Dr. Yosuke Washiya | Tohoku University, Japan
Friday, Feb 23, 2024 | 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. | Scarfe 1209 (in-person only)
Faculty Host: Dr. Shawn Forde
View the Seminar Poster here
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Even when academic studies attempt to adapt artistic approaches, a line may already be drawn between artistic and academic work. Instead, in this seminar, I propose the possibility for an artistic—academic engagement, particularly within ethnographic research. The seminar will examine the artistic characteristics of academic work and will focus on the artistic potential that ethnographic approaches may hold. Engaging with my own fieldwork rooted in physical cultural practices and their products, such as ethnographic films and field sketches, and drawing on Henri Bergson’s concepts on metaphysics, spatialization of time, and his understandings of the arts, I will illustrate the possibilities of academic—artistic engagements in the field using non-descriptive, or more artistic, approaches. Through the seminar I will also discuss how ethnographic field engagements may allow for creating novel forms of research products, such as crafts, magazines, exhibitions, and more.
Dr. Yosuke Washiya is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University, Japan. Along with ethnographic studies on sport and physical culture, his current focus is on ethnographic engagement using less-descriptive approaches, most recently focusing on traditional hunting/foraging practices in northern Japan. His research has been published in both Japanese and English. His most recent publication is “From bricoleur to carver – A methodological provocation from video ethnographic inquiry.” Visual Studies.