Research Interests
- Art Education Research
- Arts Education
- Curriculum Studies Research
- Museum Education Research
- Teacher Research
- Ways of Knowing
An art educator and art historian, Marie-France Berard has been committed to art museum education for more than twenty years. She holds both B.A. and M.A. in Art History from the University of Montréal, and was Responsable des visites at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal from 1995-2008. Marie-France is a member of the education team at the Vancouver art Gallery and she is also president of the Special Interest Group in Education and Mediation in Museum (SIGEMM) within the Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Under the supervision of Dr. Dónal O’Donoghue, she completed her Ph.D. in Curriculum Studies/Art Education at the University of British Columbia. Her doctoral research is an inquiry into the experience of encountering art using the theoretical concepts of desire and assemblage from philosopher Gilles Deleuze. She is also invested in contemporary art theory, the notion of the art museum educator as the Deleuzian ‘mediator’, in complicating the concepts of interpretation and knowledge in the art museum, and in creating pedagogical spaces of encounters for pre-service teachers.
Selected Publications
Berard, M.-F. (2018). Strolling with the flâneur: Thinking about the art encounter with Walter Benjamin. In Lasczik Cutcher A. & Irwin, R. L. (Eds.) The flaneur and education research: a metaphor for knowing, ethical action and data production, Palgrave Pivot. [In Press}
O’Donoghue, D., Kothe, E.L.; Thomas, K., Berard, M.-F., Smith, B., Ryoo, A. (2016). Mentoring: To ease one into something, something not yet one’s own. Visual Inquiry. Learning and Teaching Art. 5(3), 369-378.
Higgins, M., Madden, B., Berard, M.-F., Kothe, E.L., Nordstrom, S.. (2016). De/signing research in education: Patchwork(ing) methodologies with theory. Educational Studies. 43(1), 16-39. Retrieved June 20, 2017.
Lenz Kothe, E., Higgins, M., Stiegler, S., Berard, M.-F.; Madden, B. (2015). A quick guide to speed-dating theorists through thinking with theory in qualitative research: Viewing data across multiple perspectives. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/Revue Canadienne des Jeunes Chercheur(e)s en Éducation 6(1), 68-78.
O’Donoghue, D., Berard, M.-F. (2014). Six qualities of socially engaged design: Emerging possibilities for K-12 art education programs. Art Education 67(6), 6-10.
Berard, M.-F.. (2013), Preparing a gallery talk as lived experience: Exploring the spaces in-between knowledge in art museum education. UNESCO Observatory. Multi-Disciplinary Research in the Arts, 3(1).
Lenz Kothe, E., Berard, M.-F. (2013). “Performing Interpretation”. Special Issue. Selected Papers from the Day of the Arts at the 8th Annual International Congress for Qualitative Inquiry (ICQI). International Journal of Education and the Arts, 14 (SI 1.12).
Berard, M.-F. (2002). Le Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal: L’expérience de l’art comme projet éducatif. In B. White, & G. Bogardi (Ed.), Colloque national sur l’enseignement des arts. Formation continue: Quelles sont les lacunes? Quelles sont les possibilités? (pp. 261-270). Montreal: National Symposium of Arts Education.
Supervision of graduate students
Rojia Dadashzadeh – M.A. start 2018? – In process. Donal O’Donoghue, supervisor. Marie-France Berard, co-supervisor.
Yuko Shimomura – M.A. – completed 2022. Rita Irwin, supervisor.William Pinar & Marie-France Berard, committee members.
Sophie Muller – M.Ed. – capstone paper – 2019-2022 completed. Sandrine Han, supervisor. Marie-France Berard co-supervisor.
Mary Pinkoski – Ph.D. – 2019-In process. Dr. Sara Carpenter (U. Alberta) & Dr. Dwayne Donald, supervisors. Dr. Lianne McTavish (U. Alberta) & Marie-France Berard, committee members.
Yukiko Kaneko – M.A. – 2021-In process. Marie-France Berard, co-supervisor.
Derek Bepple M.Ed [2021 – in process].
Kelsey McCarthy MEd. [2021 – in process]
Shiyi Wei MEd. [2022 – in process]..
Fabiola Vizcardo Rodriguez MEd. [2022 – in process].
Abdul Rauf Sulemana MEd. [2022 – in process].
Thomas Hale MEd. [202 – in process].
Zhaoming Yuan MEd. [2022 – in process].
Xiaoman Wang MEd. [ 2022 – in process].
Dennis Memmott MEd. [2021 – in process].
Courses Taught
- EDCP 301 – Visual Arts for Elementary // Cohorts 102, 103, 105, 107, 109 and 110
- EDCP 400B – Visual Arts for Classroom Practice: 3D Practices and Processes
- EDCP 408 – Art, Education and Cultural Diversity [Secondary]
- EDCP 409 – Art Education, Theory and Research [Secondary]
- EDUC 450B/307 – Inquiry I [Secondary art specialists]
- EDUC 451B/307 – Inquiry II [Secondary art specialists]
- EDUC 452B/307 – Inquiry III [Secondary art specialists]
- EDCP 504 – Review of Research in Art Education
- EDCP 512 – Action Research – A/r/tography
- EDCP 520 – Perspectives, Practices and Curriculum Issues in Contemporary Art Education
- EDCP 562 (951) – Introduction to Curriculum Issues and Theories
- EDUC 567 – Curriculum Issues and Theories in Museums
- EDCP 585A-93A – Museum Exhibitions and Educational Design
- EDCP 598 and 590 – Field work and Graduating Papers for the Master in Museum Education
- CUST 562 – Introduction to Curriculum Issues and Theories [UBC-O]