Perspectives and Experiences From Spain & South America
Sept 22 | 11:30am – 1:30pm | Scarfe 310
Panelists: Dr. Renato Gazmuri (Chile), Sandra Delgado (Colombia)
Fernando M. Murillo (Chile) Breo Tosar (Spain), and Héctor Gómez (Chile)
Organized by the Institute for Critical Education Studies
This seminar brings together scholars from Spain and South America working within a variety of curriculum studies traditions to discuss curriculum issues in contexts ranging from elementary education to higher education. The seminar will be an opportunity to explore how curricular discourses have implications in educational practices in local, national, and global contexts. Panelists include Dr. Renato Gazmuri (Universidad Diego Portales, Chile); Sandra Delgado (Colombia), Fernando M. Murillo (Chile), Breo Tosar (Spain), and Héctor Gómez (Chile).