants. Dr. Grauer’s interests include arts-based and image-based research, community-based new media education, international issues in art education, teacher education, museum education, and art curriculum and instruction. She has given numerous presentations, in-service sessions, and keynote speeches in these areas. Currently she is teaching Elder College art classes with her husband, Peter Scurr, running printmaking events on Galiano at their studio and is Vice Chair of the Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historical Society Board of Directors.
Recently, Kit Grauer was awarded an Honorary Life Membership in the Canadian Society for Education through Art for lifetime achievement in Canadian Art Education. Her previous awards include: NAEA/BC Art Educator Award; the NAEA Pacific Region Art Education Award; the UBC Killam Teaching Excellence Award; the Alma Mater Society “Just Desserts” service award; the CSEA Gaitskell Award, InSEA Honorary Life Member, UBC Sam Black Award for Education and Development in the Arts, USSEA Ziegfeld International Art Educator Award, AERA Award for Best Publication in an Electronic Journal, George Cedric Metcalf Foundation Award for Excellence in Research, UBC Murray Elliot Award for Teacher Education, MICA Master Teacher Award, BCATA Higher Education Teacher of the Year, Fellow of the NAEA, June King Fee Award for lifetime achievement from the NAEA Women’s Caucus, The NAEA Higher Educator of the Year and the Canadian Art Educator of the Year.
Invited Presentations
2014 | National Higher Education Award lecture; NAEA; San Diego, United States
2012 | June King McFee Award lecture; NAEA; New York, United States
2006 | Investigating Curriculum Integration, the Arts and Diverse Learning Environments; UNESCO World Summit on Arts Education; LISBON, Lisboa, Portugal; Copresenters: R. Irwin, C. Leggo, P. Gouzouasis
2006 | The City of Richgate: Rhizomatic Relations of Possibility; Presented To: University of British Columbia; Lecture at the Faculty of Education; Copresenters: G. Xiong, B. Bickel, R. Irwin
2011 Closing Keynote, Teaching English through the Arts, University of Pinar; Cuba
2008 Tensions and transformation; Mesa de Abertura: Educação para as Artes
Selected Publication
Grauer, K. (2014) Elliot Eisner: A Canadian Perspective and Personal Tribute. International Journal of Education & the Arts. 15.SI 1-6. Available at
Grauer, K. ‘I thought I saw you …, but it was only your hair’ Visual Arts Research.40.1 (2014):54-56.
Cunningham, F., Lin, C., & Grauer, K. (2014). Who I (really) am: An exploration of urban Aboriginal identity through short films. The Canadian Art Teachers, 12(2), 29-38.
Ryoo, A., Lin, C., & Grauer, K. (2014). “Don’t Judge me. What would you do?” Dialogue through a youth-made film. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education, 31, 128-134.
Grauer, K., Castro, J., & Lin, C. (2012). Encounters with difference: Community-based new media programs and practices. Studies in Art Education, 52(2), 139-152.
Beer, R. & Grauer K. (2012). Catch and release: Artworks inspiring insight into environmental issues. International Journal of Education through Art. 8.3, 349 – 360.
Lin, C., Castro, J., Sinner, A., & Grauer, K. (2011). Toward a dialogue between new media arts programs in and out of Schools. Canadian Art Teachers, 9(2), 24-37.
Lin, C., Grauer, K. & Castro, J. C. (2011). “There is nothing else to do but make films:” Urban youth participation at a film and television school. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 12(SI 1.8). Available at
Research Projects
2013-2017 | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC); Trading Routes: Grease Trails, Oil Pipelines”, is a Research/Creation project focused on the intersecting geographies of aboriginal trade routes, the oolichan “grease trails,” and the proposed Alberta-British Columbia oil pipeline. $310,803CDN; Principal Investigator: R. Beer; Co-investigators: K. Grauer, G. Lowery. To read more.
2012-2015 | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC); Citizens of Tomorrow: Investigating the Impact of Community Media Arts Practice on Marginalized Urban Youth; NC; $215,340CDN; Principal Investigator: K. Grauer; Co-investigators: J. C. Castro, R. Beer. To read more.
2007-2010 | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC); The Art of New Media: A Study of Community- based New Media Arts Education; C; $110,160CDN; Principal Investigator: K. Grauer; Co-investigators: S. Weber, D. Darts, A. Sinner |